
上传日期:2024-04-18 12:58:23
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  A module that handles registration and management of Newfold modules used within our WordPress plugins., stars:1, update:2024-04-17 13:06:54


Newfold Logo # WordPress Module Loader [![Version Number](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/newfold-labs/wp-module-loader?color=21a0ed&labelColor=333333)](https://github.com/newfold/wp-module-loader/releases) [![License](https://img.shields.io/github/license/newfold-labs/wp-module-loader?labelColor=333333&color=666666)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/newfold-labs/wp-module-loader/master/LICENSE) This loader instantiates Newfold WordPress Modules inside our WordPress Plugins. * What are modules? * Creating/registering modules * Installing from our Satis * Local development notes * Understanding the module lifecycle * Module Loader API ## Module Responsibilities - Provides a dependency injection container for shared dependencies across the brand plugin modules. - Provides a framework for registering, unregistering, activating, deactivating, and checking if a module is active. - Provides a plugin class that makes getting basic plugin information simple. ## Critical Paths - The dependency injection container should be created by the brand plugin and successfully shared across all other modules. - Calling the `register()` function should successfully register the module and run the code on the `after_setup_theme` action hook. ## Newfold WordPress Modules Newfold WordPress modules are PHP packages intended to be installed in WordPress plugins via Composer from our Satis registry. Modules essentially function as WordPress plugins we can reuse in Newfold products and control programmatically. Modules can be **required/forced, optional, hidden** and **can be toggled** by code and (sometimes) by users. ## Creating & Registering a Module Modules will eventually be created from templates, but for now here are some key things to know. * Modules should contain a `bootstrap.php` file that should get autoloaded by Composer. Functionality should load from `/includes`. * Modules are loaded on the `after_setup_theme` hook with a priority of `100`. * Module registration should tap the `plugins_loaded` hook. * If a plugin registers a dependency injection container, then that container will be accessible to the registered modules. If the plugin doesn't register a container, an empty container will be passed to the module. ### Module Registration Below is an example of how to register a module within the `bootstrap.php` file: ```php 'sso', 'label' => __( 'SSO', 'newfold-sso-module' ), 'callback' => function ( Container $container ) { require __DIR__ . '/includes/sso.php'; }, 'isActive' => true, 'isHidden' => true, ] ); } ); } ``` Notice that a dependency injection container is passed to the callback function. You can leverage this container in the callback function, or you can use the `NewfoldLabs\WP\ModuleLoader\container` function to fetch the container from any location. ### Installing from our Satis Our modules are sourced from our 3rd-party package repository (Satis). #### 1. Make sure to register our repository in the `composer.json` Via command line: `composer config repositories.newfold composer https://newfold-labs.github.io/satis/` OR ```json { "repositories": [ { "type": "composer", "url": "https://newfold-labs.github.io/satis/", "only": [ "newfold-labs/*" ] } ] } ``` #### 2. `composer require [satis-package-identifier]` #### 3. `composer install` ### Local Development 1. Use a dev environment for a Newfold Brand Plugin [wp-plugin-web, wp-plugin-hostgator, etc]. 2. Open the plugin root directory. 3. Modify the `composer.json` in a text editor. 1. Add a new object to the "repositories" top-level property. _All local repositories should go at the beginning of the array declaration to supercede priority from the satis declarations._ 2. The `url` path is relative to the current folder -- go up two directories for the `/wp-content` folder. 3. The symlink option set to false will copy files instead and wont update without manual intervention. 4. 1. If this is a new module, add it to the `"require"` property with a version of `@dev`. 2. if this is an existing module, modify the entry in `"require"` to `@dev`. ```json { "repositories": [ { "type": "path", "url": "../../path-in-wp-content-directory", "options": { "symlink": true } }, { "type": "composer", "url": "https://newfold-labs.github.io/satis/", "only": [ "newfold-labs/*" ] } ], "require": { "newfold-labs/wp-module-magic": "@dev", "newfold-labs/wp-module-loader": "x.y.z" } } ``` Finally, you may want to run a `composer update` routine or remove your `composer.lock` file and `composer install`. ## Understanding the module lifecycle ### How It Works 0. During plugin release, a `composer install` is run, creating autoloader files and pulling in composer dependencies -- which include Newfold modules. 1. A request is made to WordPress, firing Core hooks. 2. The plugin containing modules is loaded during `do_action('plugins_loaded')`. WordPress loads plugins alphabetically. 3. In the plugin, the composer autoloader is required and executes. This isn't attached to an action hook, but is effectively running during `plugins_loaded`. 4. Each module defines a `bootstrap.php` that is explicitly set to autoload, so when the main plugin's autoloader fires, each module's bootstrap.php is loaded -- again outside the hook cascade, but these files are effectively run during `plugins_loaded`. 5. In the `boostrap.php` for each module, the module is registered with the module loader module using `NewfoldLabs\WP\ModuleLoader\Module\make()`. Most modules should be registered in `do_action('plugins_loaded')` and before the `do_action('init')` hook. 6. In `newfold-labs/wp-module-loader`, the loader runs on `do_action('after_theme_setup')` with a priority of `100`. 7. Any code in a module that is instantiated via `bootstrap.php` can now access the WordPress Action Hook system, starting with `init`. #### Hooks available to modules: * `init` (first available) * `wp_loaded` * `admin_menu` * `admin_init` * etc #### Hooks not available to modules * `plugins_loaded` * `set_current_user` * `setup_theme` * `after_theme_setup` ## Module Loader API The following functions are namespaced with `NewfoldLabs\WP\ModuleLoader`. ### register( $attributes ) > Register a new module. > > Required attributes: > - name (string) - The internal module name; should be lowercase with dashes. > - label (string) - The user-facing module name > - callback (callable) - The callback that kicks off the module's functionality. > - isActive (bool) - Whether the module defaults to active. > - isHidden (bool) - Whether the module should be hidden from users in the UI. ### unregister( $name ) > Unregister a module. The `$name` is the internal module name. ### activate( $name ) > Activate a module by name. ### deactivate( $name ) > Deactivate a module by name. ### isActive( $name ) > Check if a module is active by name. ### container( $container ) > Register a container that should be shared with all modules. > > Currently, the container must be an instance of [`NewfoldLabs\WP\ModuleLoader\Container`](https://github.com/wp-forge/container). > > A container should be registered within the WordPress plugin and should be done like this: > > ```php > use NewfoldLabs\WP\ModuleLoader\Container; > use NewfoldLabs\WP\ModuleLoader\Plugin; > use function NewfoldLabs\WP\ModuleLoader\container as setContainer; > > setContainer( > new Container( > [ > 'plugin' => new Plugin( > [ > 'id' => 'bluehost', // Used for data module integration > 'file' => __FILE__, > ] > ), > ] > ); > ); > ``` > > Documentation on how to use the container exists here: https://github.com/wp-forge/container


