
所属分类:Windows CE
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2012-02-23 14:02:59
说明:  快速二维码解码(qr),图片可以是拍摄的。本站其他相关资源都没有此部分源码,具体功能包括图形探测定位、图形过滤校正、检错纠错等
(Fast decoding of the two-dimensional code ( QR ), the picture may be shot. The station of other related resources are not the part of the source code, the specific features include detection of positioning graphics, graphics filter correction, such as error detection and correction)

QR_Cpp (0, 2011-07-20)
QR_Cpp\QR_Cpp.vcproj (6114, 2011-07-20)
QR_Cpp\stdafx.h (1373, 2011-07-20)
QR_Cpp\stdafx.cpp (293, 2011-07-20)
QR_Cpp\QR_Cpp.rc2 (316, 2011-07-20)
QR_Cpp\QR_Cpp.h (37, 2011-07-20)
QR_Cpp\QR_Cpp.ico (23558, 2005-08-12)
QR_Cpp\QR_Cpp.sln (1226, 2011-07-20)
QR_Cpp\QR_Cpp.suo (14336, 2011-12-01)
QR_Cpp\QR_Cpp.vcproj.DAVID-LV.longjianxiang.user (1821, 2011-12-01)
QR_Cpp\POS_SDK1 (ARMV4I) (0, 2011-07-20)
QR_Cpp\POS_SDK1 (ARMV4I)\Debug (0, 2011-07-20)
QR_Cpp\POS_SDK1 (ARMV4I)\Debug\BuildLog.htm (8050, 2011-07-20)
QR_Cpp\POS_SDK1 (ARMV4I)\Debug\vc80.idb (281600, 2011-07-20)
QR_Cpp\POS_SDK1 (ARMV4I)\Debug\QR_Cpp.pch (3735552, 2011-07-20)
QR_Cpp\POS_SDK1 (ARMV4I)\Debug\vc80.pdb (339968, 2011-07-20)
QR_Cpp\POS_SDK1 (ARMV4I)\Debug\stdafx.obj (85427, 2011-07-20)
QR_Cpp\POS_SDK1 (ARMV4I)\Debug\QR_Cpp.obj (10021, 2011-07-20)
QR_Cpp\POS_SDK1 (ARMV4I)\Debug\QR_Cpp.res (65216, 2011-07-20)
QR_Cpp\POS_SDK1 (ARMV4I)\Debug\QR_Cpp.exe (72192, 2011-07-20)
QR_Cpp\POS_SDK1 (ARMV4I)\Debug\QR_Cpp.pdb (461824, 2011-07-20)
QR_Cpp\POS_SDK1 (ARMV4I)\Release (0, 2011-07-20)
QR_Cpp\POS_SDK1 (ARMV4I)\Release\BuildLog.htm (6812, 2011-07-23)
QR_Cpp\POS_SDK1 (ARMV4I)\Release\vc80.pdb (339968, 2011-07-23)
QR_Cpp\POS_SDK1 (ARMV4I)\Release\MachineInterfaceDll.dll (1376768, 2011-07-14)
QR_Cpp\POS_SDK1 (ARMV4I)\Release\QRDEC.DLL (89088, 2011-07-13)
QR_Cpp\POS_SDK1 (ARMV4I)\Release\QR_Cpp.pch (3670016, 2011-07-20)
QR_Cpp\POS_SDK1 (ARMV4I)\Release\vc80.idb (166912, 2011-07-23)
QR_Cpp\POS_SDK1 (ARMV4I)\Release\stdafx.obj (85430, 2011-07-20)
QR_Cpp\POS_SDK1 (ARMV4I)\Release\QR_Cpp.obj (16563, 2011-07-23)
QR_Cpp\POS_SDK1 (ARMV4I)\Release\QR_Cpp.exe (72704, 2011-07-23)
QR_Cpp\POS_SDK1 (ARMV4I)\Release\QR_Cpp.pdb (470016, 2011-07-23)
QR_Cpp\POS_SDK1 (ARMV4I)\Release\QR_Cpp.res (65256, 2011-07-23)
QR_Cpp\QR_Cpp.ncb (6171648, 2011-12-01)
QR_Cpp\Resource.h (1261, 2011-07-20)
QR_Cpp\QR_Cpp.aps (69288, 2011-07-23)
QR_Cpp\QR_Cpp.rc (4179, 2011-07-23)
QR_Cpp\QR_Cpp.cpp (10888, 2011-07-23)

======================================================================== WIN32 APPLICATION : QR_Cpp Project Overview ======================================================================== AppWizard has created this QR_Cpp application for you. This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your QR_Cpp application. QR_Cpp.vcproj This is the main project file for VC++ projects generated using an Application Wizard. It contains information about the version of Visual C++ that generated the file, and information about the platforms, configurations, and project features selected with the Application Wizard. QR_Cpp.cpp This is the main application source file. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AppWizard has created the following resources: QR_Cpp.rc This is a listing of all of the Microsoft Windows resources that the program uses when compiling for a platform that uses the standard Windows CE shell. It includes the icons, bitmaps, and cursors that are stored in the RES subdirectory. This file can be directly edited in Microsoft Visual C++. When the .rc file is persisted, the defines in the data section are persisted as the hexadecimal version of the numeric value they are defined to rather than the friendly name of the define. QR_Cpp.rc2 This file contains resources that are not edited by Microsoft Visual C++. You should place all resources not editable by the resource editor in this file. Resource.h This is the standard header file, which defines new resource IDs. Microsoft Visual C++ reads and updates this file. QR_Cpp.ico This is an icon file, which is used as the application's icon (32x32). This icon is included by the main resource file QR_Cpp.rc. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Other standard files: StdAfx.h, StdAfx.cpp These files are used to build a precompiled header (PCH) file named QR_Cpp.pch and a precompiled types file named StdAfx.obj. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Other notes: AppWizard uses "TODO:" comments to indicate parts of the source code you should add to or customize. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////s


