
开发工具:Jupyter Notebook
上传日期:2024-03-10 07:39:10
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  泰米尔语新闻分类
(Tamil News Classification)


# Tamil_News_Classification # INTRODUCTION This is a Tamil News Classification ML project. I have trained the model for the classification of news into five categories: education, crime, business, technology, and sports. I collected the data by scraping information from the hindutamil.in website. Now, let's delve into this project and get started! # DATA SCRAPING I scraped the titles of news articles related to education, crime, business, technology, and sports, along with their respective categories, from the hindutamil.in website." # METHODS & MODELS **`Bag of Words`** **`N-Grams`** **`Tf-idf`** **`Chi_Square Test`** **`Logistic Regression`** **`Decision Tree`** **`Random Forest`** **`Naive Bayes (Gaussian, Multinomial & Bernoulli)`** **`SVM (Linear, RBF, poly)`** **`Accuracy Score`** **`K-fold Cross Validation`** **`Some other Own Methods`** # PROCEDURE Step 1: Import the scraped 'Scraped_data.CSV' file. Step 2: Check the data information, including missing values and format details. Step 3: Identify and remove duplicate entries in the data frame. Step 4: Check the data distribution (balanced/imbalanced) for classes in the 'Category' column. Step 5: Remove English text from the 'Title' column of the data frame. Step 6: Convert the Tamil text in the 'Title' column to Thanglish in the data frame. Step 7: Remove punctuation and numbers from the 'Title' column of the data frame. Step 8: In preprocessing, encode the categorical data in the 'Category' column using the Label Encoding method. Step 9: Apply the Bag of Words NLP method to extract features from the 'Title' column. Step 10: Split the data into a test set and a training set. Step 11: Fit the following models and calculate their corresponding test and train prediction accuracy: Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Naive Bayes (Gaussian, Multinomial, Bernoulli), SVM (Linear, rbf, polynomial). Step 12: Select features using the Chi-square test. Step 13: Fit all the models again and calculate their corresponding test and train prediction accuracy. Step 14: Implement a method where you calculate the sum of the 1st extracted Bag of Words (BoW) variable with respect to the classes in the target variable. Step 15: Fit all the models again and calculate their corresponding test and train prediction accuracy. Step 16: Implement another method where you calculate the total sum of each variable in the 'zero_df' data frame and exclude features with a total less than 5. Step 17: Fit all the models again and calculate their corresponding test and train prediction accuracy. Step 18: Repeat the above process with the limit changed from 5 to 10. Step 19: Fit all the models again and calculate their corresponding test and train prediction accuracy. Step 20: Repeat the above process with the limit changed from 10 to 50. Step 21: Fit all the models again and calculate their corresponding test and train prediction accuracy. Step 22: Apply the N-gram NLP method to extract features from the data frame. Step 23: Fit all the models again and calculate their corresponding test and train prediction accuracy. Step 24: Apply the TF-IDF NLP method to extract features from the data frame. Step 25: Fit all the models again and calculate their corresponding test and train prediction accuracy. Step 26: Select features using the Chi-square test. Step 27: Fit all the models again and calculate their corresponding test and train prediction accuracy. Step 28: Implement a custom method to extract words from the 'Title' column in the 'df1' DataFrame and count unique words for each class. Step 29: Fit all the models again and calculate their corresponding test and train prediction accuracy. Step 30: Use K-Fold Cross-validation to assess the model performance. # CONCLUSION In the final analysis, I achieved a 99.18% accuracy in predicting the categories of Tamil news articles, distinguishing between education, business, sports, crime, and technology news.


