
上传日期:2006-04-14 22:49:59
上 传 者benard_1984
说明:  这是一个基于matlab开发的关于c语言的图形转换程序,可实现直方图的生成和传输
(This is a development based on the Matlab language c graphics conversion program, the histogram can be realized generation and transmission)

@ccosine (0, 2000-11-17)
@ccosine\ccosine.m (1859, 2000-11-17)
@ccosine\display.m (675, 2000-11-17)
@ccosine\ezplot.m (1655, 2000-11-17)
@ccosine\feval.m (150, 2000-11-17)
@ccosine\formulastring.m (1134, 2000-11-17)
@ccosine\gui.m (5294, 2000-11-17)
@ccosine\subsasgn.m (318, 2000-11-17)
@ccosine\subsref.m (363, 2000-11-17)
@ccosine\suggestrate.m (82, 2000-11-17)
@ccosine\support.m (70, 2000-11-17)
@cexponential (0, 2000-11-17)
@cexponential\cexponential.m (2280, 2000-11-17)
@cexponential\display.m (680, 2000-11-17)
@cexponential\ezplot.m (1655, 2000-11-17)
@cexponential\feval.m (334, 2000-11-17)
@cexponential\formulastring.m (2407, 2000-11-17)
@cexponential\gui.m (7523, 2000-11-17)
@cexponential\linedata.m (981, 2000-11-17)
@cexponential\subsasgn.m (331, 2000-11-17)
@cexponential\subsref.m (376, 2000-11-17)
@cexponential\suggestrate.m (90, 2000-11-17)
@cexponential\support.m (178, 2000-11-17)
@cimpulse (0, 2000-11-17)
@cimpulse\cimpulse.m (1735, 2000-11-17)
@cimpulse\display.m (752, 2000-11-17)
@cimpulse\ezplot.m (2330, 2000-11-17)
@cimpulse\feval.m (61, 2000-11-17)
@cimpulse\formulastring.m (910, 2000-11-17)
@cimpulse\gui.m (4776, 2000-11-17)
@cimpulse\subsasgn.m (312, 2000-11-17)
@cimpulse\subsref.m (357, 2000-11-17)
@cimpulse\suggestrate.m (144, 2000-11-17)
@cimpulse\support.m (47, 2000-11-17)
@cpulse (0, 2000-11-17)
@cpulse\cpulse.m (1572, 2000-11-17)
@cpulse\display.m (623, 2000-11-17)
@cpulse\ezplot.m (1655, 2000-11-17)
@cpulse\feval.m (165, 2000-11-17)
@cpulse\formulastring.m (1171, 2000-11-17)
... ...

%=========================================================================== % Matlab Convolution GUI (by Jordan Rosenthal) %=========================================================================== % % This GUI was created to help illustrate the concept of convolution. % % Installation Instructions: % -------------------------- % There are no special installation instructions required. The archive % just needs to be unpacked with the original directory structure % preserved. % % To Run: % ------- % The GUI is started by running the cconvdemo.m file. For further help, % use the help menu. % % Contact Information: % -------------------- % If you find wish to report a bug or have any questions you can contact me % at % % Jordan Rosenthal % % % %=========================================================================== % Revision Summary %=========================================================================== % %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matlab Convolution GUI version 2.02 (17-Nov-2000) %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- % : Fixed bug that occurred when generating delayed exponential, cosine, % and sine signals by correcting the FEVAL functions within the class % definitions. % %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matlab Convolution GUI version 2.01 (06-Nov-2000) %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- % : Put callbacks into CCONVDEMO_CALLBACKS and created a startup file % called CCONVDEMO containing startup code. The old version used a % TRY/CATCH block which created errors in Matlab 5.2. % : Renamed SIGGENDLG to CSIGGENDLG to avoid path conflicts with discrete % CONVDEMO version. % : Modified for better path handling: added ADJUSTPATH function and % modified version of Matlab's QUESTDLG function (to fix bug on that % occurs in Windows machines). GUI now will only run if it is on the % path in a single location. If not on the path, it will ask user if % it should be added. % %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matlab Convolution GUI version 2.00 (26-Oct-2000) %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- % : Renamed main file to cconvdemo. % : Renamed class files to avoid conflicts with discrete convdemo classes. % : Moved EZPLOT function into class directories to avoid path conflicts. % %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matlab Convolution GUI version 1.02 (26-Mar-2000) %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- % : Added a simple installation check % : Added try block to initialization code. % : Fixed 'Close' case to handle multiple instances of GUI correctly. % %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matlab Convolution GUI version 1.01 (10-Nov-1999) %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- % : Fixed a bug in multiplypatch code % %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Matlab Convolution GUI version 1.00 (03-Nov-1999) %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- % : Original code based on the original Convolution GUI for discrete % signals.


