开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2011-11-26 14:44:55
上 传 者zhuzi92sh
说明:  从数据文件records.txt中读取学生信息,建立与源数据同序的学生链表并打印在屏幕上; 统计学生链表中身高达标人数(男女生的身高达标值由键盘输入),并打印结果; 对上述学生链表按学号进行排序,然后将一位学生的相关信息插入到已按学号排序的学生链表中后仍然保持学号的有序性,将结果链表打印在屏幕上; 对上述操作后的学生链表进行倒置,结果输出到数据文件result.txt中; 删除链表中身高为指定值的所有学生结点并打印; 将当前的学生链表拆分为男生链表和女生链表(没有新结点生成),分别打印到屏幕上。
(Read from the data file records.txt student information, the establishment of the same order with the source data and print the list of students on the screen Height standards in statistics list the number of students (boys and girls the value of the height standard keyboard input), and print the results The list of students sorted by student number, then a student has the relevant information into the students ordered by Student ID in the list have remained orderly learning numbers, list the results printed on the screen Students after the above operation for inverted list, the resulting output to the data file result.txt in Delete the specified height value in the list of all students nodes and print Students will list the current list split into boys and girls list (no new node generation), were printed to the screen.)

实验三源程序\linklist.cpp (3180, 2011-09-25)
实验三源程序\records.txt (152, 2011-09-25)
实验三源程序\sy3.cpp (3203, 2011-09-25)
实验三源程序 (0, 2011-11-23)


