
上传日期:2024-03-31 15:35:13
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  在游戏中观察其他玩家的动作
(Observe other players actions while in-game)


# Deprecated >The plugin has been deprecated. An [improved version](https://github.com/vermon-css/quickpeek) is now available. I belieive it is more reliable and faster to use. Also, it's a [VSP](https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Server_plugins) now. Unfortunately, the v34/ClientMod is no longer supported, so you can still use the old version in this case. ## QuickPeek This plugin allows you to spectate other players while being alive so your gameplay will not be interrupted. It can be useful for gamemodes where it's not against the rules to have info on other players' movement. It can make it more fun in turn-based gamemodes like trikz: oftentimes your gameplay depends on your partner's actions, so it's not that fun having to just wait for the partner to complete some sub-level in an obscured area where you cannot see their progress - and this is exactly what this plugin is to address, i.e. by enabling you to observe their actions first-person. [You can take a look at the video to get idea of the plugin.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoUhiFdZ-2g) In addition, the plugin tries to borrow HUD elements intended for other players you are peeking on. These HUD elements, for example, can be generated by other plugins. The plugin has been focused on Counter-Strike: Source, including v34. At the moment, there may be a problem with the sounds while peeking. ## Installation At least SourceMod **** is requred. Simply place ``quickpeek.smx`` and ``quickpeek.games.txt`` in *addons/sourcemod/plugins* and *addons/sourcemod/gamedata* folders respectively. > For v34/ClientMod you may use ``quickpeek_nohud`` version. *It is recommended to set high network rates (especially **sv_minupdaterate** and **sv_maxupdaterate** cvars) to improve usability of the plugin.* ## Usage There are two in-game console commands differing in just their usage: ``qpeek`` - toggle peeking, i.e. you'd stop peeking once you press the corresponding button once more; ``+qpeek`` - start peeking, i.e. the peeking would stop as soon as you release the corresponding button. It is recommended to bind one of them. While peeking, you retain the ability to move, you can switch targets using mouse buttons ``(+attack/+attack2)`` and you can see the current target displayed at the bottom half of the screen. It remembers the last used target when peeking again. You can stick to a specific player using the ``+use`` button. This allows you to quickly return to the same player again. The name of such a player will be shown in a different color. Pressing the ``+jump`` button will return you to either the tied player to or the first target. While peeking, we may have [interpolation](https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Interpolation) enabled. To ensure smooth movement, the plugin tries to set a minimum interp ratio, controlled by ``qpeek interp``. By default, this is 2 (at least 2 game updates will be taken into account). Also, there is additional ``qpeek angles`` sub-command to turn on/off turning your player. It is disabled by default. The technical implementation leads to spamming the annoying weapon history on the right. You can turn this off with the client ``hud_drawhistory_time 0``. ## Technical Details You can now refer to [this](https://github.com/vermon-css/quickpeek?tab=readme-ov-file#for-developers) explanation. Only difference the [old version](https://github.com/vermon-css/quickpeek-sm?tab=readme-ov-file#deprecated) use ``Valve's Replay System`` ([1](https://github.com/lua9520/source-engine-2018-hl2_src/blob/3bf9df6b2785fa6d951086978a3e66f49427166a/game/server/player.cpp#L2506), [2](https://github.com/lua9520/source-engine-2018-hl2_src/blob/3bf9df6b2785fa6d951086978a3e66f49427166a/engine/sv_client.cpp#L1371)) that was overkill since involved [full client update](https://github.com/lua9520/source-engine-2018-hl2_src/blob/3bf9df6b2785fa6d951086978a3e66f49427166a/engine/sv_client.cpp#L1387) (this was a default because it has time properties so you can rewind, and this plugin tried to rewind at [about zero time](https://github.com/vermon-css/quickpeek-sm/blob/6b5f323ce97e45d0c0ddb74f900075c8c00ba53d/quickpeek.sp#L687) just to give the further benefits). ## Links [Demonstration](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoUhiFdZ-2g) [AlliedModders](https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=2801529)


