
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2012-02-14 13:59:22
上 传 者fuguangping
说明:  TI的C6455系列的DSP上运行的PCI测试程序,在HPS6455开发板上可直接运行,想学习C6455的是很好的资料
(Running on TI s C6455 DSP PCI testing procedures, the the HPS6455 development board can be run directly, want to learn C6455 is a good information)

dsp_pci\apps\sample\Debug\sample.exe (180290, 2005-01-11)
dsp_pci\apps\sample\Debug\sample.obj (33961, 2005-01-11)
dsp_pci\apps\sample\Debug\sample.pdb (377856, 2005-01-11)
dsp_pci\apps\sample\Debug\sample.sbr (958974, 2005-01-11)
dsp_pci\apps\sample\Debug\sicommon_ti_win.obj (33215, 2005-01-11)
dsp_pci\apps\sample\Debug\sicommon_ti_win.sbr (987476, 2005-01-11)
dsp_pci\apps\sample\Debug\vc60.pdb (77824, 2005-01-11)
dsp_pci\apps\sample\sample.cpp (10020, 2003-11-05)
dsp_pci\apps\sample\sample.dsp (4964, 2003-11-05)
dsp_pci\apps\sample\sample.dsw (653, 2003-11-05)
dsp_pci\apps\sample\sample.exe (49152, 2003-06-03)
dsp_pci\apps\sample\sample.h (1311, 2003-11-05)
dsp_pci\apps\sample\sample.ncb (66560, 2005-01-11)
dsp_pci\apps\sample\sample.opt (54784, 2005-01-11)
dsp_pci\apps\sample\sample.plg (1376, 2005-01-11)
dsp_pci\apps\sample\vs.rc (2480, 2003-11-05)
dsp_pci\apps\samplib\Debug\samplib.exp (1303, 2005-01-11)
dsp_pci\apps\samplib\Debug\samplib.lib (3034, 2005-01-11)
dsp_pci\apps\samplib\Debug\samplib.obj (18756, 2005-01-11)
dsp_pci\apps\samplib\Debug\samplib.pdb (541696, 2005-01-11)
dsp_pci\apps\samplib\Debug\samplib.sbr (957392, 2005-01-11)
dsp_pci\apps\samplib\Debug\sicommon_ti_win.obj (33257, 2005-01-11)
dsp_pci\apps\samplib\Debug\sicommon_ti_win.sbr (987539, 2005-01-11)
dsp_pci\apps\samplib\Debug\vc60.pdb (77824, 2005-01-11)
dsp_pci\apps\samplib\samplib.cpp (6633, 2003-11-05)
dsp_pci\apps\samplib\samplib.def (172, 2003-11-05)
dsp_pci\apps\samplib\samplib.dll (49152, 2003-06-04)
dsp_pci\apps\samplib\samplib.dsp (4865, 2003-11-05)
dsp_pci\apps\samplib\samplib.dsw (656, 2003-11-05)
dsp_pci\apps\samplib\samplib.h (1692, 2003-11-05)
dsp_pci\apps\samplib\samplib.ncb (74752, 2005-01-11)
dsp_pci\apps\samplib\samplib.opt (54784, 2005-01-11)
dsp_pci\apps\samplib\samplib.plg (1390, 2005-01-11)
dsp_pci\apps\test vis\tic6x_lv5.llb (87161, 2003-09-10)
dsp_pci\apps\testVis\samplib.dll (208964, 2005-01-11)
dsp_pci\common\sicommon_ti.h (2325, 2003-11-05)
dsp_pci\common\sicommon_ti_types.h (1736, 2003-11-05)
dsp_pci\common\sicommon_ti_win.cpp (26822, 2003-11-05)
dsp_pci\common\siddkapi_win.h (9273, 2003-11-05)
dsp_pci\common\ti.h (2040, 2003-11-05)
... ...

{\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deflang255{\fonttbl{\f0\froman Times New Roman;}{\f1\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green128\blue128;\red255\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\cf1\b\f0\fs36 Sheldon Instruments\par \cf2 SI-DDK-TI\par \cf3 Installation Information\par \pard\cf1\b0\fs24\par \ul\b Table of Contents\par \ulnone\par \lang1033\f1 1\lang255\f0 . SI-DDK-TI-WDM for Win***/ME//2000/XP\par \lang1033\f1 2\lang255\f0 . SI-DDK-TI-LNX for Linux Kernel 2.4.x.\par \b0\par \b ______________________________________________________________________________\par \b0\par \lang1033\ul\b\f1\fs32 1\lang255\f0 . SI-DDK-TI-WDM for Windows ***/ME/2000/XP.\par \ulnone\fs20\par \b0\fs24 The SI-DDK-TI-WDM requires that you have Visual C++, the Win*** DDK or the Win2000 DDK or the WinXP DDK to build drivers. The Platform SDK is optional and is not necessary to build WDM drivers. Without at least one of the DDKs, the driver will not build. If you find that the build tools (compiler, etc) cannot find some files from the DDK, make sure you installed the correct DDK, and that the installer did not replace one DDK with the other (as the default installer sometimes will).\par \fs20\par \cf4\fs24 Step 1 -- Compiler\par \cf1 Install Visual C++. Other compilers may work, but only after significant work on your part.\par \par \cf4 Step 2 -- Optionally install PlatformSDK\par \cf1 Optionally install the PlatformSDK using the PlatformSDK's installer. No examples are \i strictly required\i0 , but they can be very helpful.\fs20\par \par \cf4\fs24 Step 3a -- Win*** or Win2000 DDK\par \cf1 Install the DDK using the installer. Install the specific DDK that matches the OS for which you plan to develop, either Win*** or Win2000. Make sure to read the INSTALL.HTML document provided by Microsoft.\par \par \cf4 Step 3b -- WinXP DDK\par \cf1 Install the WinXP DDK using the installer. When installing the WinXP DDK, be sure to manually configure the environment variable for DDKROOT. Under '>>System Properties>>Advanced>>Environment Variables", add DDKROOT variable as the one you used in installing the DDK. For verification, go to the command prompt and make sure this value shows up when using SET DDKROOT.\par \b\par \cf4\b0 Step 4 -- Test the tools\par \cf1 At this point, build some of the sample drivers. Instructions for doing this come with the DDK's. If you are able to build one or two sample drivers now, you will have significantly fewer problems later. Building the SI-DDK-TI-WDM driver is actually easier than building the samples.\par \cf4\par Step 5 -- SI-DDK-TI-WDM\par \cf1 The SI-DDK-TI-WDM is delivered as a compressed file. Please expand the compressed file into either a TEMP directory or into an SIDDK directory. All versions of the SI-DDK ship with all files needed for Win ***, Win2000, and WinXP.\par \b\par \cf4\b0 Step 6 -- Build the SI-DDK-TI-WDM driver\par \cf1 Follow the instructions in the BuildTI.DOC files to build the respective drivers. This file is located under the DOCS subdirectory.\par \fs20\par \cf4\fs24 Step 7 -- Install and Register the SI-DDK-TI-WDM driver under Win ***/2000/XP\par \cf1 If the VID and DID need to be altered, please perform the following steps to install the Win*** driver:\fs20\par \fs24 1) If necessary, edit the SIDRV.INF file using any editor and change the DeviceID and VendorID fields to match your device. They are currently set at VID=0x80BB and DID=0x0000. This vendor ID is registered to Sheldon Instruments, but you are free to use it.\fs20\par \fs24 2) Now, using RegEdit, remove the registry entry for your PCI device. This is found under:\par HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Enum\\PCI\\Your VID and DID. It is possible that there is no entry for your device. If you can't find one, go on to the next step.\par 3) Now reboot your machine with your PCI board installed. Win***'s hardware installation wizard should detect your PCI board as a new device.\par 4) When asked for a driver, select the "Have Disk" option, then browse your hard drive for the SI\lang1033\f1 C6X\lang255\f0 WDM.INF file provided.\par 5) If the process complains that it can't find the SI\lang1033\f1 C6X\lang255\f0 WDM.SYS, manually direct it into the BIN subdirectory where you built the driver in Step 5. This procedure should install the SI\lang1033\f1 C6X\lang255\f0 WDM.SYS as the driver for your PCI device. Each time you change the driver and want to use the new version, simply overwrite the old driver in the \\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\DRIVERS subdirectory, and reboot your machine.\par \par \cf4 Step 8 -- Run the sample application\par \cf1 Using Visual C++, build the sample application. A Visual C++ project (.DSW extension) file is provided under ..\\DEMOS\\WSAMPLE. This command line executable program will run under Win*** or Win2000. Play around with the options and see if you get the expected results. If you are developing for Win***/2000/XP, try the same sample application under all OSes.\par \par \cf4 Step 9 -- Troubleshoot\par \cf1 If the driver doesn't respond as you would expect, see the Troubleshooting section of the SIDDKFAQ.DOC file.\par \par ______________________________________________________________________________\par \par \lang1033\ul\b\f1\fs32 2\lang255\f0 . SI-DDK-TI-LNX for Linux Kernel 2/4/x.\par \cf3\ulnone\b0\fs28\par \cf4\fs24 Step 1 -- Compiler\par \cf1 Make sure that you are using Linux Kernel 2.4.x and have the latest GNU compilers.\par \par \cf4 Step 2 - SI-DDK-TI-LNX\cf1\fs20\par \fs24 The SI-DDK-TI-LNX is delivered as a compressed file. Please expand the compressed file into either a TEMP directory or into an SIDDK directory. All versions of the SI-DDK ship with all files needed for Linux Kernel 2.4.x.\par \par \cf4 Step 3 -- Build the SI-DDK-TI-LNX driver\par \cf1 Follow the instructions in the BuildTI.DOC files to build the respective drivers. This file is located under the DOCS subdirectory.\par \cf4\par Step 4 -- Create the Device file\par \cf1 Make sure a device file for the board has ben created. If not, use the MKNOD command to create a device file for the board as shown:\par mknod /dev/si\lang1033\f1 c6x\lang255\f0 0 c 127 0\par \par The format for creating a device file is:\par mknod /dev/ \par \par where\par 1) = device filename appended with the minor number.\par 2) = "c" first argument that defines a character device.\par 3) = "127", second argument that classifies the SI-DDK-TI device driver.\par 4) = "[0..n]", third argument that defines the board/slot number.\par \par \cf4 Step 5 -- Install the SI-DDK driver under Linux Kernel 2.4.x\par \cf1 Please perform the following steps to install the Linux driver:\fs20\par \fs24 1) If necessary, you may have to specify the DeviceID and VendorID fields to match your device. They are currently set at VID=0x\lang1033\f1 9065\lang255\f0 and DID=0x10\lang1033\f1 4C\lang255\f0 . This vendor ID is registered to Sheldon Instruments, but you are free to use it.\par 2) From a command prompt, type "insmod si\lang1033\f1 c6x\lang255\f0 .o SI_VID=0x\lang1033\f1 9065\lang255\f0 SI_DID=0x10\lang1033\f1 4C\lang255\f0 ." The insmod command is a standard linux module installer. It will install and register your module with the kernel without having to recompile the kernel.\par 3) You can type "lsmod" from the command prompt to display a list of installed modules (drivers) to ensure that your driver was loaded.\par \par \cf4 Step 6 -- Run the sample application\par \cf1 Build the sample application. This command line executable program will run on the Linux 2.4.x kernel. In order to obtain the expected results, you must have the options properly set, if not you will need to perform a little "trial and error" excersize.\par \par \cf4 Step 7 -- Troubleshoot\par \cf1 If the driver doesn't respond as you would expect, see the Troubleshooting section of the SIDDKFAQ.DOC file.\par \par }


