
上传日期:2024-03-20 10:41:42
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  一个轻量级Apex库,有助于验证参数。提供了一种遵循快速故障原则和契约式设计编程方法的简单方法。
(A lightweight Apex library that helps with validating arguments. Provides an easy way to follow a fail-fast principle and a design-by-contract programming approach.)


# Apex Validate ![](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/berehovskyi/apex-validate?include_prereleases) ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/build-passing-brightgreen.svg) ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/coverage-100%25-brightgreen.svg) Apex Validate is a lightweight library that helps with validating arguments. Provides an easy way to follow a fail-fast principle and a design-by-contract programming approach. ## Table of Contents - [Apex Validate](#apex-validate) * [Installation](#installation) * [Key Features](#key-features) * [Get Started](#get-started) + [Validate vs. Assert](#validate-vs-assert) + [Validate Condition](#validate-condition) + [Validate the Condition and Throw a Specific Exception](#validate-the-condition-and-throw-a-specific-exception) + [Validate Nullity](#validate-nullity) + [Validate Iterable](#validate-iterable) + [Validate String](#validate-string) + [Validate Email](#validate-email) + [Validate Range](#validate-range) + [Custom and Formatted Messages](#custom-and-formatted-messages) * [Documentation](#documentation) ## Installation Deploy to Salesforce or install as an Unlocked Package using the CLI: ```sh sf package install -p 04t1t000003f3UVAAY -o me@example.com -r -w 10 ``` ## Key Features - Provides a utility `Validate` class with a set of reusable void methods that throw relevant exceptions if validation fails. - API consistency with the standard `System.Assert` class. Unlike assertion failures, thrown exceptions can be caught. - Adds `IndexOutOfBoundsException` and `IllegalStateException` exception classes, which are missing from the standard `System` namespace. - Every single validation method has **3** overloaded variations: - Method with the **default** exception message. - Method with a **custom** exception message passed as an argument. - Method with a **custom formatted** exception message and **formatting arguments** both passed as arguments. ## Get Started ### Validate vs. Assert - **Assertions** are typically used to indicate **unrecoverable** conditions in an application that are not supposed to be handled or recovered. - **Validations** check the inputs of public APIs and use `NullPointerException` or `IllegalArgumentException` that can be normally handled. ```apex User someUser = new User(IsActive = false); Assert.isTrue(someUser.IsActive); // causes a fatal error that cannot be handled try { Validate.isTrue(someUser.IsActive); // throws an IllegalArgumentException that can be handled } catch (IllegalArgumentException exc) { // handle the exception } ``` The `Validate` class supports all the methods that the `System.Assert` class has. ### Validate Condition The `Validate.isTrue` method is used to validate that the argument condition is **true**: ```apex User someUser = new User(IsActive = false); Validate.isTrue(someUser.IsActive); // throws an IllegalArgumentException ``` Also, the `Validate.isFalse` method is used to validate that the argument condition is **false**: ```apex User someUser = new User(IsActive = true); Validate.isFalse(someUser.IsActive); // throws an IllegalArgumentException ``` Note that if the condition is **null**, both `Validate.isTrue` and `Validate.isFalse` methods will throw a `NullPointerException` with the default message `Argument object is null`: ```apex User someUser = new User(); Validate.isTrue(someUser.IsActive); // throws a NullPointerException // but User someUser = new User(); Validate.isTrue(someUser.IsActive == true); // throws an IllegalArgumentException ``` ### Validate the Condition and Throw a Specific Exception The `Validate.isTrue` method can also be used to validate the argument condition and throw a specific exception if it evaluates to **false**: ```apex User someUser = new User(IsActive = false); Validate.isTrue(someUser.IsActive, new CustomException('Error message')); // throws a CustomException ``` ### Validate Nullity The `Validate.notNull` method is used to validate that the argument is **not null**: ```apex User someUser; Validate.notNull(someUser); // throws a NullPointerException ``` ### Validate Iterable The `Validate.notEmpty` method is used to validate that the argument iterable is **not empty**: ```apex Set accounts = new Set{ acc1, acc2 }; // valid Validate.notEmpty(accounts); List accounts = new List(); Validate.notEmpty(accounts); // throws an IllegalArgumentException // but List accounts; Validate.notEmpty(accounts); // throws a NullPointerException ``` The `Validate.noNullElements` method is used to validate that the argument iterable does **not contain a null** element: ```apex Set accounts = new Set{ acc1, acc2 }; // valid Validate.noNullElements(accounts); List accounts = new List{ acc1, acc2, null }; Validate.noNullElements(accounts); // throws an IllegalArgumentException // but List accounts; Validate.noNullElements(accounts); // throws a NullPointerException ``` Both methods can be applied to `Sets`: ```apex Set strings = new Set{ 'foo', 'bar', null }; Validate.notEmpty(strings); // valid Validate.noNullElements(strings); // throws an IllegalArgumentException ``` The `Validate.index` method is used to validate that the index is within the bounds of the argument iterable: ```apex Set accounts = new Set{ acc1, acc2 }; Validate.index(accounts, 1); // valid List accounts = new List{ acc1, acc2, acc3 }; Validate.index(accounts, 3); // throws an IllegalArgumentException // but List accounts = new List{ acc1, acc2, acc3 }; Validate.index(accounts, -1); // throws a IllegalArgumentException List accounts; Validate.index(accounts, 1); // throws a NullPointerException List accounts = new List{ acc1, acc2, acc3 }; Validate.index(accounts, null); // throws a NullPointerException ``` ### Validate String The `Validate.notEmpty` method is used to validate that the argument string is **not empty**: ```apex String str = ''; Validate.notEmpty(str); // throws an IllegalArgumentException // but String str; Validate.notEmpty(str); // throws a NullPointerException ``` The `Validate.notBlank` method is used to validate that the argument string is **not blank**: ```apex String str = ' '; Validate.notBlank(str); // throws an IllegalArgumentException // but String str; Validate.notBlank(str); // throws a NullPointerException ``` The `Validate.index` method is used to validate that the index is within the bounds of the argument string: ```apex String str = 'foo'; Validate.index(str, 3); // throws an IllegalArgumentException // but String str; Validate.index(str, 3); // throws a NullPointerException ``` The `Validate.matches` method is used to validate that the argument string matches the regex: ```apex String str = 'foo'; Validate.matches(str, '\\d+'); // throws an IllegalArgumentException // but String str; Validate.matches(str, '\\d+'); // throws a NullPointerException ``` ### Validate Email The `Validate.email` method is used to validate that the argument email is valid: ```apex Validate.email('john.doe@example.com'); // valid Validate.email('john.doe.example.com'); // throws an IllegalArgumentException ``` Please note that this validation method isn't fully RFC 5322 and RFC 6531 compliant e.g. does not support non-ASCII characters. ### Validate Range The `Validate.between` method is used to validate that the value is between the two inclusive values. Supported types: - `Integer` - `Long` - `Double` - `Date` - `Datetime` - `Time` For instance: ```apex Integer i = 8; Validate.between(1, 9, i); // valid Validate.between(1, 8, i); // valid Validate.between(8, 10, i); // valid Validate.between(1, 7, i); // throws an IllegalArgumentException // but Integer i; Validate.between(1, 7, i); // throws a NullPointerException ``` ### Custom and Formatted Messages Every single validation method has overloaded methods that take either a **custom** error message string or a **formatted** error message string with optional values for it. Use it when a **default** error message is not enough. For instance: ```apex User someUser = new User( Id = 'someUserId', IsActive = false ); // throws an IllegalArgumentException with the default 'Argument condition is false' error message Validate.isTrue(someUser.IsActive); // throws an IllegalArgumentException with the 'The User must be active' error message Validate.isTrue(someUser.IsActive, 'The User must be active'); // throws an IllegalArgumentException with the 'The User someUserId must be active' error message Validate.isTrue( someUser.IsActive, 'The User {0} must be active', new List{ someUser.Id } ); ``` ## Documentation [Full Apex Validate Documentation](/docs/README.md).


