
上传日期:2012-02-27 21:54:05
上 传 者xslxlm0523
说明:  主要讲解基于Eclipse的Android开发环境的搭建,模拟器的创建和运行,以及如何应用DDMS进行程序的调试。
(Covers the Android development environment based on Eclipse the building, building and operation simulator, and how to apply DDMS programs to commissioning.)

Android and the development environment introduction to build (0, 2012-02-27)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1 (0, 2012-02-27)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\.classpath (280, 2011-04-01)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\.project (845, 2011-04-01)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\AndroidManifest.xml (646, 2011-04-01)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\assets (0, 2012-02-27)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\bin (0, 2012-02-27)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\bin\Sample1_1.apk (13403, 2011-04-01)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\bin\classes.dex (2052, 2011-04-01)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\bin\com (0, 2012-02-27)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\bin\com\bn (0, 2012-02-27)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\bin\com\bn\chap1 (0, 2012-02-27)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\bin\com\bn\chap1\ha (0, 2012-02-27)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\bin\com\bn\chap1\ha\R$attr.class (331, 2011-04-01)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\bin\com\bn\chap1\ha\R$drawable.class (391, 2011-04-01)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\bin\com\bn\chap1\ha\R$layout.class (385, 2011-04-01)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\bin\com\bn\chap1\ha\R$string.class (418, 2011-04-01)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\bin\com\bn\chap1\ha\R.class (471, 2011-04-01)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\bin\com\bn\chap1\ha\Sample1_1_Activity.class (643, 2011-04-01)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\bin\resources.ap_ (10564, 2011-04-01)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\ (364, 2011-04-01)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\gen (0, 2012-02-27)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\gen\com (0, 2012-02-27)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\gen\com\bn (0, 2012-02-27)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\gen\com\bn\chap1 (0, 2012-02-27)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\gen\com\bn\chap1\ha (0, 2012-02-27)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\gen\com\bn\chap1\ha\ (637, 2011-04-01)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\res (0, 2012-02-27)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\res\drawable-hdpi (0, 2012-02-27)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\res\drawable-hdpi\icon.png (4147, 2011-04-01)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\res\drawable-ldpi (0, 2012-02-27)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\res\drawable-ldpi\icon.png (1723, 2011-04-01)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\res\drawable-mdpi (0, 2012-02-27)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\res\drawable-mdpi\icon.png (2574, 2011-04-01)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\res\layout (0, 2012-02-27)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\res\layout\main.xml (382, 2011-04-01)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\res\values (0, 2012-02-27)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\res\values\strings.xml (187, 2011-04-01)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\src (0, 2012-02-27)
Android and the development environment introduction to build\Sample1_1\src\com (0, 2012-02-27)
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