
上传日期:2024-03-02 13:27:20
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  用于创建谷歌新闻网站地图的Laravel包
(A Laravel package for create Google News Sitemap)


> This repo as been archived. Please use our new [Laravel Google News Sitemap]( Package instead. # Laravel Google News Sitemap [![Latest Version on Packagist](]( [![GitHub Tests Action Status](]( [![GitHub Code Style Action Status](]("Fix+PHP+code+style+issues"+branch%3Amain) [![Total Downloads](]( **This package is still in development and can be subject to breaking changes.** This package allows you to generate a Google News sitemap for your Laravel application. It can be used in combination with [spatie/laravel-sitemap]( to generate a sitemap that includes both regular and news sitemaps. ## Requirements - PHP 7.4 or higher - Laravel 8.0 or higher ## Installation You can install the package via composer: ```bash composer require the-3labs-team/laravel-google-news-sitemap ``` You can publish and run the migrations with: ```bash php artisan vendor:publish --tag="laravel-google-news-sitemap-migrations" php artisan migrate ``` You can publish the config file with: ```bash php artisan vendor:publish --tag="laravel-google-news-sitemap-config" ``` This is the contents of the published config file: ```php return [ ]; ``` Optionally, you can publish the views using ```bash php artisan vendor:publish --tag="laravel-google-news-sitemap-views" ``` ## Usage The best way to use this package is creating a command that will generate the sitemap and then schedule it to run periodically. First, you need to create two methods in your model that will be used to generate the sitemap. ```php wherePublished() ->where('published_at', '>', now() ->subDays(2)) ->orderBy('published_at', 'desc') ->limit(50) ->get(); } public function toGoogleNewsFeedItem(): GoogleNewsFeedItem { return GoogleNewsFeedItem::create() ->id($this->id) ->title($this->title) // Change this to the title of your article ->keywords('News') // Change this to the keywords of your article ->publicationDate($this->published_at) // Change this to the publication date of your article ->publicationName($this->getAuthorNameAttribute()) // Change this to the name of your author or publication ->publicationLanguage("it") // Change this to the language of your article ->link($this->route); // Change this to the route of your article } ``` You can create the command using the following command: ```bash php artisan make:command GoogleSitemapBuild ``` Then you can edit the command to look like this: ```php info('Collecting articles...'); $articles = Article::getGoogleNewsFeedItems(); $this->info('Done, ' . $articles->count() . ' articles collected.'); $feeds = []; $this->info('Building feed items from collected articles...'); foreach ($articles as $article) { $feeds[] = $article->toGoogleNewsFeedItem(); } $this->info('Done, ' . count($feeds) . ' feed items built.'); $this->info('Building google news sitemap...'); $xml = view('google-news-feed::rss', [ 'items' => $feeds, ])->render(); file_put_contents(public_path('google-news-sitemap.xml'), $xml); $this->info('Google News Sitemap built successfully!'); return 0; } } ``` Then you can schedule the command to run periodically in your `app/Console/Kernel.php` file: ```php command('google-sitemap:build')->everyFiveMinutes()->withoutOverlapping(); } } ``` ## Testing ```bash composer test ``` ## Changelog Please see [CHANGELOG]( for more information on what has changed recently. ## Contributing Please see [CONTRIBUTING]( for details. ## Security Vulnerabilities Please review [our security policy](../../security/policy) on how to report security vulnerabilities. ## Credits - [Stefano Novelli]( - [All Contributors](../../contributors) ## License The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File]( for more information.


