
上传日期:2024-04-11 01:56:59
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Auric是一个示例去中心化应用程序(dApp)。它的主要货币是一种名为“Auric”的ERC20代币,据推测,它代表了金条实际数量的所有权。
(Auric is a sample decentralized application (dApp). Its main currency is an ERC20 token named "Auric", which supposedly represents ownership of an actual quantity in gold bars.)


## a gold investment dApp
**Auric** is a decentralized application (dApp). Its main currency is an ERC20 token named `Auric`, which (supposedly) represents ownership of an actual quantity in gold bars. The process of purchasing and redeeming Auric tokens is handled by the `AuricSeller` smart contract.
## Functions ### Purchase Auric tokens By connecting your Ethereum wallet app, you can purchase *Auric for ETH*. The notion is that by purchasing Auric, **you invest in gold, without the need to actually have it in your possession** or even stored in a remote vault. ### Claim Gold Bars If you want the (supposed) actual gold bars delivered to you, you can "claim" them. It is a *3-step* process: - **Step 1** is where you **authorise** the AuricSeller smart contract to handle your Auric tokens on your behalf. - **Step 2** is where you **return** the tokens to the issuer. - **Step 3** is where you **receive a QR** code representing the transaction. The QR code (along with proof of your crypto account ownership, e.g. a signed message) can be used to claim the gold bars *(the verification act is outside the scope of this dApp)*. The AuricSeller smart contract also includes a function for the owner to **claim the ETH** that was used to purchase gold *(the owner's claim ETH function is not featured on this dApp)*. By claiming, 5% of profits is **automatically donated** to a predefined address (e.g. a charity).
## What's Included? This repository contains a **Hardhat project** and a **Next.js dApp**:
The Hardhat project includes **two Solidity smart contracts** *(located inside the `/contracts` folder)*:         - **Auric**, the ERC20 token that represents gold bars         - **AuricSeller**, the contract that handles the exchange and redemption of Auric tokens

The Next.js frontend/dApp (located inside the `/auric-dapp` folder) is the way to interact with the smart contracts, which have been deployed to the Sepolia test network.         Click [here]( for the **Auric contract**.         Click [here]( for the **Auricseller contract**.
## Quick start 1. First, you need to **clone this repository** and **install its dependencies**: ```shell git clone cd auric-dapp npm install ``` 2. Once installed, you can **run the frontend** with: ```sh npm run dev ``` 3. Finally, **open** [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) with your browser. In order to connect to and interact with the dApp, you will need to have **a crypto wallet installed with some SepoliaETH available** for your transactions.


