
上传日期:2024-03-05 09:07:11
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  该项目被设计为使用Flutter开发的实践入门,重点是创建新闻应用程序。它展示了Flutter从单个代码库为移动、web和桌面构建漂亮的本机编译应用程序的能力。
(This project is designed as a practical introduction to developing with Flutter, focusing on creating a news application. It showcases Flutter s capabilities for crafting beautiful, natively compiled applications from a single codebase for mobile, web, and desktop.)


# protal_app ## Overview This project is designed as a practical introduction to developing with Flutter, focusing on creating a news application. It showcases Flutter's capabilities for crafting beautiful, natively compiled applications from a single codebase for mobile, web, and desktop. ## App ```mermaid graph TD; main["main.dart - Entry Point"] -->|Initializes| homepage["homepage.dart - Home Page"]; main -->|Defines Routes| loginScreen["loginScreen.dart - Login Screen"]; main --> splash_screen["splash_screen.dart - Splash Screen"]; main --> newsdetails["newsdetails.dart - News Details Page"]; homepage -->|Uses| news_card["news_card.dart - News Card Component"]; homepage -->|Fetches Data Through| newsService["newsservices.dart - News Services"]; newsdetails -->|Displays Detailed Info| newsModel["newsmodel.dart - News Model"]; newsService -->|Utilizes| newsModel; newsService -->|Interacts With| newsViewModel["newsviewmodel.dart - News ViewModel"]; newsViewModel -->|Manages State & Logic| newsModel; homepage -->|Navigation Drawer| drawer["drawer.dart - Drawer Component"]; classDef file fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px; class main,homepage,loginScreen,splash_screen,newsdetails,news_card,newsModel,newsService,newsViewModel,drawer file; ``` ## Folder Structure ``` lib/ ├── components/ │ ├── drawer.dart - Defines a reusable navigation drawer for the app. │ └── news_card.dart - Defines the UI component for displaying individual news items in a card format. ├── Model/ │ └── newsmodel.dart - Defines the data model for a news item. ├── Pages/ │ ├── aboutus.dart - A page providing information about the organization or app. │ ├── homepage.dart - The main page of the app, likely where news items are listed. │ ├── loginScreen.dart - A page for user authentication. │ ├── newsdetails.dart - A page for displaying detailed information about a selected news item. │ ├── splash_screen.dart - The initial splash screen shown when the app is launched. │ └── suggestion.dart - A page for users to submit suggestions or feedback. ├── services/ │ └── newsservices.dart - Contains services for fetching news data, such as from a local JSON file or a remote API. ├── utils/ │ └── shared_preference.dart - Utilizes shared preferences for storing simple data persistently across app launches. └── viewmodel/ └── newsviewmodel.dart - Manages the state and logic for fetching and displaying news, acting as a view model. ``` ### Components - **drawer.dart**: Reusable navigation drawer widget for easy navigation throughout the app. - **news_card.dart**: Visual representation of a news article in a summarized card format, clickable to view details. ### Model - **newsmodel.dart**: Represents the structure of news data, including fields like title, description, and imageUrl. ### Pages - **aboutus.dart**: Informational page about the app or organization. - **homepage.dart**: The landing page where news articles are displayed, likely using `NewsCard` components. - **loginScreen.dart**: Handles user login functionality. - **newsdetails.dart**: Detailed view of a news article, accessed by clicking on a `NewsCard`. - **splash_screen.dart**: Initial screen shown during app startup, typically displaying a logo or brand name. - **suggestion.dart**: Allows users to submit feedback or suggestions. ### Services - **newsservices.dart**: Responsible for fetching news data, which could be from a local asset or a remote server. ### Utils - **shared_preference.dart**: Provides a mechanism for storing and retrieving user preferences or settings. ### ViewModel - **newsviewmodel.dart**: Acts as an intermediary between the `newsservices` and UI components, managing the retrieval, storage, and updating of news data. ## Key Components - **main.dart**: The starting point of the application, setting up the MaterialApp and the initial route. - **components/**: Contains reusable UI components like `NewsCard` for displaying news articles and a custom `Drawer` for navigation. - **Model/**: Defines the structure for the data used within the app, such as news articles. - **Pages/**: Hosts the various screens of the application, including the home page, login screen, and details pages for news articles. - **services/**: Includes services for fetching data from external sources, demonstrating how to integrate APIs. - **utils/**: Utility classes or functions that provide common functionality throughout the app. - **viewmodel/**: Contains the business logic of the application, separating the UI from the core logic. ## Getting Started To get started with this project: 1. Ensure you have Flutter installed on your machine. 2. Clone this repository to your local machine. 3. Open a terminal in the project directory and run `flutter pub get` to install dependencies. 4. Run `flutter run` to start the app on a connected device or emulator. ## How news section works 1. **NewsService**: Fetches news data from assets. 2. **NewsModel**: Represents the data model for news items. 3. **NewsController (ViewModel)**: Manages fetching, refreshing, and accessing news data. 4. **NewsCard**: Displays individual news items in a card format. 5. **NewsDetailsPage**: Shows detailed information about a selected news item. ```mermaid graph TD A[NewsService.getNews] --> B[NewsModel Instances] B --> C[NewsController] C -->|Fetch & Display News| D[NewsCard] D --> E[NewsDetailsPage] C -->|Refresh News| C classDef default fill:#FFF,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px; ``` This diagram illustrates the following steps: ### 1. NewsService.getNews - **Responsibility**: This is where the application starts the process of fetching news data. It reads a JSON file from the assets directory, decodes the JSON into Dart objects, and maps each JSON object to an instance of `NewsModel`. - **Key Operations**: - Reads the `news.json` file. - Decodes the JSON data. - Maps decoded data to `NewsModel` instances. ### 2. NewsModel Instances - **Responsibility**: Represents the data model for a news item. Each instance holds the information for a single news item, such as the title, description, and image URL. - **Key Attributes**: - `title`: The title of the news item. - `desc`: A short description or body of the news item. - `imgUrl`: The URL of the news item's associated image. ### 3. NewsController (ViewModel) - **Responsibility**: Acts as the intermediary between the `NewsService` and the UI components (`NewsCard` and `NewsDetailsPage`). It manages the list of `NewsModel` instances, fetching new data as needed and providing a way to refresh the news items. - **Key Functions**: - Fetches news data using `NewsService.getNews`. - Stores the fetched news items in a list. - Provides methods to refresh the news data and access the current list of news items. ### 4. NewsCard - **Responsibility**: A UI component that displays a summary of a news item in a card format. It shows an image, title, and a brief description. When tapped, it navigates to the `NewsDetailsPage` for the selected news item, passing along the necessary data. - **Interactions**: - Receives a `NewsModel` instance as input. - Displays the news item's image, title, and description. - On tap, navigates to the `NewsDetailsPage`. ### 5. NewsDetailsPage - **Responsibility**: Displays detailed information about a selected news item. It shows a larger image, the full title, and the complete body text of the news item. - **Features**: - Displays the news item's image in a prominent position. - Shows the title and full body text of the news item. - Optionally, could include interactive elements like a rating widget. ### Refresh Loop - The diagram also illustrates a refresh loop originating from the `NewsController`. This indicates the ability to refresh the list of news items, fetching the latest data from the assets. This is crucial for keeping the app's content current and engaging. ## what's inside? This is the project to show basic widget information about flutter application - Splash Screen ![alt text]( _ Login Form ![alt text]( -Form validation ![alt text]( -Fetching data from json file in card ![alt text]( - Showing news in details page and star logic implimented ![alt text]( - Suggestion Page ![alt text]( - Profile Page ![alt text](


