
上传日期:2024-04-08 05:38:01
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  该项目使用Python实现了一个基本的文件传输协议,其中客户端脚本将文件名及其内容发送到服务器脚本,服务器脚本随后在本地保存文件,演示了网络编程和TCP IP通信的基本概念。
(This project implements a basic file transfer protocol using Python, where a client script sends a file name and its content to a server script, which then saves the file locally, demonstrating foundational concepts of network programming and TCP IP communications.)


# FileTransferProtocol # Client File This script is designed to operate as a client in a client-server model, using TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) for network communication. Here's a breakdown of its components and how it functions: 1. **Importing Required Module**: It starts by importing the `socket` module, which is necessary for any network communication. 2. **Setting Up Connection Parameters**: - `IP`: It obtains the host machine's IP address by using `socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())`. This is intended to work on a local network where the client and server are on the same network segment. - `PORT`: Sets the port number to `4455`, which is the port on which the server is expected to listen for incoming connections. - `ADDR`: A tuple combining `IP` and `PORT` to specify the address of the server. - `FORMAT`: A string denoting the encoding format (`"utf-8"`) to be used for sending and receiving data. - `SIZE`: Specifies the size (in bytes) of the buffer to be used when receiving data from the server, set to `1024`. 3. **The `main` Function**: This function encapsulates the client's workflow. - **Starting a TCP Socket**: It creates a new socket object with `AF_INET` (IPv4) and `SOCK_STREAM` (TCP) as parameters, establishing a TCP connection. - **Connecting to the Server**: The client attempts to connect to the server using the address specified by `ADDR`. - **File Handling**: It opens a file named `project.txt` for reading, presumably to send its contents to the server. - **Communicating File Name**: Sends the name of the file (`"project.txt"`) to the server, then waits for and prints a response from the server. - **Sending File Data**: Reads the contents of `project.txt`, sends this data to the server, awaits a response, and prints it. - **Resource Cleanup**: Closes the file and the connection to the server. # Server File This script sets up a server that listens for incoming TCP connections from clients. It is designed to receive a file name and file data from a client, save it, and then close the connection. Here's a detailed breakdown of its operation: 1. **Importing Required Module**: The script begins by importing the `socket` module, essential for network communication. 2. **Setting Up Connection Parameters**: - `IP`: Retrieves the host machine's IP address using `socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())`, aiming for operations within a local network. - `PORT`: Specifies the port number (`4455`) on which the server listens for incoming connections. - `ADDR`: Combines `IP` and `PORT` into a tuple to define the server's address. - `SIZE`: Sets the buffer size to `1024` bytes for receiving data. - `FORMAT`: Defines `"utf-8"` as the encoding format for data transmission. 3. **The `main` Function**: Outlines the server's workflow. - **Server Initialization**: Displays a starting message and initializes a TCP socket with `AF_INET` (IPv4) and `SOCK_STREAM` (TCP) parameters. - **Binding to the Server**: Binds the IP address and port number to the server socket. - **Listening for Connections**: The server starts listening for client connections, indicating it's ready to accept connections. - **Handling Client Connections**: Uses a loop to continuously accept new connections. For each connection: - Accepts a connection from a client and prints the address of the connected client. - Receives the name of a file from the client, creates/opens the file in write mode, and sends a confirmation back to the client. - Receives file data from the client, writes it to the file, sends a confirmation that the data was received, and then closes the file. - Closes the connection with the client and prints a message indicating the client has been disconnected. The server remains in the listening state, ready to accept new connections until the script is manually terminated.


