
上传日期:2024-03-30 23:43:42
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  CodeWizard是一个在线代码编辑器项目,允许用户用各种编程语言编写、编译和运行代码。它提供了一个用户友好的界面,支持实时代码编辑,并支持使用可定制的输入和输出执行代码。
(CodeWizard is an online code editor project that allows users to write, compile, and run code in various programming languages. It provides a user-friendly interface, supporting real-time code editing, and enables code execution with customizable inputs and outputs.)


# CodeWizard - Online Code Editor CodeWizard is an online code editor that provides a hacker-style interface for writing, compiling, and running code in multiple programming languages. This project is built using React.js for the frontend and Express.js as the backend API server. ## Features - Real-time code editing with syntax highlighting - Support for multiple programming languages, including C++, C, Python, and Java - Secure and sandboxed code execution environment - Customizable input for code execution - Real-time output display - Hacker-style interface for an immersive coding experience ## Technologies Used ### Frontend - [Monaco Editor]( - A browser-based code editor from Microsoft - [React.js]( - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces - [React Ace]( - Code editor component for React using the Ace editor - [Axios]( - Promise-based HTTP client for making API requests - [react-select]( - Flexible and customizable dropdown/select component for React - [Material-UI]( - React component library for UI elements ### Backend - [Express.js]( - Fast and minimalist web application framework for Node.js - [Axios]( - Promise-based HTTP client for making API requests - [CORS]( - Middleware for enabling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing ## Installation ### Prerequisites - Node.js ( ### Frontend Setup 1. Clone the repository: `git clone` 2. Navigate to the frontend directory: `cd CodeWizard/frontend` 3. Install dependencies: `npm install` 4. Start the frontend development server: `npm start` 5. Access the frontend application at `http://localhost:3000` ### Backend Setup 1. Navigate to the backend directory: `cd CodeWizard/backend` 2. Install dependencies: `npm install` 3. Start the backend server: `npm start` 4. Access the backend API at `http://localhost:5000` ## Development Workflow 1. Make sure the frontend and backend servers are running. 2. Open your browser and access `http://localhost:3000` to use the CodeWizard online code editor. 3. Start making changes to the code, and the browser will automatically update with hot reloading. 4. Modify the backend API routes as needed to support additional functionalities. 5. Test the application and ensure everything is functioning as expected. ## Contributing Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions, improvements, or bug fixes, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. ## Contact For any inquiries or questions, please contact us at


