
开发工具:Jupyter Notebook
上传日期:2024-04-07 02:44:58
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  该项目的中心是利用社交媒体数据的巨大潜力,在一系列主题中发掘对公众情绪的宝贵见解,特别关注Twitter。在一个社交媒体平台成为公众舆论重要晴雨表的时代。
(This project is centered around harnessing the vast potential of social media data to uncover valuable insights into public sentiment across a spectrum of topics, with a special focus on Twitter. In an era where social media platforms serve as significant barometers of public opinion.)


**Sentiment Analysis of Tweets Using Transformers**: This project applies advanced natural language processing techniques to perform sentiment analysis on tweets. Leveraging the Hugging Face transformers library, we analyze the sentiment of tweets to identify underlying patterns and trends in public opinion. **Overview**: The goal of this project is to mine insights from social media data, particularly Twitter, to understand public sentiment on various topics. By utilizing a pre-trained sentiment analysis model from the transformers library, we classify tweets into positive, neutral, or negative sentiment categories. These insights aid strategic decision-making in marketing, customer service, and other domains. **Features**: Data Preprocessing: Clean and prepare tweet data for analysis. Sentiment Analysis: Use a pre-trained model from the transformers library to classify tweet sentiments. Trend Analysis: Analyze and visualize sentiment trends over time. Insight Generation: Provide actionable insights based on sentiment analysis. Installation Before running the project, ensure you have Python installed on your system. Then, install the required libraries using the following command: bash Copy code **pip install pandas matplotlib seaborn transformers tqdm nltk** Usage To run the sentiment analysis pipeline, execute the main script: **Data Format**: The input data should be a CSV file containing at least one column: tweet_full_text, which holds the text of the tweets. Additional columns such as tweet_created_at for timestamps can be included for trend analysis. **Visualizations**: This project generates two key visualizations: Sentiment Score Distribution: A histogram showing the distribution of sentiment scores across tweets. Daily Sentiment Trends: A line graph showing average daily sentiment scores over time.


