
上传日期:2024-03-28 03:48:17
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  sea是一种编程语言,发音为C
(sea is a programming language pronounced as C)


## sea - programming language Sea, pronounced as `C` is a programming language that compiles to LLVM Backend. As a hobby project, it has served as a valuable teacher, providing significant insights into various aspects of computer science. It is early and unstable version and currently ongoing process. Note that: Only tested on arm64_macos. In other architectures or OS may happens unexpected behaviours. Here are example codes written in sea, until I write documentation the code will help, I hope. ### Hello world Application ```kotlin package main fun i32 main() { println("Hello, world!") return 0 } ``` ### Simple Json Parser as an example ```kotlin package main extern fun string open_file_read(string path) extern fun i32 str_len(string str) extern fun void exit(i32 code) extern fun char* to_char_pointer(string s) const string ARRAY_KIND = "array" const string OBJECT_KIND = "object" const string KEY_VALUE_KIND = "key_value" const string STRING_KIND = "string" const string BOOL_KIND = "bool" const string NUMBER_KIND = "number" struct JsonNode { # node kind string kind # for number literals string numberValue # for boolean literals string boolValue # for string values string stringValue # for object key value pointer JsonNode*[] key_value_nodes # for object key string key # for object value JsonNode* value # for array elems JsonNode*[] elems } impl JsonNode { fun void print_node(i32 indent) { if this.kind == ARRAY_KIND { print_indent(indent) println("[") for var i64 i = 0; i < len(this.elems); ++i; { this.elems[i].print_node(indent + 1) } print_indent(indent) println("]") } else if this.kind == OBJECT_KIND { print_indent(indent) println("{") for var i64 i = 0; i < len(this.key_value_nodes); i = i++ { this.key_value_nodes[i].print_node(indent + 1) if i != len(this.key_value_nodes) - 1 { print(",") } println("") } print_indent(indent) println("}") } else if this.kind == KEY_VALUE_KIND { print_indent(indent) print("\"" + this.key + "\": ") this.value.print_node(indent + 1) } else if this.kind == STRING_KIND { print("\"" + this.stringValue + "\"") } else if this.kind == BOOL_KIND { print(this.boolValue) } else if this.kind == NUMBER_KIND { print(this.numberValue) } } } struct JsonParser { string file i64 current_pos i64 file_len string current_token bool is_initialized } impl JsonParser { fun void eat_whitespaces() { for this.file_len > this.current_pos { var bool is_whitespace = this.is_whitespace() if !is_whitespace { break } this.advance_pos() } return } fun string parse_quote_literal() { var string value = "" for this.current_char() != '"' { value = value + this.current_char() this.advance_pos() } this.advance_pos() return value } fun string parse_num_literal() { var string value = "" for this.is_numeric() { value = value + this.current_char() this.advance_pos() } return value } fun string next_token() { this.is_initialized = true var string value = "" for this.file_len > this.current_pos { if this.is_whitespace() { this.eat_whitespaces() continue } if this.is_numeric() { value = this.parse_num_literal() this.current_token = value return "" } value = value + this.current_char() this.advance_pos() if value == "," { this.current_token = value return "" } if value == "[" { this.current_token = value return "" } if value == "{" { this.current_token = value return "" } if value == "\"" { value = this.parse_quote_literal() this.current_token = value return "" } if value == "null" { this.current_token = value return "" } if value == "true" { this.current_token = value return "" } if value == "false" { this.current_token = value return "" } if value == ":" { this.current_token = value return "" } if value == "}" { this.current_token = value return "" } if value == "]" { this.current_token = value return "" } } this.current_token = "" return this.current_token } fun string get_current_token() { if !this.is_initialized { this.next_token() this.is_initialized = true } return this.current_token } fun JsonNode* parse() { var string kind = this.next_token() if kind == "" { return this.parse_array() } else if kind == "" { return this.parse_object() } else if kind == "" { var string numberValue = this.get_current_token() var JsonNode* node = &JsonNode{kind: NUMBER_KIND, numberValue: numberValue} this.next_token() return node } else if kind == "" || kind == "" { var string value = this.get_current_token() var JsonNode* node = &JsonNode{kind: BOOL_KIND, boolValue: value} this.next_token() return node } else if kind == "" { var string value = this.get_current_token() var JsonNode* node = &JsonNode{kind: STRING_KIND, stringValue: value} this.next_token() return node } else { printf_internal("invalid token: %s", kind) exit(1) } print("in here nil") return nil } fun JsonNode* parse_array() { var JsonNode* jsonNode = &JsonNode{kind: ARRAY_KIND, elems: []} for this.get_current_token() != "" && this.get_current_token() != "" { var JsonNode* child = this.parse() append(jsonNode.elems, child) this.next_token() } return jsonNode } fun JsonNode* parse_object() { var JsonNode* jsonNode = &JsonNode{kind: OBJECT_KIND, key_value_nodes: []} for true { var JsonNode* keyValueNode = &JsonNode{kind: KEY_VALUE_KIND} var string key = this.next_token() keyValueNode.key = this.get_current_token() this.next_token() # ignore that; colon var JsonNode* val = this.parse() keyValueNode.value = val append(jsonNode.key_value_nodes, keyValueNode) if this.get_current_token() == "}" { this.next_token() break } } return jsonNode } fun bool is_whitespace() { return this.current_char() == '\t' || this.current_char() == '\n' || this.current_char() == ' ' || this.current_char() == '\r' } fun bool is_numeric() { return this.current_char() >= '0' && this.current_char() <= '9' } fun char current_char() { return this.file[this.current_pos] } fun void advance_pos() { if to_i64(str_len(this.file)) <= this.current_pos { return } this.current_pos = this.current_pos + 1 return } } fun string value_node_str(JsonNode* jsonNode) { if jsonNode == nil { return "" } if jsonNode.kind == STRING_KIND { return jsonNode.stringValue } else if jsonNode.kind == BOOL_KIND { return jsonNode.boolValue } else if jsonNode.kind == NUMBER_KIND { return jsonNode.numberValue } return "" } fun void print_indent(i32 indent) { for var i32 i = 0; i < indent; i++ { print(" ") } return } # main entry function fun i32 main(i32 argc, string[] args) { var string file = open_file_read("./example.json") var JsonParser* jsonParser = &JsonParser{ file: file, current_pos: 0, is_initialized: false, file_len: to_i64(str_len(file)), } var JsonNode* json_node = jsonParser.parse() json_node.print_node(0) return 0 } ``` #### Commands: `sea sealang run ` `sealang build -o ` ### Known Bugs 1. [ ] Probably too many


