
上传日期:2012-02-11 09:15:53
上 传 者老马识途奔前方
说明:  模糊逻辑控制仿真源代码,希望对大家有帮助
(fuzzy logic cntrol Matlab simulation source code)

VdataM.m (1305, 2001-08-14)
fuzzy.mdl (211860, 2001-08-14)
HdataF.m (695, 2001-08-14)
HdataM.m (682, 2001-08-14)
HdataM2.m (91, 2001-08-14)
HdataTd.m (6891, 2001-08-14)
HdataTd.mat (2184, 2001-08-14)
HeaterTest.mdl (5461, 2001-08-14)
Mamdani25Test.mdl (8623, 2001-08-14)
Mamdani25Vehicle.mdl (8249, 2001-08-14)
Mamdani9Test.mdl (7792, 2001-08-14)
Mamdani9Vehicle.mdl (8259, 2001-08-14)
MamdaniTest.mdl (8714, 2001-08-14)
MamdaniVehicle.mdl (8252, 2001-08-14)
Mdata.m (1127, 2001-08-14)
Mdata25.m (1114, 2001-08-14)
OptimalVehicle.mdl (10131, 2001-08-14)
PlotMdata.m (190, 2001-08-14)
PlotVdata.m (296, 2001-08-14)
TeaterTest.mdl (0, 2001-08-14)
TSKdata(Generic).m (510, 2002-07-02)
TSKHeater.mdl (7923, 2001-08-14)
VdataC.m (285, 2001-08-14)
VdataF.m (862, 2001-08-14)
VdataF25.m (919, 2001-08-14)
EngineTest.mdl (10574, 2001-08-14)

Reza Langari Department of Mechanical Engineering Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-3123 rlangari@tamu.edu 979-845-6918 979-845-3081(Fax) Copyright Reza Langari, 1997-2002. These files were develoepd using Matlab 5/Simulink 2. The user may modify these files so long as they (a) acknowledge the author, and (b) do not sell or off these commercially. These M-files are User Contributed Routines which are being redistributed by The MathWorks, upon request, on an "as is" basis. A User Contributed Routine is not a product of The MathWorks, Inc. and The MathWorks assumes no responsibility for any errors that may exist in these routines. Contents: MATLAB Files for Chapter 8 of Fuzzy Logic:Intelligence, Control, and Information, J. Yen and R. Langari, Prentice Hall, 1999. Notes: Files needed to run Simulink models are listed in parantheses. Please follow the order listed. Invoking any of the simulink models will automatically load the needed library blocks from 'fuzzy.mdl' which is a simulink library of models used in this work. It is recommended that until such time as you feel comfortable with the use of these files, to clear Matlab workspace each time you load a new simulation model. Simulink files: HeaterTest.mdl Heater test model in Simulink(Requires HdataM) TSKHeater.mdl Heater control using TSK alg(Requires HdataM,HdataF,HdataTd) MamdaniTest.mdl Simple Mamdani test model(Requires Mdata) Mamdani9Test.mdl 9 rule Mamdani test model(Requires Mdata) Mamdani25Test.mdl" 25 rule Mamdani test model(Requires Mdata25) EngineTest.mdl Vehicle engine test model in Simulink(Requires VdataM,VdataC) MamdaniVehicle.mdl Vehicle control via simple Mamdani FLC(Requires VdataM,VdataF) Mamdani9Vehicle.mdl Vehicle control via 9 rule Mamdani FLC(Requires VdataM,VdataF) Mamdani25Vehicle.mdl Vehicle control via 25 rule Mamdani FLC(Requires VdataM,VdataF25) OptimalVehicle.mdl Vehicle control via simple LQ alg(Requires VdataM,VdataC) Data files: Heat exchanger related files for use with TSKHeater.mdl: HdataM.m Heat exchanger model data file HdataF.m Data used by the TSKHeater.mdl HdataTd.m Defines the setpoint for the TSKHeater.mdl Library file Data files for use with the generic Mamdani controller(MamdaniTest.mdl) Mdata.m Date file for use with MamdaniTest and Mamdani9Test Mdata25.m Data file for use with Mamdani25Test Date files for use with EngineTest.mdl and MamdaniVehicle.mdl: VdataM.m Vehicle model data definition file VdataF.m Data for use with MamdaniVehicle and Mamdani9Vehicle VdataF25.m Data for use with Mandani25Vehicle VdataC.m Data for use with OptimalVehicle Matlab m-files to plot the data PlotMdata.m PlotVdata.m Library file fuzzy.mdl


