
上传日期:2024-03-31 02:38:27
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  该文档概述了在Ansible SEMAPHORE UI上下文中配置SSH连接的全面指南。它提供了有关生成SSH密钥、设置远程服务器和配置SEMAPHORE UI以通过GUI界面管理远程机器的分步说明。
(The document outlines a comprehensive guide for configuring SSH connectivity within the context of Ansible SEMAPHORE UI. It provides step-by-step instructions for generating SSH keys, setting up a remote server, and configuring SEMAPHORE UI to manage remote machines via the GUI interface.)

### ANSIBLE SEMAPHORE UI - SSH-KEY SETUP ## ANSIBLE SEMAPHORE Machine / Docker Container of SEMAPHORE UI To establish SSH connectivity for managing remote servers through Ansible SEMAPHORE GUI, follow these steps: ### Generating SSH Keys On the controlling server or Docker container of SEMAPHORE UI: 1. Run the command `sudo ssh-keygen -t rsa` to generate SSH keys. 2. Name the keys arbitrarily, e.g., YourKeyNameCanBeAnything. 3. This process will generate both public and private keys. 4. Retrieve the public key by executing `cat YourKeyName` and then copy it. /home/yourUser/.ssh/ || /Users/yourUser/.ssh ### Setting Up Remote Server Perform the following steps on the remote server: 1. Create a new user (e.g., devops) with the command: sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash devops (Change the username if necessary) 2. Navigate to `/home/userYouCreated/.ssh`. If `.ssh` directory doesn't exist, create it by running: mkdir /home/userYouCreated/.ssh 3. Inside the `.ssh` directory, create a file named `authorized_keys` if it doesn't exist. 4. Paste the copied public key into the `authorized_keys` file. ### Configuring SEMAPHORE UI 1. Access SEMAPHORE UI. 2. Navigate to "Add a key store." 3. Choose "New key." 4. Enter the following details: - Username: The username created on the remote server. - Type: SSH Key 5. Paste the private key into the provided text area. ### Note - Ensure that SSH connectivity is established from the machine managing through Ansible SEMAPHORE GUI to the desired remote machine. This step is crucial for adding the remote host's fingerprint to the list. - In case Docker is used, access the terminal of the SEMAPHORE container, establish SSH connection to the remote host, and the fingerprint will be automatically added. ## Credit: Corr Cloud @ Youtube


