
上传日期:2024-04-04 08:07:18
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  一种简单的c风格解释编程语言
(A simple c-style interpreted programming language)


# Ion (NOT READY TO USE. CURRENTLY IN PRE-ALPHA STAGES) A simple c-style interpreted programming language # Ion language specification File extension: `.i` or `.ion` (i.e `helloworld.i` or `helloworld.ion`) ## Example code: Hello world: ```D import std.stdio: writeln; void main() { writeln("hello world"); } ``` or: ```D import std.stdio: writeln; writeln("hello world"); ``` Type mix: ```D import std.type: var; import std.stdio; alias println = writeln; function add(int a, var b) { return a + b; } println(add(3, "2")); if (true) { println(true.toString); } /* Expected result: * 5 * true */ ``` ## Definition Ion is an interpreted scripting languade written in D. Main points of Ion are: - Dynamic typing (with ability to inforce certain types by writing `type` instead of `var`) - Familliar syntax to such languages as: c, c++, c#, d, java, javion, typescript - Acessibility in tearms of definitions (i.e. `var count: number`, `var count`, `var count: int` and `int count` are all valid definitions of a variable). Which allows for broader appeal - Powerful alias system that allows for overloading function names `alias a = b;`, variable names, types (`alias let = std.type.var;`), imports (`import io = std.stdio;`) and keywords (`keyword alias fn = function;`) ## Keywords: ```d void int bool char real double float keyword alias true false ``` ## Types #### Numeric: `int`, `float`, `double`, `real` #### String: `string`, `char` #### Boolean: `bool` #### Other: `void`, `var` ## Aliases #### Basic aliases Basic alias create a name that refers to another symbol. ##### Examples: Type alias: ```d alias mytype = proj.types.StructType; alias i = int; ``` Method alias: ```d void doStuff() {} alias ds = doStuff; ``` Template alias: ```d void doTempl(T)() {} alias t1 = doTempl!(int); ``` Variable alias: ```d int d = 0; alias id = d; ``` #### Keyword aliases Keyword alias must be a statement, attribute, keyword or sum of all above. It cannot be expression and will not behave like macro. ##### Examples: Variant type aliases, defined in core.styles.js: ```d keyword alias var = public core.type.variant; keyword alias let = private core.type.variant; keyword alias constructor = this; ``` Or TS style in core.styles.ts: ```d keyword alias number = float; keyword alias boolean = bool; ``` Rust-like code, defined in core.styles.rust: ```d keyword alias fn = function; // function serves two purposes. Declaration & pointers keyword alias let = immutable core.type.variant; keyword alias mut = mutable; keyword alias var = mut core.type.variant; keyword alias i8 = byte; ... keyword alias i64 = long; keyword alias str = string; keyword alias mod = module; keyword alias imp = import; // you need that too keyword alias pub = public; keyword alias priv = private; // removed from rust but necessary here keyword alias self = this; ``` Which produces: ```rust // module.i mod hello_sayer; priv fn private_print(text: str) { print(str); } pub fn public_print(text: str, num: i32) { private_print(text); println(num); } ``` ```rust // main.i imp module; fn main() { let i: i8 = 1; var num: i32 = 42; num += i; // private_print("Throws error because it's visible only in module"); public_print("Hello world ", num); // prints "Hello world 43" } ``` Not exactly one to one conversion, but still a nice transition.


