
上传日期:2024-06-09 13:21:30
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  与远程数据库表的抽象接口
(abstract interface with remote database table)


# TableCrow [![tests](]( [![codecov](]( [![build](]( [![version](]( [![License: GPL v3](]( [![style](]( `tablecrow` is an abstraction over a generalized database table. Currently, `tablecrow` offers an abstraction for PostGreSQL and SQLite tables with simple PostGIS and SpatiaLite operations. ```bash pip install tablecrow ``` ## Data Model `tablecrow` sees a database schema as a mapping of field names to Python types, and a database record / row as a mapping of field names to values: ```python from datetime import datetime fields = {'id': int, 'time': datetime, 'length': float, 'name': str} record = {'id': 1, 'time': datetime(2020, 1, 1), 'length': 4.4, 'name': 'long boi'} ``` For databases with a spatial extension, you can use [Shapely geometries]( ```python from shapely.geometry import Polygon fields = {'id': int, 'polygon': Polygon} record = {'id': 1, 'polygon': Polygon([(-77.1, 39.65), (-77.1, 39.725), (-77.4, 39.725), (-77.4, 39.65), (-77.1, 39.65)])} ``` ## Usage #### connect to an existing database ```python import tablecrow # list all tables in a SQLite database file sqlite_tables = tablecrow.connect('test_database.db') # connect to a PostGres database table postgres_table = tablecrow.connect( '', database='postgres', table_names=['test_table'], ) ``` #### create a simple table (single primary key, no geometries) ```python from datetime import datetime from tablecrow import PostGresTable table = PostGresTable( hostname='localhost:5432', database='postgres', table_name='testing', fields={'id': int, 'time': datetime, 'length': float, 'name': str}, primary_key='id', username='postgres', password='', ) # add a list of records table.insert([ {'id': 1, 'time': datetime(2020, 1, 1), 'length': 4.4, 'name': 'long boi'}, {'id': 3, 'time': datetime(2020, 1, 3), 'length': 2, 'name': 'short boi'}, {'id': 2}, {'id': 15, 'time': datetime(2020, 3, 3)}, ]) # set, access, or delete a single record using its primary key value table[4] = {'time': datetime(2020, 1, 4), 'length': 5, 'name': 'long'} record = table[3] del table[2] # list of records in the table num_records = len(table) records = table.records # query the database with a dictionary, or a SQL `WHERE` clause as a string records = table.records_where({'name': 'short boi'}) records = table.records_where({'name': None}) records = table.records_where({'name': '%long%'}) records = table.records_where("time <= '20200102'::date") records = table.records_where("length > 2 OR name ILIKE '%short%'") # delete records with a query table.delete_where({'name': None}) ``` #### create a table with multiple primary key fields ```python from datetime import datetime from tablecrow import SQLiteTable table = SQLiteTable( path='test_database.db', table_name='testing', fields={'id': int, 'time': datetime, 'length': float, 'name': str}, primary_key=('id', 'name'), ) # a compound primary key allows more flexibility in ID table.insert([ {'id': 1, 'time': datetime(2020, 1, 1), 'length': 4.4, 'name': 'long boi'}, {'id': 1, 'time': datetime(2020, 1, 1), 'length': 3, 'name': 'short boi'}, {'id': 3, 'time': datetime(2020, 1, 3), 'length': 2, 'name': 'short boi'}, {'id': 3, 'time': datetime(2020, 1, 3), 'length': 6, 'name': 'long boi'}, {'id': 2, 'name': 'short boi'}, ]) # key accessors must include entire primary key table[4, 'long'] = {'time': datetime(2020, 1, 4), 'length': 5} record = table[3, 'long boi'] ``` #### create a table with geometry fields the database must have a spatial extension (such as PostGIS) installed ```python from pyproj import CRS from shapely.geometry import MultiPolygon, Polygon, box from tablecrow import PostGresTable table = PostGresTable( hostname='localhost:5432', database='postgres', table_name='testing', fields={'id': int, 'polygon': Polygon, 'multipolygon': MultiPolygon}, primary_key='id', username='postgres', password='', crs=CRS.from_epsg(4326), ) big_box = box(-77.4, 39.65, -77.1, 39.725) little_box_inside_big_box = box(-77.7, 39.725, -77.4, 39.8) little_box_touching_big_box = box(-77.1, 39.575, -76.8, 39.65) disparate_box = box(-77.7, 39.425, -77.4, 39.5) big_box_in_utm18n = box(268397.8, 4392279.8, 320292.0, 4407509.6) multi_box = MultiPolygon([little_box_inside_big_box, little_box_touching_big_box]) table.insert([ {'id': 1, 'polygon': little_box_inside_big_box}, {'id': 2, 'polygon': little_box_touching_big_box}, {'id': 3, 'polygon': disparate_box, 'multipolygon': multi_box}, ]) # find all records with any geometry intersecting the given geometry records = table.records_intersecting(big_box) # find all records with only specific geometry fields intersecting the given geometry records = table.records_intersecting(big_box, geometry_fields=['polygon']) # you can also provide geometries in a different CRS records = table.records_intersecting( big_box_in_utm18n, crs=CRS.from_epsg(32618), geometry_fields=['polygon'], ) ``` ## Extending to write your own custom table interface, extend `DatabaseTable`: ```python from typing import Any, Mapping, Sequence, Union from tablecrow.tables.base import DatabaseTable class CustomDatabaseTable(DatabaseTable): # mapping from Python types to database types FIELD_TYPES = { 'NoneType': 'NotImplemented', 'bool': 'NotImplemented', 'float': 'NotImplemented', 'int': 'NotImplemented', 'str': 'NotImplemented', 'bytes': 'NotImplemented', 'date': 'NotImplemented', 'time': 'NotImplemented', 'datetime': 'NotImplemented', 'timedelta': 'NotImplemented', } def __init__(self, database: str, name: str, fields: {str: type}, primary_key: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = None, hostname: str = None, username: str = None, password: str = None, users: [str] = None): super().__init__(database, name, fields, primary_key, hostname, username, password, users) raise NotImplementedError('implement database connection and table creation here') @property def exists(self) -> bool: raise NotImplementedError('implement database table existence check here') @property def schema(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError('implement string generation for the database schema here') @property def remote_fields(self) -> {str: type}: raise NotImplementedError('implement accessor for database fields here') def records_where(self, where: Union[Mapping[str, Any], str, Sequence[str]]) -> [{str: Any}]: raise NotImplementedError('implement database record query here') def insert(self, records: [{str: Any}]): raise NotImplementedError('implement database record insertion here') def delete_where(self, where: Union[Mapping[str, Any], str, Sequence[str]]): raise NotImplementedError('implement database record deletion here') def delete_table(self): raise NotImplementedError('implement database table deletion here') ``` ## Acknowledgements The original core code and methodology of `tablecrow` was developed for the National Bathymetric Source project under the [Office of Coast Survey of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)](, a part of the United States Department of Commerce, by [@glenrice-noaa](, [@Casiano-Koprowski](, and [@zacharyburnett](


