
上传日期:2024-03-24 16:01:41
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Zeta RPC钱包是一种去中心化加密货币钱包,它利用RPC(远程过程调用)协议与Zeta区块链网络通信。它允许用户安全地存储、发送和接收Zeta令牌,通过用户友好的界面提供对区块链特征和功能的访问。
(The Zeta RPC Wallet is a decentralized cryptocurrency wallet that utilizes the RPC (Remote Procedure Call) protocol for communication with the Zeta blockchain network. It allows users to securely store, send, and receive Zeta tokens, providing access to the blockchain s features and functionalities through a user-friendly interface.)


# redesigned-octo-rotary-phone The Zeta RPC Wallet is a decentralized cryptocurrency wallet that utilizes the RPC (Remote Procedure Call) protocol for communication with the Zeta blockchain network. It allows users to securely store, send, and receive Zeta tokens, providing access to the blockchain's features and functionalities through a user-friendly interface. ```markdown # Project Title [Project Logo/Icon if applicable] ## Description Provide a brief overview of the project, including its purpose, key features, and any relevant background information. ## Installation Describe the installation process, including any prerequisites or dependencies that need to be installed before using the software. Include step-by-step instructions for installing the project. ### Example: ``` $ npm install your-package-name ``` ## Usage Explain how to use the project, including any command-line interface commands, API endpoints, or GUI interactions. Provide code examples and usage scenarios to help users understand how to utilize the software effectively. ### Example: ```javascript const yourPackage = require('your-package-name'); // Call a function from your package yourPackage.someFunction(); ``` ## Functions ### 1. `functionName1(param1, param2)` Describe what this function does and how to use it. Include information about parameters, return values, and any side effects. ### Example: ```javascript /** * functionName1 - Description of the function. * @param {string} param1 - Description of param1. * @param {number} param2 - Description of param2. * @returns {boolean} Description of the return value. */ function functionName1(param1, param2) { // Implementation of the function return true; } ``` ### 2. `functionName2(param1, param2)` Describe... ## Contributing Explain how others can contribute to the project. Include guidelines for submitting bug reports, feature requests, and pull requests. Provide information about coding standards, testing procedures, and the contribution workflow. ## License Indicate the project's license and provide any additional terms or conditions for using the software. Include a link to the full text of the license. ``` Feel free to customize the sections and content according to your project's specifics. Let me know if you need further assistance!


