上传日期:2024-03-21 16:05:41
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  去中心化票价:一个区块链驱动的票务平台,确保公平、透明和用户所有权。
(Decentralized Ticketing Fare: A blockchain-powered ticketing platform that ensures fairness, transparency, and user ownership.)


Decentralized Ticketing Fare (DTF) Mission Statement Decentralized Ticketing Fare (DTF) is a groundbreaking platform that aims to revolutionize the ticketing industry by leveraging blockchain technology. Our mission is to create a fair, transparent, and user-centric ticketing ecosystem where fans have true ownership of their tickets, artists and venues have greater control over their revenue, and scalping is effectively combated. Features NFT-Based Tickets: Tickets are issued as non-fungible tokens (NFTs), ensuring authenticity and ownership. Fixed Resale Prices: Smart contracts enforce a fixed resale price, preventing scalping and price gouging. Easy Access for All: Designed for users with no prior crypto knowledge, with seamless fiat payment integration. Artist and Venue Control: Empowers artists and venues with control over fees, ticket distribution, and revenue splits. Anti-Bot Measures: Advanced measures to prevent bots from bulk-buying and reselling tickets. Transparent Transactions: Blockchain technology ensures transparency in all transactions and fee structures. Technology Stack Blockchain: [Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, etc.] Smart Contracts: Solidity Frontend: React, Vue.js Backend: Node.js, Express Payment Gateway Integration: PayPal, Stripe NFT Standards: ERC-721, ERC-1155 How to Contribute We welcome contributions from developers, designers, marketers, and anyone passionate about improving the ticketing industry. Here's how you can contribute: Report Issues: If you find a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue. Submit Pull Requests: Feel free to fork the repository and submit pull requests with your proposed changes. Join Discussions: Engage in discussions and share your ideas or feedback. Spread the Word: Help us reach a wider audience by sharing DTF with your network. ## Example Smart Contract We've added an example smart contract `DTF.sol` This contract showcases how event ticketing can be managed on the blockchain, including creating events, buying tickets, and reselling tickets. What the Contract Does The DTFEventTicketing smart contract is designed for the Decentralized Ticketing Fare (DTF) platform, which aims to revolutionize event ticketing using blockchain technology. The contract allows event organizers to create events, set ticket prices, and specify the total number of tickets. Users can purchase tickets for these events, and ticket holders have the ability to sell their tickets back to the organizer or to other users. Main Features Event Creation: Event organizers can create events with specific names, ticket prices, and total ticket counts. Ticket Purchasing: Users can buy tickets for events by paying the specified ticket price. Each ticket is represented as a unique non-fungible token (NFT). Ticket Reselling: Ticket holders can sell their tickets to other users, with the contract ensuring the transfer of ownership and payment. Non-Reentrancy Protection: The contract uses the ReentrancyGuard modifier to prevent reentrancy attacks during ticket purchases and sales. Prerequisites and Dependencies This contract is written in Solidity and is intended to be deployed on the Ethereum blockchain or a compatible network. It depends on the OpenZeppelin Contracts library for secure and standardized implementations of ERC-721 (NFT) functionality and other security features. Make sure to install the OpenZeppelin Contracts library in your project: shell Copy code npm install @openzeppelin/contracts Example Usage Deploy the Contract: An event organizer deploys the contract to the blockchain. Create an Event: The organizer creates an event by specifying its name, ticket price, and total number of tickets. solidity Copy code createEvent("Concert XYZ", 0.1 ether, 100); Buy a Ticket: A user buys a ticket for the event by sending the correct amount of ether to the contract. solidity Copy code buyTicket(eventId); Sell a Ticket: A ticket holder can sell their ticket to another user by specifying the ticket ID and the buyer's address. solidity Copy code sellTicket(ticketId, buyerAddress);


