
上传日期:2011-12-21 19:34:22
上 传 者wenzhengshu
说明:  富士通单片机关于PPG的编程,很不错的资料,可以在最小系统板上运行的程序,PPG的占空比可以设置的
(about the program of the PPG ,be able to be used in the small board,and the pulse percent can be set )

96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg-v11\96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg.prj (1385, 2007-02-07)
96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg-v11\96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg.wsp (335, 2006-12-13)
96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg-v11\ABS (0, 2007-02-09)
96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg-v11\ABS\96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg.mhx (2696, 2007-02-09)
96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg-v11\Doc (0, 2006-09-27)
96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg-v11\LST (0, 2007-02-09)
96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg-v11\LST\96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg.mp1 (45775, 2007-02-09)
96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg-v11\MB2198-01_COM1.sup (2769, 2007-01-04)
96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg-v11\MB2198-01_COM2.sup (2772, 2007-01-04)
96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg-v11\MB2198-01_LAN.sup (702, 2006-08-02)
96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg-v11\MB2198-01_USB.sup (2769, 2007-01-04)
96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg-v11\OBJ (0, 2007-02-09)
96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg-v11\OBJ\Start.obj (3159, 2007-02-09)
96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg-v11\OPT (0, 2007-02-09)
96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg-v11\OPT\96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg.opa (123, 2007-02-09)
96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg-v11\OPT\96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg.opb (377, 2007-02-09)
96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg-v11\OPT\96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg.opc (127, 2007-02-09)
96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg-v11\OPT\96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg.opl (716, 2007-02-09)
96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg-v11\OPT\96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg.opv (152, 2007-02-09)
96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg-v11\options.dat (743, 2007-02-07)
96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg-v11\Prc (0, 2006-09-27)
96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg-v11\Prc\romconst.prc (501, 2006-03-06)
96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg-v11\Simulator.sup (3660, 2006-08-03)
96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg-v11\Src (0, 2007-02-07)
96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg-v11\Src\MAIN.C (1976, 2007-02-07)
96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg-v11\Src\mb96346rw.asm (70405, 2007-02-09)
96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg-v11\Src\mb96346rw.h (604661, 2007-02-09)
96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg-v11\Src\START.ASM (65917, 2007-02-08)
96340_ppg0_rlt0_trg-v11\Src\vectors.c (8561, 2007-02-07)

========================================================================== PPG0-RLT0-Trigger Project for MB9634x Series ========================================================================== Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH The following software is for demonstration purposes only. It is not fully tested, nor validated in order to fullfill its task under all circumstances. Therefore, this software or any part of it must only be used in an evaluation laboratory environment. This software is subject to the rules of our standard DISCLAIMER, that is delivered with our SW-tools on the Fujitsu Microcontrollers DVD (V5.0 or higher "\START.HTM"). ========================================================================== History Date Ver Author Softune Description 2006-08-03 1.0 MWi V30L33 original version 2007-02-09 1.1 MWi V30L33 updated header files ========================================================================== This is a PPG0+RLT0-Trigger-project for the MB9634x Series. It initializes Reload Timer 0 and PPG0 in Single Shot Mode. RLT0 triggers PPG0. The Main function sets new Reload Values to show frequency change of the PPG0. PPG0-Pin (MB9634x, QFP-100): Pin 36, Port 60 TOT0-Pin (MB9634x, QFP-100): Pin 58, Port 81 Wave-Forms: !PPG ! PPG ! !PPG ! PPG ! ! L ! H ! ! L ! H ! +-----+ +-----+ ! ! ! ! PPG0 ----------+ +-------------------+ +----- +------------+ +------------+ ! ! ! ! TOT0 -----+ +------------+ +--- ^ ^ Trigger Trigger !<---- Period changes --->! The period is about 150 s to 250 s using 16 MHz CLKP1. Clock settings: --------------- Crystal: 4 MHz CLKB: 16 MHz CLKP1: 16 MHz CLKP2: 16 MHz NOTE: ----- This project uses the RAM/ROM configuration of the MB96(F)346: RAM: 16K ROM: 288K For devices with less RAM/ROM size please modify linker settings according start and end addresses described in hardware manual or data sheet!


