
上传日期:2024-03-31 02:24:02
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  该任务的重点是创建一条管道,从国家环境信息中心(NCEI)网站提取气候数据,计算不同参数的月平均值,并生成数据地理图,以可视化该信息。存储库强调Git和版本控制实践的使用。
(The assignment focuses on creating a pipeline to extract climate data from the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) website, computing monthly averages of different parameters and generating data geoplots to visualize this information. The repository emphasizes the use of Git and version control practices .)


# Climatological Data Pipeline This assignment aims to set up a data pipeline to acquire public domain climatological data from the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) website. The pipeline is divided into two main tasks: DataFetch Pipeline and Analytics Pipeline. It leverages Apache Airflow for task fetching and Apache Beam for data processing. It further, utilizes Git for version control and tracks the changes made to the code, data, and configurations. Additionally, Data Version Control (DVC) is used to manage and version control the generated data. ## Repository Structure The Repository structure consists of the following directories and files: - `dags/`: Contains Apache Airflow DAGs for task scheduling. - `data/`: Directory for storing generated data. - `plots/`: Directory for storing generated visualizations. - `requirements.txt`: List of Python dependencies. - `docker-compose.yml`: Docker Compose file for containerized deployment. - `dockerfile`: Dockerfile for building Docker images. ## Building the repository and the data pipeline 1. **Clone the Repository:** Clone the repository from the remote repository to our local machine. 2. **Navigate to the Project Directory:** Change our current directory to the cloned repository: 3. **Initialize Git:** Initialize Git in the project directory: 4. **Create a .gitignore File:** Create a `.gitignore` file to specify files and directories that should be ignored by Git. You can create this file manually or use tools like [gitignore.io](https://www.gitignore.io/). 5. **Create a .dvc Directory:** Initialize Data Version Control (DVC) in the project directory: 6. **Install Dependencies:** Install the required Python dependencies specified in the `requirements.txt` file: 7. **Start Apache Airflow:** If not already installed, set up Apache Airflow according to its documentation and start the Airflow webserver and scheduler. 8. **Start Docker Compose:** If using Docker Compose for containerized deployment, start the services defined in `docker-compose.yml`. 9. **Run DAGs:** Once Airflow is running, enable and trigger the DAGs from the Airflow UI. The DAGs should start running according to their schedules. Now, for our assignment our dags contains only two pipeliens: ### DataFetch Pipeline (Task 1) **Steps Involved:** 1. **Fetch Data:** Fetch the HTML page containing location-wise datasets for a specific year from the NCEI website. 2. **Select Files:** Randomly select CSV files from the fetched HTML page. 3. **Fetch Files:** Download the selected CSV files. 4. **Zip Files:** Compress the downloaded CSV files into a ZIP archive. 5. **Move Zip File:** Move the ZIP archive to a specified location. **Implementation:** - The DataFetch pipeline is executed using Apache Airflow. - It consists of Bash Operators and Python Operators to perform various tasks such as fetching data, selecting files, fetching files, zipping files, and moving the zip file. - The pipeline is configured to run for a specific year. ![Pipeline-1](https://github.com/Sanky18/CS5830-Big-Data-Laboratory-Assignment-3/assets/119156783/606afaed-b163-408b-8d55-5e9d30b6abe5) 10. **DVC add:** once the all data is archived in specified location in cloned repository, we can track those data by dvc. ## Results The results of the Analytics Pipeline includes, Geospatial visualizations (geomaps) for dif- ferent parameters. We have shown some sample animation of geomaps for two different years 2023 and 2024, for month july and jan respectively. https://github.com/Sanky18/CS5830-Big-Data-Laboratory-Assignment-3/assets/119156783/c68e322d-05e8-4427-ac76-2e9ab3dfc6eb *The series of geomaps depict climatological data for the month of July 2023, focusing on Hourly Altimeter Setting, Hourly Pressure Tendency, Hourly Wind Gust Speed, and Hourly Wind Speed. Each map provides a spatial representation of the respective parameter’s distribution across the specified time frame.* https://github.com/Sanky18/CS5830-Big-Data-Laboratory-Assignment-3/assets/119156783/805f6d4a-f9ee-42be-89f6-4cd4c460ffca *The series of geomaps depict climatological data for the month of Jan 2024, focusing on Hourly Wet Bulb Temperature, Hourly Pressure Tendency, Hourly Relative Humidity, and Hourly Wind Speed. Each map provides a spatial representation of the respective parameter’s distribution across the specified time frame.*


