
上传日期:2024-04-09 00:19:12
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  该存储库演示了如何使用路由器设置协处理器,以使用@policy指令评估基于策略的授权。请注意,为了简单起见,该回购目前不通过JWT或其他令牌强制认证。
(This repository demonstrates how to setup a coprocessor with the Router to evaluate policy-based authorization with the @policy directive. Note that this repo currently does not enforce authentication via a JWT or other token for the sake of simplicity.)


# Authorization using `@policy` and a Coprocessor This repository demonstrates how to setup a coprocessor with the Router to evaluate policy-based authorization with the `@policy` directive. Note that this repo currently does not enforce authentication via a JWT or other token for the sake of simplicity. In a real code base, you would likely have a consumer provided token in a header which would be passed down to the "auth service", not the hard coding that this example does. ## Running the Example > Note: To run this example, you will need a GraphOS Enterprise plan and must create `/router/.env` based on `/router/.env.example` which exports `APOLLO_KEY` and `APOLLO_GRAPH_REF`. 1. Run the subgraph from the `/subgraph` directory with `npm run dev` 1. Run the auth-service from the `/auth-service` directory with `npm run dev` 1. Run the coprocessor from the `/coprocessor` directory with `npm run dev` 1. In the `/router` directory, download the router by running `./download_router.sh` 1. In the `/router` directory, compose the schema by running `./create_local_schema.sh` 1. In the `/router` directory, run the router by running `./start_router.sh` Now if you run this code in the browser (, you will be able to query the router. ## Code Highlights ### Router Configuration In `router/router-config.yaml`, the coprocessor is configured with the Router to be called on the `supergraph` `request` stage. Additionally, `authorization` directives are enabled. ### Coprocessor In `coprocessor/src/index.js`, the coprocessor is setup with `express` to listen to the `/` POST endpoint and respond to the `SupergraphRequest` stage. In the `processSupergraphRequestStage` function, the unevaluated policies are pulled from the context, sent to the auth service to be evaluated, and the resulting evaluated policies are mapped back into the payload for the Router.


