
上传日期:2024-03-26 13:25:31
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  用于浏览器和无服务器环境的电子邮件解析器
(Email parser for browser and serverless environments)


# postal-mime Email parser for browser and serverless environments. PostalMime can be run in the main web thread or from Web Workers. It can also used in serverless functions. > [!TIP] > PostalMime is developed by the makers of **[EmailEngine](** – a self-hosted email gateway that allows making **REST requests against IMAP and SMTP servers**. EmailEngine also sends webhooks whenever something changes on the registered accounts. ## Source The source code is available from [Github]( ## Demo See this [example]( ## Usage First, install the module from npm: ``` $ npm install postal-mime ``` next import the PostalMime class into your script: ```js import PostalMime from './node_modules/postal-mime/src/postal-mime.js'; ``` or when using from a Node.js app or in a serverless function: ```js import PostalMime from 'postal-mime'; ``` ### Promises PostalMime methods use Promises, so you need to wait using `await` or wait for the `then()` method to fire until you get the response. #### Browser ```js import PostalMime from './node_modules/postal-mime/src/postal-mime.js'; const email = await PostalMime.parse(`Subject: My awesome email Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

Hello world

`); console.log(email.subject); ``` #### Node.js It is pretty much the same as in the browser. ```js import PostalMime from 'postal-mime'; import util from 'node:util'; const email = await PostalMime.parse(`Subject: My awesome email Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

Hello world

`); console.log(util.inspect(email, false, 22, true)); ``` #### Cloudflare [Email Workers]( Pretty much the same as in Node.js. Use `message.raw` as the raw message for parsing. ```js import PostalMime from 'postal-mime'; export default { async email(message, env, ctx) { const email = await PostalMime.parse(message.raw); console.log('Subject: ', email.subject); console.log('HTML: ', email.html); console.log('Text: ', email.text); } }; ``` #### PostalMime.parse() `parse(email)` is a static class method to parse emails ```js PostalMime.parse(email) -> Promise ``` Where - **email** is the rfc822 formatted email. Either a string, an ArrayBuffer/Uint8Array value, a Blob object, a Node.js Buffer, or a [ReadableStream]( This method parses an email message into a structured object with the following properties: - **headers** is an array of headers in the same order as found from the message (topmost headers first). - **headers[].key** is lowercase key of the header line, eg. `"dkim-signature"` - **headers[].value** is the unprocessed value of the header line - **from**, **sender**, **replyTo** includes a processed object for the corresponding headers - **** is decoded name (empty string if not set) - **from.address** is the email address - **deliveredTo**, **returnPath** is the email address from the corresponding header - **to**, **cc**, **bcc** includes an array of processed objects for the corresponding headers - **to[].name** is decoded name (empty string if not set) - **to[].address** is the email address - **subject** is the email subject line - **messageId**, **inReplyTo**, **references** includes the value as found from the corresponding header without any processing - **date** is the email sending time formatted as an ISO date string (unless parsing failed and in this case the original value is used) - **html** is the HTML content of the message as a string - **text** is the plaintext content of the message as a string - **attachments** is an array that includes message attachments - **attachment[].filename** is the file name if provided - **attachment[].mimeType** is the MIME type of the attachment - **attachment[].disposition** is either "attachment", "inline" or `null` if disposition was not provided - **attachment[].related** is a boolean value that indicats if this attachment should be treated as embedded image - **attachment[].contentId** is the ID from Content-ID header - **attachment[].content** is an Uint8Array value that contains the attachment file ## License © 2021-2024 Andris Reinman `postal-mime` is licensed under the **MIT No Attribution license**


