
上传日期:2024-04-02 10:31:39
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  该存储库托管紧凑的团队成员管理应用程序的源代码,分为前端和后端服务。使用Django框架创建的后端提供RESTful API。相反,前端是用Next.js开发的,这是一个用于服务器端渲染和静态站点生成的React框架。
(This repository hosts the source code for a compact team member management application, split into frontend and backend services. The backend, created with the Django framework, offers RESTful APIs. In contrast, the frontend is developed with Next.js, a React framework for server-side rendering and static site generation.)


## Overview This repository hosts the source code for a compact team member management application, split into frontend and backend services. The backend, created with the Django framework, offers RESTful APIs. In contrast, the frontend is developed with Next.js, a React framework for server-side rendering and static site generation. ## Architecture The application is structured into three main directories: - `backend/` - Contains all the Django backend code, including models, views, and APIs necessary for the application's functionality. - `frontend/` - Houses the Next.js frontend application, including pages, components, and styles for the user interface. - `docker-compose.yml` - Defines the services and volumes that are necessary to run the application in containers, ensuring easy deployment and development. ## Development ### Prerequisites - Docker and Docker Compose - Node.js (version >= 20) for frontend development and execution. - Python 3.10 (for backend development) ### Setup 1. **Clone the Repository** ```bash git clone cd instawork ``` 2. **Setup Frontend Dependencies** Before running the application, ensure the frontend dependencies are installed. Navigate to the `frontend` directory and install the required packages: ```bash cd frontend npm install ``` **Note:** After the installation is complete, return to the root directory.
3. **Starting the Application** With Docker and Docker Compose installed, you can start the application using the following command: ```bash docker-compose up --build ``` 4. **Accessing the Application** After the application has started, you can access the frontend of the application by navigating to [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) in your web browser. **Note:** The first time you try to access the application, if it does not load successfully, please refresh the page. This can happen as the frontend is still initializing. ## API Documentation The backend API endpoints are documented using Swagger/OpenAPI. After starting the application, you can access the API documentation at [http://localhost:8000/swagger](http://localhost:8000/swagger/).


