
上传日期:2024-04-26 10:36:50
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Ingest Nessus files into Elasticsearch using PowerShell!, stars:0, update:2024-04-26 02:14:02


# Power-Nessie drawing Ingest .nessus files from Tenable's Nessus scanner into Elasticsearch. #### Why the new repo? This project has taken on it's own form due to the major changes from the original work: [iwikmai/Nessus-ES](https://github.com/iwikmai/Nessus-ES). A huge thanks to the original creator of Nessus-ES as it has given me the foundation to begin learning how to ingest data into the Elastic stack programmatically. Thank you! The old project that I had forked and made my changes to is now archived/read-only and may eventually be deleted [nicpenning/Nessus-ES](https://github.com/nicpenning/Nessus-ES). This new project comes with some new changes such as bug fixes, pipeline/mapping updates, and the new ability to do a patch summary from previously ingested Nessus scan data that contain the same hosts. #### Power-Nessie A way to ingest Nessus Scan data into Elasticsearch using PowerShell. Tracking vulnerabilities can be scary and overwhelming but this tool is designed to wrangle up those vulnerabilities into manageable way. As always, feel free to post issues / questions in this project to make it even better. Enjoy! ```mermaid sequenceDiagram PowerShell->>Nessus: Downloads .Nessus File(s) via Nessus API Nessus->>PowerShell: .nessus File(s) Saved Locally PowerShell->>Kibana: Dashboards, Index Templates and other Setup items PowerShell->>Elasticsearch: Ingest Parsed XML Data via Elasticsearch API ``` With some careful setup of your Elastic stack and a little PowerShell you can turn your .nessus files into this: ![image](https://github.com/nicpenning/Power-Nessie/assets/5582679/de61836f-8453-4f5c-88f4-2a6b2f7deeb1) The Power-Nessie project is a simplified way of taking .nessus files and ingesting them into Elasticsearch using PowerShell on Windows, Mac, or Linux. Requirements * Functioning Elastic Stack (7.0+, 8.13.0 Latest Tested) * PowerShell 7.0+ (7.4.1 Latest Tested) * .nessus File(s) Exported (Power-Nessie can do this!) Script includes a Menu to help you use Power-Nessie: ![image](https://github.com/nicpenning/Power-Nessie/assets/5582679/157d0bfc-d4d8-45ba-9607-f97ceabfab19) ## Now - [X] Index Template - [X] Data View, Searches, Visualizations, and Dashboards - [X] ECS coverage across as many fields as possible - [X] Documentation ([Wiki](https://github.com/nicpenning/Power-Nessie/wiki/Overview)) - [X] Automated Nessus File Download - [X] Automated Elasticsearch Ingest - [X] Setup Script (Template, Objects, API, etc..) ## New - [X] Compare Scans (New Data Stream and Dashboard) - [X] Generate Reports (PDF/PNG) & Send via Email - [X] Configuration File Support New Patch Summary Dashboard: ![image](https://github.com/nicpenning/Power-Nessie/assets/5582679/eeda4133-7317-452e-b6f4-71f07b4d714c) ## Future - [ ] Add Detection Rules - [ ] Automate/Implement Latest CISA KEVs ([Feature Request](https://github.com/nicpenning/Power-Nessie/issues/1)) ## Automated or Manual Download and Ingest capability - Check the [Wiki](https://github.com/nicpenning/Power-Nessie/wiki/Overview)! Invoke-Power-Nessie.ps1 ## Full dashboard preview https://github.com/nicpenning/Power-Nessie/assets/5582679/8fcc5db3-7f28-4410-b796-6d89f339bf6b


