
上传日期:2024-04-03 19:51:22
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  [WIP]大规模并行n维柏林噪声生成。
([WIP] Massively parallel n-dimensional Perlin Noise generation.)


# Mass Parallelization of n-Dimensional Perlin-Like Noise with CUDA Project by [lucinder](https://github.com/lucinder) and [enbaik](https://github.com/enbaik). - [I - Introduction](#I) - [II - Perlin Noise Algorithm](#II) - [III - Hypotheses and System Limitations](#III) - [IV - Experimental Setup](#IV) - [V - Data](#V) - [VI - Analysis & Conclusion](#VI) - [References](#References) ## I - Introduction Perlin noise is a procedural noisy texture generation algorithm designed by Ken Perlin, originally developed as the Pixel Stream Editor in 1985 [[1]](#cite1)[[2]](#cite2). Perlin later developed Simplex Noise, which improved this to utilize a simpler space-filling grid in 2001 [[3]](#cite3). Traditionally, this algorithm is applied to terrain and particle generation programs, particularly in game development and landscape ecology [[4]](#cite4)[[5]](#cite5)[[6]](#cite6), though it has extensive applications in other fields such as microbiology and material sciences [[7]](#cite7)[[8]](#cite8)[[9]](#cite9)[[10]](#cite10). Figures 1 and 2 show examples of the Perlin noise algorithm applied to terrain generation, with Figure 2 using a variant known as value noise

*Figure 1: Procedural Terrain Generation Using Perlin Noise* Realistic-looking mountainous terrain generated by the perlin noise algorithm.

Figure 2: Procedural Terrain Generation Using Value Noise [11] Realistic hilly terrain generated by value noise using USGS elevation data.

With the rising popularity of machine learning and deep learning algorithms for various applications, noise generation algorithms are essential in adversarial machine learning [[12]](#cite12)[[13]](#cite13)[[14]](#cite14), with potential applications in defending against model poisoning attacks [[15]](#cite15). In areas of machine learning, Perlin noise has already seen some applications, particularly in data augmentation [[16]](#cite16)[[17]](#cite17)[[18]](#cite18). However, an overlooked factor for scaling this algorithm to modern machine learning algorithms is the dimensionality of the noise in relation to the data, which in many ML systems may exist in much higher dimensionality than 2D or 3D. Few studies have investigated the parallelization of Perlin noise generation in CUDA [[19]](#cite19)[[20]](#cite20), none of which have scaled the Perlin noise algorithm to n dimensionality in their implementations. As an unexplored avenue of research, creating a parallelized $n$D implementation of Perlin noise could lay a foundation for improved noise generation applications in data augmentation and adversarial machine learning, where data dimensionality may be much higher than the current three-dimensional limit. ## II - Perlin Noise Algorithm The Perlin Noise algorithm can be divided into these major sections for each point in the $n$-dimensional matrix: 1. Generate distance vectors from each point to its grid space’s edges. 2. Generate the appropriate pseudo-random gradient vectors for each edge. 3. Calculate the dot product of each distance vector with each gradient vector. 4. Repeatedly perform interpolation in each dimension between dot products until only one value remains. In subsections here, we explain the theoretical implementation, pseudocode, and $n$-dimensional scaling behind each step, including the additional fade function applied during step 4. In section III, we explain in depth the constraints of a CUDA implementation of this algorithm. ### II.A. Distance Vector Generation For a given 2-dimensional $m \times m$ grid, a given point located at ($x$, $y$) has four edges: ($x_0$, $y_0$), ($x_1$, $y_0$), ($x_0$, $y_1$), and ($x_1$, $y_1$), where $x_0 = |x|$, $y_0 = |y|$, $x_1 = (x_0+1)%m$, and $y_1 = (y_0+1)%m$. Generalizing this to $n$ dimensions, we have ($x_0$, $y_0$, $z_0$, …, $p_{n,0}$), ($x_1$, $y_0$, $z_0$, …, $p_{n,0}$), … ($x_1$, $y_1$, $z_1$, …, $p_{n,1}$). Each $n$-dimensional point has $2^n$ edges and, therefore, $2^n$ distance vectors. We save the effort of calculating and storing all possible combinations of edges by treating our point’s coordinates in the grid space as a fraction of the grid limits- that is, for a grid of size mn, we treat our coordinate set as ($x/m$, $y/m$, $z/m$, ... $i_n/m$). When treated as such, to calculate distances, our edge vectors are (0, 0, 0, … 0), (0, 0, 0, … 1), … (1, 1, 1, … 1); the digits of the set of all binary numbers of length n. Our pseudocode for $n$-dimensional distance vector generation is as follows: ``` distances = empty list for i in [0, 2n): // loop through edges for j in [0, n): // loop through dimensions edge = ((i & (1 << (j - 1))) >> (j - 1)); // get the jth digit of binary i distances[i*n+j] = point[j] - edge // take the distance ``` ### II.B. Gradient Vector Generation Expanding gradient vector generation to $n$ dimensions proves a more difficult task, as the original and improved Perlin Noise algorithms use a hard-coded list of gradients, the selection of which is determined by a hash function. Generating these lists of gradients in higher dimensionality requires an exponentially increasing space complexity, just as with the distance vectors. The gradient vectors generally consist of pseudo-random components determined by a hash function. We encountered difficulty understanding and implementing the gradient function in a fashion consistent with other writings, as many implementations offer different gradient generation methods. However, our final implementation uses the hash function’s pseudo-randomness to map block and thread offsets to random seeding. It uses the hashed seed to randomly generate a set of gradient values from -1 to 1. Once generated, we divide these values by the Euclidean distance of the resulting vector to normalize the vector to a length of 1, mapping it to a n-dimensional unit sphere. Our pseudocode for $n$-dimensional gradient generation is as follows: ``` gradients = empty list srand with hash[(blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x)%len(hash)] for i in [0,2n): euclidean_distance = 0 for i in [0, n): // loop through dimensions gradients[i*n+j] = rand in (-1, 1) euclidean_distance += gradients[i*n+j]2 euclidean_distance = sqrt(euclidean_distance) for i in [0, n): gradients[i*n+j] = gradients[i*n+j] / euclidean_distance ``` ### II.C. Dot Product In this step, we take the dot products of the gradient and distance vectors of each edge to acquire an "influence” vector (denoted as `products`) for the whole matrix point, showing the influences of each edge on the point with pseudo-randomization from the gradients. This is a fast step, taking $O(n)$ operations for each point. For any two $n$-dimensional vectors $\vec{a}$ and $\vec{b}$, we define the dot product as: $$\vec{a} \vec{b} = a_1 b_1 + a_2 b_2 + a_3 b_3 + … + a_n b_n$$ Or, $$\vec{a} \vec{b} = \sum_{i=1}^n a_i b_i$$ Our pseudocode for the dot product of the distance and gradient vectors is as follows: ``` products = empty list for i in [0, 2n): dot = 0 for j in [0, n): dot += distances[i*n+j] * gradients[i*n+j] products[i] = dot ``` ### II.D. Interpolation Two different types of interpolation are commonly used to generate Perlin noise: linear interpolation and cosine interpolation. Cosine interpolation is typically preferred as it provides a smoother fade of different values across the grid. However, we will use linear interpolation for our implementation, as we are primarily interested in performance. Our implementation can be easily modified to use cosine interpolation instead of linear interpolation. Given that we do not have a set dimensionality, our literal number of iterations for interpolation is unknown but can be modeled as $\displaystyle\sum_{i=0}^{n-1} 2^i$. Thus, for $n = 1$, we have one interpolation; for $n = 2$, we have three interpolations; for $n = 3$, we have 7, etc. For a given vector, we can start with interpolations of values at a step of 1, saving the results into the former, and increase our step by a factor of 2 each time until it exceeds the length of the vector. At this point, we return the resulting value at index 0. Our pseudocode for the interpolation is as follows: ``` step = 1, dimension = 0 while step < 2n: for i in [0, 2n] incrementing by 2*step: fraction = point[dimension] products[i] = products[i] + fraction * (products[i+step] - products[i]) step *= 2 dimension++ // move to the next dimension ``` ### II.E. Fade Function The fade function defined by Perlin, $ψ(t) = 6t^5 15t^4 + 10t^3$, allows the gradient to “fade” as the displacement grows further from the edges, preventing disproportionate influences of the edges [[21]](#cite21). This function was originally defined as the Hermite blending function $ψ(t) = 3t^2 - 2t^3$ but later revised to the fifth-degree polynomial to ensure a continuous second derivative [[3]](#cite3). We can modify our interpolation function to incorporate the fade function implicitly as such: ``` step = 1, dimension = 0 while step < 2n: for i in [0, 2n] incrementing by 2*step: f = point[dimension] // our fractional displacement f = f*f*f*(f*(f*6-15)+10) // apply fade function prods[i] = prods[i] + f * (prods[i+step] - prods[i]) step *= 2 dimension++ // move to the next dimension ``` ### II.F. Full Pseudocode Without Optimizations Combining all parts of the pseudocode thus far, our pseudocode for calculating the Perlin noise value for a given point is as follows: ``` perlin(point): // generate gradients and distances distances = empty list gradients = empty list srand with hash[(blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x)%256] for i in [0, 2n): // loop through edges euclidean distance = 0 for j in [0, n): // loop through dimensions index = i*n+j gradients[index] = rand in (-1, 1) euclidean distance += gradients[index]2 edge = (i & (1 << (j - 1))) >> (j - 1)); // get the jth digit of binary i distances[index] = edge - point[j] // take the distance euclidean distance = sqrt(euclidean distance) for j in [0, n): gradients[index] = gradient[index] / euclidean distance // calculate dot product prods = empty list for i in [0, 2n): dot = 0 for j in [0, n): dot += edges[i*n+j] * gradients[i*n+j] // take dot product products[i] = dot step = 1, dimension = 0 while step < 2n: for i in [0, 2n] incrementing by 2*step: f = point[dimension] // our fractional displacement f = f*f*f*(f*(f*6-15)+10) // apply fade function products[i] = products[i] + f * (products[i+step] - products[i]) step *= 2 dimension++ // move to the next dimension return products[0] // return the collapsed dot product ``` ### II.G. Trivial Optimizations and Improved Pseudocode As is, this is a very inefficient implementation of the noise function in terms of memory, with each point requiring two $n \times 2^n$ length vectors (gradients and edges) and two n-length vectors (point and dot products). We can eliminate much of the memory overhead by reusing registers and vector space for multiple operations. For example, the `gradients` vector can be used to hold the dot products while a set-length vector loads the current gradient per each edge. In the linear interpolation step, we can collapse each interpolation along the steps in the `gradients` vector, holding the dot products until the final interpolation rests at `gradients[0]`. Additionally, we can forgo creating a distances vector as distances are only used once per edge, and instead, we can use their formula implicitly while calculating dot products. The following shows an improved version of the pseudocode using trivial memory optimizations. ``` perlin(point): gradients = empty list srand with hash[(blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x)%256] // calculate gradients for i in [0, 2n): // loop through edges current_gradient = empty list euclidean_distance = 0 for j in [0, n): current_gradent[j] = rand in (-1, 1) // calculate distances and dot products edge = ((i & (1 << -1)) >> - 1); gradients[i] = (current_gradient[0] / euclidean_distance) * (point[0]-edge); // unroll first addition operation into initialization for j in [1, n): edge = ((i & (1 << (j - 1))) >> (j - 1)); // get the jth digit of binary i gradients[i] += (point[j]- edge) * (current_gradient[j]/euclidean_distance) // linear interpolation step = 1, dimension = 0 while step < 2n: for i in [0, 2n) incrementing by 2*step: f = point[dimension] // our fractional displacement f = f*f*f*(f*(f*6-15)+10) // apply fade function gradients[i] = gradients[i] + f * (gradients[i+step] - gradients[i]) step *= 2 dimension++ // move to the next dimension return gradients[0] ``` ## III - Hypotheses and System Limitations ### III.A. System Specifications For measuring runtimes, we ran our code with the following system specifications: - CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 4800H - GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop - Compute Capability [[22]](#cite22): 8.6 - Architecture [[23]](#cite23): Ampere - 30 Streaming Multiprocessors - Software: Visual Studio 2022 v. 17.9.3, CUDA v. 12.3 - CPU Memory: 16 GB RAM, 475 GB HDD - GPU Memory: 6 GB, 192-bit Memory Interface Width For running the profiler, we ran our code on a separate system with the following specifications: - CPU: Intel Core i9-10920X -12 Core -3.5GHz Processor - GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 - Compute Capability [[22]](#cite22): 8.6 - Architecture: Ampere - 46 Streaming Multiprocessors - Software: Nsight Compute v. 2024.1, CUDA v. 12.3 - CPU Memory: 32 GB RAM, 1 TB HDD - GPU Memory: 8 GB, 256-bit Memory Interface Width With Compute Capability 8.6 on both systems, we also observe the following technical specifications [[24]](#cite24): - Maximum 128 resident grids per device. - Maximum 16 resident blocks, 1536 resident threads, and 48 resident warps per SM. - Maximum 64K registers per thread block, 255 registers per thread. - For 1-D grids/blocks: - $2^{31}-1$ maximum blocks per grid. - 1024 maximum threads per block. - Warp size 32. With this in mind, our system should be able to host over $2.19 \times 10^{12}$ total threads on a 1-dimensional grid and execute 1536 threads concurrently per SM. For a given matrix size $1024 < m^n < 2.19 \times 10^{12}$, we need $m^n/1,572,864$ warps to fully execute our noise generation on the device. ### III.B. Memory & Register Use One of the primary limitations on the feasibility of parallelizing Perlin noise is the space complexity needed to hold all relevant data in thread registers. While the baseline matrix of size *m* and dimensionality *n* will only generate $O(m^n)$ floating-point noise values, the intermediate spaces needed to hold the points on the matrix ($O(n \times m^n)$ floating-point values) and the influence vectors ($O(2^n \times m^n)$ floating-point values) result in significant memory usage. Table 1 shows the memory space needed for different grid sizes and dimensionality, where row R/T is the registers per thread necessary for the coordinates, influences, and intermediate gradient vector ($2n+2^n$). *Table 1: Matrix Size (m) & Dimensionality (n) vs. Total Memory Space and Registers per Thread Needed* ### III.C. Hypotheses With the given optimizations shown in pseudocode, in addition to parallelizing matrix operations, we aim to produce simple yet effective code that operates on large matrix sizes in small dimensionalities and medium matrix sizes in higher dimensionalities. In regard to runtime, we hypothesize that our runtimes of the parallelized noise generation will be much faster than sequential runtimes and fall close to or within $O(n \times 2^n)$. ## IV - Experimental Setup ### IV.A. Testing Targets As this is a runtime- and memory-heavy algorithm at higher dimensionalities, we limited our testing to a matrix size of a maximum side length of 10,000 and a maximum dimensionality of 5. We aimed to test the side lengths 10, 250, 500, 1000, 5000, and 10,000, and the dimensionalities 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. ### IV.B. Parallelization Target The time complexity of the Perlin noise algorithm for a grid of mn points is $O(n \times 2^n \times m^n)$, with each point taking $O(n \times 2^n)$ operations (utilizing an outer loop of $2^n$ operations- the number of edges- and an inner loop of $n$ operations- the dimensionality). The interpolation step additionally takes $O(2^n log(n))$ operations per point. The most significant contributing factor to overall runtime is $m^n$, the matrix space, so this will be the target for our parallelization. This means that for a size-$m^n$ matrix, we need a total of mn threads, with each thread handling one point. We originally intended to utilize 1024-block threads (or a number of threads equal to the matrix size, whichever is smaller), but we encountered issues getting CUDA to run kernels with configurations of more than 512 threads per block despite our compute capability allowing for a maximum of 1024 threads per block. Therefore, we will be using a maximum number of threads per block of 512 or the matrix side length ($m$), whichever is smaller. With an effective maximum threads per block of 512 and a maximum $x$-dimensionality of thread blocks of $2^{31}-1$ (2,147,483,647, the highest possible integer value), certain matrix sizes are infeasible to run within our compute capability on 1-dimensional grids. Table 2 shows the different thread totals and 512-thread blocks needed for various matrix sizes and dimensionalities, with infeasible sizes indicated in bold. We can be certain a given matrix size $m$ and dimensionality $n$ is infeasible if the $n$th root of the integer maximum is less than $m$ (in code: `pow(INT_MAX, 1.0/m) < n)`, as the math functions necessary to lay out the matrix size will cause overflow. *Table 2: Total Threads (T) and 512-Thread Blocks (B) Needed for Noise Generation at Different Matrix Sizes and Dimensionalities* ### IV.C. Algorithm Validation To act as a proper generation of Perlin noise, our algorithm needs to satisfy three conditions: 1. Noise values must be uniformly distributed within the range of -1.0 to 1.0. 2. Noise values must have overall similarity to neighbors. 3. Noise must appear random on a small scale, but follow similar patterns on larger scales. To preserve our noise points and ensure our algorithm is valid, our CUDA code outputs to a .txt file, `perlin_out.txt`. This file is formatted so that the first line shows the matrix's size ($m$) and dimensionality ($n$), while each subsequent line holds a single matrix point of noise. ### IV.D. Study Limitations While our gradient vector generation derives from a C implementation of the algorithm, different implementations of Perlin noise use different gradient generation algorithms [[3]](#cite3)[[21]](#cite21), and our use of the $n$-dimensional unit sphere is a new approac ... ...


