
开发工具:Jupyter Notebook
上传日期:2024-04-07 11:26:44
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  基于新闻向量相似性及多元多元线性回归的故事构建
(Story Construction Based on News Vector Similarity and Multiple Linear Regression)


# N2 基于新闻向量相似性及多元多元线性回归的故事构建。 ## Usage 1. 同步 GDELT 数据集(到 csv),下载最新新闻文本(到 Mongodb),使用 REALM 模型编码文本为向量(到 Milvus)。 ```python python data/retrieve_data.py ``` 2. 对于每条新闻,搜索其前 3 天向量内积相似性最高的10条新闻,以该条新闻向量为应变量,搜索出的 10 条新闻向量为自变量进行多元线性回归。选择 $R^2 > 0.7$ 的多元线性回归中 p-value $< 0.05$ 的新闻对为 edge 建 graph 作为故事,保存至 networkx pickle。 ```python python story/story_construction.py ``` 3. 在`story_graph_vis.ipynb`中使用 plotly 进行故事可视化。 ## Config 可在 `config.yaml` 中配置需要考虑的新闻源。 ## TODO ### Feature - [x] today's news - distinguish today's news with others - [x] story - represent a story as a graph, whose nodes are an event together with the events caused that event directly or indirectly - [x] story cluster - represent a story cluster as a set of stories having a big overlap of nodes (high IoU) - [ ] story cluster based on genealogy, i.e., news lineage - using Sankey diagram https://plotly.com/python/sankey-diagram/ - ancestors within a given degree https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39930083/efficiently-identifying-ancestors-descendants-within-a-given-distance-in-networ, https://networkx.org/documentation/stable/reference/algorithms/generated/networkx.algorithms.traversal.breadth_first_search.bfs_tree.html --- - [ ] story similarity - (choice 1) graph similarity (sub-graph based on time range or ancestor level can be used) - (choice 2) extend causes to history event, and using sibling relationship --- - visualization - graph structure - [ ] tree structure (collapsable) - [ ] multi-level structure - story (cluster) relationship - [ ] timeline and geo - [ ] waterfall view - [ ] story quantification (word cloud, sentiment trend, etc.) - [ ] read vs unread --- - [ ] information integration for analysis - [x] direct causes (show x below y?) - [ ] intermediate causes - [ ] source causes - [ ] story classification - political, etc. --- - [ ] support search ### Model - [x] information completeness - use the first two paragraphs in embedding instead of the first one because the first paragraph contains only the info resource - [x] information deduplication - remove duplicate news with the same titles (see MSN in different regions) - [ ] further deduplicate based on url and titles - [ ] hyper-parameters search for R2 and p values - [ ] time-window optimization - [ ] multi-language supports ### Data - [ ] sophisticated graph database ## Guidlines - [x] guideline for reading the graph - in-degree first, which is the result, also the sink of info - edge nodes for root reason


