
开发工具:Jupyter Notebook
上传日期:2024-03-09 18:10:57
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  该回购具有用于新闻文章分类和医疗保险成本回归的K-Nearest Neighbor(KNN)实现。利用词袋模型,它展示了KNN在分类和估计任务中的通用性。
(This repo features K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) implementations for news article classification and medical insurance cost regression. Utilizing a Bag of Words model, it demonstrates KNN s versatility in both categorization and estimation tasks.)


# K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm Implementation ## Part 1: Classification of News Articles ### Dataset The dataset for Part 1 can be found [here](, containing 1491 samples with 5 discrete ground-truth class types: Sport, Business, Politics, Entertainment, Tech. ### Approach #### 1.1 Understanding the Data Implemented a nearest neighbor algorithm to predict the category of news articles using a Bag of Words (BoW) model. Feasible keywords, such as 'election,' 'technology,' and 'profit,' were analyzed for their frequency in each category. #### 1.2 Implementing k Nearest Neighbor - Utilized the k Nearest Neighbor algorithm to classify articles. - Represented data using BoW with options for Unigram and Bigram. - Handled unseen words during testing by either ignoring or assigning a non-zero default value. #### 1.3 Analyzing the Words 1. Listed 10 words predicting the article's category presence and absence for each category. 2. Explored TF-IDF and Information Theory for word selection. #### 1.4 Stopwords Identified 10 non-stopwords predicting article categories for each category and discussed the relevance of removing or keeping stopwords. ### Classification Performance Metric Computed Accuracy, Precision, and Recall for each test using 5-fold cross-validation. Reported average metrics. ### Error Analysis for Classification - Identified misclassified samples and discussed challenges. - Compared feature choices, system parameters (e.g., k), and computation time. ## Part 2: Medical Insurance Cost Estimation from Data ### Regression Dataset The dataset for Part 2 can be found [here](, with 1338 samples and continuous medical cost values. ### Regression Performance Metric Calculated Mean Absolute Error (MAE) for each test using 5-fold cross-validation. Reported average MAE. ### Feature Normalization Used min-max normalization to re-scale feature columns between 0-1. ### Error Analysis for Regression - Compared feature normalization choices. - Investigated the effect of system parameters on performance. - Discussed computation time in addition to regression rates. ## Implementation Details - Implemented K-fold cross-validation, shuffle methods, k-NN, weighted k-NN, accuracy, precision, recall, MAE, and min-max feature normalization without using ready-made libraries. - Used Numpy array functions for intermediate steps.


