
上传日期:2024-03-20 07:54:36
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Krypto App是一个构建在以太坊区块链上的去中心化应用程序(dApp),用于安全地管理交易。它利用智能合约来促进具有透明度和不变性的点对点交易。
(Krypto App is a decentralized application (dApp) built on the Ethereum blockchain for managing transactions securely. It leverages smart contracts to facilitate peer-to-peer transactions with transparency and immutability.)


Krypt - Web 3.0 Blockchain Application

Krypto App is a decentralized application (dApp) built on the Ethereum blockchain for managing transactions securely. It leverages smart contracts to facilitate peer-to-peer transactions with transparency and immutability. ## Webpage Preview ![Webpage Preview]( ## Live Webpage Visit the live webpage: [Krypt]( ## Features - **Transaction Management**: Allows users to send and receive transactions securely. - **Event Tracking**: Tracks transaction events emitted by the smart contract. - **Responsive Design**: Ensures seamless user experience across devices. ## Technologies Used - **Solidity**: Smart contract development. - **React**: Frontend user interface. - **Vite**: Frontend build tooling. - **Tailwind CSS**: Styling framework for UI. - **Hardhat**: Ethereum development environment. - **Ethers.js**: Ethereum JavaScript library. ## Getting Started 1. Clone the repository. 2. Install dependencies: `npm install`. 3. Run the application: `npm start`. ## Project Structure The project is organized into two main directories: ### Client The `client` directory contains all frontend-related files and configurations. - **src/**: Directory containing frontend source code. ### Smart Contract The `smart_contract` directory contains all smart contract-related files and configurations. - **contracts/**: Directory for Solidity smart contract files. ## Scripts - **dev**: Start Vite development server. - **build**: Build the production-ready application. - **preview**: Preview the production build locally. - **predeploy**: Build the application before deployment. - **deploy**: Deploy the application to GitHub Pages. ## Contributing Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or pull request for any feature enhancements or bug fixes. ## License This project is licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE).


