
上传日期:2024-03-28 23:28:18
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说明:  遵循多任务范例,在推荐者系统领域中训练和评估LLM的中心!
(A hub for training and evaluating LLMs, following the multitask paradigm, in the recommender system domain!)



Documentation Hugging Face Pythorch WandB Docker

# LaikaLLM [[Documentation](][[Sample Experiments](sample_experiments)] LaikaLLM is a software, for researchers, that helps in setting up a repeatable, reproducible, replicable protocol for **training** and **evaluating** multitask LLM for recommendation! *Features*: - Two different model family implemented at the moment of writing (***T5*** and ***GPT2***) - Fully vectorized *Ranking* (`NDCG`, `MAP`, `HitRate`, ...) and *Error* (`RMSE`, `MAE`) metrics - Fully integrated with **WandB** monitoring service - Full use of *transformers* and *datasets* libraries - Easy to use (via `.yaml` configuration or *Python api*) - Fast (Intended to be used for *consumer gpus*) - Fully modular and easily extensible! The **goal** of LaikaLLM is to be the starting point, a *hub*, for all developers which want to evaluate the capability of LLM models in the **recommender system** domain with a *keen eye* on **devops** best practices! Want a glimpse of LaikaLLM? This is an example configuration which runs the whole experiment pipeline, starting from **data pre-processing**, to **evaluation**: ```yaml exp_name: to_the_moon device: cuda:0 random_seed: 42 data: AmazonDataset: dataset_name: toys model: T5Rec: name_or_path: "google/flan-t5-base" n_epochs: 10 train_batch_size: 32 train_tasks: - SequentialSideInfoTask - RatingPredictionTask eval: eval_batch_size: 16 eval_tasks: SequentialSideInfoTask: - hit@1 - hit@5 - map@5 RatingPredictionTask: - rmse ``` The whole pipeline can then be executed by simply invoking `python -c config.yml`! If you want to have a full view on how experiments are visualized in WandB and more, head up to [sample_experiments!](sample_experiments) ## Motivation The adoption of LLM in the recommender system domain is a *new* research area, thus it's **difficult** to find **pre-made** and **well-built** software designed *specifically* for LLM. With *LaikaLLM* the idea is to fill that gap, or at least "start the conversation" about the importance of developing *accountable* experiment pipelines ## Installation ### From source *LaikaLLM* requires **Python 3.10** or later, and all packages needed are listed in [`requirements.txt`](requirements.txt) - Torch with cuda **11.7** has been set as requirement for reproducibility purposes, but feel free to change the cuda version with the most appropriate for your use case! To install **LaikaLLM**: 1. Clone this repository: ``` git clone ``` 2. Install the requirements: ``` pip install -r requirements.txt ``` 3. Start experimenting! - Use LaikaLLM via *Python API* or via `.yaml` config! **NOTE**: It is **highly** suggested to set the following environment variables to obtain *100%* reproducible results of your experiments: ```bash export PYTHONHASHSEED=42 export CUBLAS_WORKSPACE_CONFIG=:16:8 ``` You can check useful info about the above environment variables [here]( and [here]( ### Via Docker Image Simply pull the latest [LaikaLLM Docker Image]( which includes every preliminary step to run the project, including setting `PYTHONHASHSEED` and `CUBLAS_WORKSPACE_CONFIG` for reproducibility purposes ## Usage *Note:* when using LaikaLLM, the working directory should be set to the root of the repository! *LaikaLLM* can be used in two different ways: - `.yaml` config - *Python API* Both use cases follow the **data-model-evaluate** logic, in *code* and *project* structure, but also in the effective usage of LaikaLLM In the documentation there are *extensive* examples for both use cases, what follows is a small example of the same experiment using the `.yaml` config and the *Python API*. In this simple experiment, we will: 1. Use the `toys` Amazon Dataset and add 'item' and 'user' prefixes to each item and user ids 2. Train the **distilgpt2** model on the SequentialSideInfoTask 3. Evaluate results using `hit@10` and `hit@5` ### Yaml config - Define your custom `params.yml:` ```yaml exp_name: simple_exp device: cuda:0 random_seed: 42 data: AmazonDataset: dataset_name: toys add_prefix_items_users: true model: GPT2Rec: name_or_path: "distilgpt2" n_epochs: 10 train_batch_size: 8 train_tasks: - SequentialSideInfoTask eval: eval_batch_size: 4 eval_tasks: SequentialSideInfoTask: - hit@10 - hit@5 ``` - After defining the above `params.yml`, simply execute the experiment with `python -c params.yml` - The model trained and the evaluation results will be saved into `models` and `reports/metrics` ### Python API ```python from import AmazonDataset from import SequentialSideInfoTask from src.evaluate.evaluator import RecEvaluator from src.evaluate.metrics.ranking_metrics import Hit from src.model.models.gpt import GPT2Rec from src.model.trainer import RecTrainer if __name__ == "__main__": # data phase ds = AmazonDataset("toys", add_prefix_items_users=True) ds_splits = ds.get_hf_datasets() train_split = ds_splits["train"] val_split = ds_splits["validation"] test_split = ds_splits["test"] # model phase model = GPT2Rec("distilgpt2", training_tasks_str=["SequentialSideInfoTask"], all_unique_labels=list(ds.all_items)) trainer = RecTrainer(model, n_epochs=10, batch_size=8, train_sampling_fn=ds.sample_train_sequence, output_dir="models/simple_experiment") trainer.train(train_split) # eval phase evaluator = RecEvaluator(model, eval_batch_size=4) evaluator.evaluate_suite(test_split, tasks_to_evaluate={SequentialSideInfoTask(): [Hit(k=10), Hit(k=5)]}, output_dir="reports/metrics/simple_experiment") ``` ## Credits A heartfelt "thank you" to [P5]( authors which, with their work, inspired the idea of this repository and for making available a [preprocessed version]( of the [Amazon Dataset]( which in this project I've used as starting point for further manipulation. > Yes, the cute logo is A.I. generated. So thank you DALL-E 3! Project Organization ------------ ├── data <- Directory containing all data generated/used │ ├── processed <- The final, canonical data sets used for training/validation/evaluation │ └── raw <- The original, immutable data dump │ ├── mkdocs <- Directory containing source code for the online documentation | ├── models <- Directory where trained and serialized models will be stored │ ├── reports <- Where metrics will be stored after performing the evaluation phase │ └── metrics │ ├── sample_experiments <- Config and results of multiple experiment runs made with LaikaLLM │ ├── src <- Source code of the project │ ├── data <- All scripts related to datasets and tasks │ │ ├── datasets <- All datasets implemented │ │ ├── tasks <- All tasks implemented │ │ ├── <- The interface that all datasets should implement │ │ ├── <- The interface that all tasks should implement │ │ └── <- Script used to perform the data phase when using LaikaLLM via .yaml │ │ │ ├── evaluate <- Scripts to evaluate the trained models │ │ ├── metrics <- Scripts containing different metrics to evaluate the predictions generated │ │ ├── <- The interface that all metrics should implement │ │ ├── <- Script containing the Evaluator class used for performing the eval phase │ │ └── <- Script used to perform the eval phase when using LaikaLLM via .yaml │ │ │ ├── model <- Scripts to define and train models │ │ ├── models <- Scripts containing all the models implemented │ │ ├── <- The interface that all models should implement │ │ ├── <- Script used to perform the eval phase when using LaikaLLM via .yaml │ │ └── <- Script containing the Trainer class used for performing the train phase │ │ │ ├── <- Makes src a Python module │ ├── <- Contains utils function for the project │ └── <- Script responsible for coordinating the parsing of the .yaml file │ ├── tests <- Package containing all tests for the source code | ├── <- Script to invoke via command line to use LaikaLLM via .yaml ├── LICENSE <- MIT License ├── params.yml <- The example .yaml config for starting using LaikaLLM ├── <- The top-level README for developers using this project └── requirements.txt <- The requirements file for reproducing the environment (src package) --------

Project based on the cookiecutter data science project template. #cookiecutterdatascience


