
上传日期:2024-03-15 17:39:12
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  欢迎使用数据结构和算法(DSA)实践知识库!该存储库是练习和磨练数据结构和算法技能的中心。它提供了各种编程语言中的常见DSA问题及其解决方案的集合。
(Welcome to the Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) practice repository! This repository serves as a hub for practicing and honing your skills in data structures and algorithms. It provides a collection of commonly asked DSA questions along with their solutions in various programming languages.)


# DSA-Practice-Playground # Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) Repository Welcome to the Data Structures and Algorithms repository! This repository is dedicated to providing a collection of commonly asked Data Structures and Algorithms questions along with their solutions in various programming languages. ## Table of Contents - [Introduction](https://github.com/rizwanalikhan6042/DSA-Practice-Playground/blob/master/#introduction) - [Languages](https://github.com/rizwanalikhan6042/DSA-Practice-Playground/blob/master/#languages) - [Contributing](https://github.com/rizwanalikhan6042/DSA-Practice-Playground/blob/master/#contributing) - [Resources](https://github.com/rizwanalikhan6042/DSA-Practice-Playground/blob/master/#resources) ## Introduction In this repository, you'll find a curated list of Data Structures and Algorithms questions commonly asked in technical interviews. Each question comes with detailed explanations and solutions in multiple programming languages. ## Languages The solutions provided in this repository are available in the following programming languages: - C++ - Java - Python - JavaScript Feel free to contribute solutions in other languages as well! ## Contributing Contributions to this repository are welcomed and encouraged! If you'd like to contribute a new question or provide a solution to an existing one, please follow these guidelines: 1. Fork the repository. 2. Create a new branch (`git checkout -b feature/add-new-question`). 3. Add your question and/or solution. 4. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add new question/solution'`). 5. Push to the branch (`git push origin feature/add-new-question`). 6. Create a new Pull Request. Please ensure your code follows the repository's code style and includes appropriate comments and documentation.


