开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2012-03-04 15:26:03
上 传 者xiangxao
说明:  为卫星轨道拟合代码,根据两行轨道TLE参数拟合卫星位置
(failed to translate)

SGP4_SDP4\norad\cEci.cpp (3642, 2007-08-07)
SGP4_SDP4\norad\cEci.h (1344, 2007-08-07)
SGP4_SDP4\norad\cJulian.cpp (7381, 2007-08-07)
SGP4_SDP4\norad\cJulian.h (2467, 2007-08-07)
SGP4_SDP4\norad\cNoradBase.cpp (8951, 2009-01-02)
SGP4_SDP4\norad\cNoradBase.h (1655, 2007-08-07)
SGP4_SDP4\norad\cNoradSDP4.cpp (24813, 2007-08-09)
SGP4_SDP4\norad\cNoradSDP4.h (3238, 2007-08-07)
SGP4_SDP4\norad\cNoradSGP4.cpp (4031, 2007-08-09)
SGP4_SDP4\norad\cNoradSGP4.h (690, 2007-08-07)
SGP4_SDP4\norad\coord.cpp (672, 2007-08-07)
SGP4_SDP4\norad\coord.h (1131, 2007-08-07)
SGP4_SDP4\norad\cOrbit.cpp (4702, 2009-02-03)
SGP4_SDP4\norad\cOrbit.h (3287, 2009-02-03)
SGP4_SDP4\norad\cSite.cpp (4806, 2007-08-07)
SGP4_SDP4\norad\cSite.h (1059, 2007-08-07)
SGP4_SDP4\norad\cTLE.cpp (12359, 2007-08-07)
SGP4_SDP4\norad\cTLE.h (5241, 2007-08-07)
SGP4_SDP4\norad\cVector.cpp (1767, 2007-08-07)
SGP4_SDP4\norad\cVector.h (761, 2007-08-07)
SGP4_SDP4\norad\globals.cpp (1391, 2007-08-07)
SGP4_SDP4\norad\globals.h (2165, 2007-08-07)
SGP4_SDP4\norad\norad.sln (899, 2007-08-09)
SGP4_SDP4\norad\norad.vcproj (5346, 2009-01-09)
SGP4_SDP4\norad\norad.vcproj.7.10.old (4614, 2009-01-03)
SGP4_SDP4\norad\norad.vcproj.HYRISING.XAO.user (1383, 2009-02-05)
SGP4_SDP4\norad\ReleaseNotes.txt (2202, 2009-01-02)
SGP4_SDP4\norad\stdafx.cpp (46, 2007-08-09)
SGP4_SDP4\norad\stdafx.h (198, 2007-08-08)
SGP4_SDP4\SxP4Test\resource.h (446, 2005-10-01)
SGP4_SDP4\SxP4Test\stdafx.cpp (295, 2007-08-09)
SGP4_SDP4\SxP4Test\stdafx.h (282, 2007-08-09)
SGP4_SDP4\SxP4Test\SxP4Test.cpp (4646, 2009-02-05)
SGP4_SDP4\SxP4Test\SxP4Test.sln (1331, 2009-01-09)
SGP4_SDP4\SxP4Test\SxP4Test.sln.old (1409, 2007-08-09)
SGP4_SDP4\SxP4Test\SxP4Test.suo (47616, 2009-02-05)
SGP4_SDP4\SxP4Test\SxP4Test.vcproj (4852, 2009-01-09)
SGP4_SDP4\SxP4Test\SxP4Test.vcproj.7.10.old (4067, 2009-01-03)
... ...

Documentation for C++ NORAD SGP4/SDP4 Implementation Developed by Michael F. Henry December, 2003 Copyright 2003-2009. All rights reserved. Permission to use for non-commercial purposes only. All other uses contact author at The files in this package implement the SGP4 and SDP4 algorithms described in the December, 1***0 NORAD document "Space Track Report No. 3". The report provides FORTRAN IV implementations of each. These two orbital models, one for "near-earth" objects and one for "deep space" objects, are widely used in satellite tracking software and can produce very accurate results when used with current NORAD two-line element datum. The original NORAD FORTRAN IV SGP4/SDP4 implementations were converted to Pascal by Dr. TS Kelso in 1995. This work formed the basis of a modern, object- oriented C++ implementation by the author in 2003. The project files were compiled using Microsoft Visual Studio 7.0. ========================================================================================= A brief description of important classes: cTle – This class encapsulates a single set of NORAD two line elements. cEci – This class encapsulates Earth-Centered Inertial coordinates and velocity for a given moment in time. cOrbit – Given a cTle object, this class provides information about the orbit of the described satellite, including inclination, perigee, eccentricity, etc. Most importantly, it provides ECI coordinates/velocity for the satellite. CSite – Describes a location on the earth. Given the ECI coordinates of a satellite, this class can generate Azimuth/Elevation look angles to the satellite. cNoradBase, cNoradSGP4, cNoradSDP4 – These classes implement the NORAD SGP4/SDP4 algorithms. They are used by cOrbit to calculate the ECI coordinates/velocity of its associated satellite. For excellent information on the underlying physics of orbits, visible satellite observations, current NORAD TLE data, and other related material, see which is maintained by Dr. TS Kelso. Michael F. Henry December, 2003 (Updated January, 2009)


