
上传日期:2024-04-25 06:59:18
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  How to install DangerKlipper - Bleeding_Edge and get Shake&Tune working, stars:0, update:2024-04-24 21:39:22


![awesomeklipper](https://github.com/TheVoronModder/Extra-Input-Shapers/assets/142328467/73336a9d-4fbf-4cd4-89a1-1693bf5a1230) # Wondering how people have Shake&Tune "extra" results for Input Shaping? What is "SMOOTH" ya ya, well this is the place to help you. ## Keep in mind I am not advertising any sort of "tech support" whatsoever, and just like you I learn new things every day. The problem I have is once I set my eye on something I work tirelessly around the clock to get things working. With that being said there is probably an easier way to do this than the path I took however, my IS shake&tune works with smooth IS. SO... Here we go: ## install dangerklipper using KIAUH To do this, add the Danger Klipper repo to KIAUH's repo list and run the script with the following commands: ```bash echo "DangerKlippers/danger-klipper" >> ~/kiauh/klipper_repos.txt ~/kiauh/kiauh.sh ``` then run KIAUH ```bash ~/kiauh/kiauh.sh ``` ### From the KIAUH menu select: 6 ) Settings 1 ) Set custom Klipper repository Select the number corresponding to DangerKlipper from the list shown Select 'Y' to confirm replacing your existing Klipper install Enter 'B' for back twice 'Q' to quit ```bash sudo reboot ``` SSH back into your printers pi we need to see what version of dangerklipper we installed. to do this while in your ssh terminal send this: ```bash cd ~/klipper/ ``` now your in your klipper directory. run this: ```bash git branch ``` and then ```bash git remote -v ``` if you get something like the image below it is simple to get the correct directory. ![dangerklipper version](https://github.com/TheVoronModder/Extra-Input-Shapers/assets/142328467/0b711abe-55be-44d6-8117-9e4b7585d162) run these commands in the terminal: ```bash git checkout bleeding-edge ``` ```bash sudo systemctl restart klipper ``` Re connect to your pi via ssh and verify you have bleeding-edge installed by running: ```bash cd ~/klipper/ ``` ```bash git branch ``` You should now see that your klipper version is now bleeding edge like the image below: ![dangerklipper version now bleeding edge](https://github.com/TheVoronModder/Extra-Input-Shapers/assets/142328467/d885768e-91e9-4c57-8329-c549e44fb43c) ### Now the fun part - kind of..... reflashing your MCU! So, now we need to re-build and re-compile the firmware we did originally but this time were going to add 1 NEW option that was never there before.... the process is the same for setting any MCU up for Klipper regardless of what you have... ssh back into your pi if you left or closed it out. You should be in ```bash ~/klipper/ ``` directory. ```bash make menuconfig ``` ## from here follow the recipe for your MCU but CHECK "High-precision stepping support (slow)" ![danger klipper mcu bro](https://github.com/TheVoronModder/Extra-Input-Shapers/assets/142328467/97bb145a-76a5-4759-b360-c23606d18d49) hit "Q" to quit, "Y" for yes, we want to save. then ```bash make clean ``` ```bash make ``` Now to flash..... we need to find the correct serial by-id... ```bash ls /dev/serial/by-id/* ``` The output should look similar to this: ```/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32f042x6_010001000C123456789123-if00``` with this serial path you need to perform the flash command: ```bash sudo systemctl stop klipper make flash FLASH_DEVICE= sudo systemctl start klipper ``` ## for some reason if this does not work you can always use an sd card by copying the klippy.bin file and go that route. # this is the time to reflash the RaspberryPi! yay? okay, seriously though, this part can be daunting for newbies, in all honesty its quite smiple. ssh back into your pi. execute the following commands: ```bash cd ~/klipper/ make menuconfig ``` Then MAKE SURE YOU CHOOSE THE CORRECT THING HERE:


