
上传日期:2024-04-09 18:08:31
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  竞争性编程的C++参考代码
(C++ Reference Code for Competitive Programming)


# UCF PT C++ Hackpack - PDF: [kactl.pdf](https://github.com/ucf-programming-team/hackpack-cpp/releases/download/latest/kactl.pdf) - C++ Snippets file for VSCode: [cpp.json](https://github.com/ucf-programming-team/hackpack-cpp/releases/download/latest/cpp.json) - All individual Snippets: [snippets.zip](https://github.com/ucf-programming-team/hackpack-cpp/releases/download/latest/snippets.zip) ## Style - use only the `#define`s and `typedef`s in the [template](https://github.com/ucf-programming-team/hackpack-cpp/blob/master/content/contest/template.cpp) - run the formatter on any code you commit (`make format`) - you may need to [install `clang-format-15`](https://apt.llvm.org/). on Ubuntu, this can be done with ```bash wget -O - https://apt.llvm.org/llvm-snapshot.gpg.key|sudo apt-key add - source /etc/os-release sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://apt.llvm.org/$UBUNTU_CODENAME/ llvm-toolchain-$UBUNTU_CODENAME-15 main" sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install clang-format-15 ``` - name files in upper camel case ## Building PDF The three dependencies for making the PDF are LaTeX, Python, and Make. To build the hackpack PDF, go to the base directory and run `make kactl`. ## Snippets ![snippet](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/30928035/93427043-1f731600-f88b-11ea-8b77-64aa6537b70e.gif) To use the snippets: - Download [cpp.json](https://github.com/ucf-programming-team/hackpack-cpp/releases/download/latest/cpp.json) - Find the C++ snippet file in VSCode (File->Preferences->User Snippets->cpp.json) - Copy and paste the `cpp.json` file into VSCode To make/update the snippets, you just need to run `make snippets`, and it will assemble all of the snippets for you in `snippets/cpp.json` or `snippets/java.json`. VSCode's soft tabs should match whatever style of tabs you're using. So, if you were using 2 spaces, all of the code that gets imported via snippet should also be in 2 spaces. ## Contents/To-do check = code written bold = code written and untested - contest - [ ] template - [x] fast IO - [ ] `#define`s and `typedef`s (now `using`) - [ ] .bashrc - [ ] stupid mistakes - misc - [x] **atharva's K-D vector thing** (does this need to be tested?) - [ ] hash set - [ ] other useful stuff from PBDS and how to use them - [x] **submasks in 3^n** (does this need to be tested?) - structures - [x] BIT - [x] benq's K-D BIT??? - [ ] treap - [ ] implicit - [ ] explicit - [ ] splay tree - [ ] implicit - [ ] explicit - [ ] link cut tree - [ ] segment tree - [ ] seg tree beats - other wacky seg trees - [x] DSU - [ ] min queue - [ ] min stack - [x] RMQ (generic comparator) - [ ] wavelet tree - [ ] dominator tree (???) - strings - [ ] aho corasick - [ ] eertree - [ ] hashing stuff - [ ] rolling hash - [ ] prefix hash stuff - [ ] codeforces proof stuff - [ ] KMP - [ ] manacher's (gross) - [x] z values - [ ] suffix array - graph - [ ] binary lifting - [ ] HLD - [ ] centroid decomp - [ ] 2CC (BCC) - bridges and art. points - [ ] SCC - [ ] tarjan - [ ] kosaraju (easy to type) - [ ] 2SAT - [x] dijkstra - [ ] bellman ford - [ ] floyd warshall - flow - [ ] dinic - [ ] MCMF - [ ] hungarian - math - [ ] FFT - [ ] NTT with same code but also fast??? - [ ] CRT - [ ] totient - [x] prime sieve - [x] ~~linear sieve?~~ segmented sieve - [ ] fractions - [x] fraction struct - [x] fraction compare (in fraction struct) - [ ] fraction binary search - [ ] euclidean algo (GCD) - [ ] non prime mod inverse - [ ] pollard rho - [ ] primality testing - [ ] fermat - [ ] miller rabin (deterministic bases for longs) - [ ] primitive root - [ ] gaussian - [ ] big int??? - atharva's code is wicked long - geometry - [ ] vector - [ ] segment - [ ] circle - [ ] convex hull - [ ] polygon - [ ] rotation/translation? - [ ] clipping? - other geo stuff


