
上传日期:2012-03-10 20:55:03
上 传 者maomao809
说明:  MIMO Signals and Systems,这本书籍的附带程序,非常经典,适合初学者使用
( MIMO Signals and Systems, this book comes with the program, very classic, suitable for beginners)

《MIMO Signals And Systems》_Matlab (0, 2011-06-30)
《MIMO Signals And Systems》_Matlab\Alamouti.m (1753, 2004-11-07)
《MIMO Signals And Systems》_Matlab\elliptica.m (1369, 2004-11-07)
《MIMO Signals And Systems》_Matlab\elliptica_mult.m (1930, 2004-11-07)
《MIMO Signals And Systems》_Matlab\ex2_1.m (198, 2004-11-07)
《MIMO Signals And Systems》_Matlab\ex5_1.m (800, 2004-11-07)
《MIMO Signals And Systems》_Matlab\ex5_2.m (781, 2004-11-07)
《MIMO Signals And Systems》_Matlab\ex5_3.m (3028, 2004-11-07)
《MIMO Signals And Systems》_Matlab\ex5_4.m (834, 2004-11-07)
《MIMO Signals And Systems》_Matlab\gnoise.m (546, 2004-11-07)
《MIMO Signals And Systems》_Matlab\logpolar.m (5238, 2004-11-07)
《MIMO Signals And Systems》_Matlab\losstest.m (668, 2004-11-07)
《MIMO Signals And Systems》_Matlab\mimo2pi.m (1200, 2004-11-07)
《MIMO Signals And Systems》_Matlab\mimo2t.m (1519, 2004-11-07)
《MIMO Signals And Systems》_Matlab\nra.m (1053, 2004-11-07)
《MIMO Signals And Systems》_Matlab\rpp.m (595, 2004-11-07)
《MIMO Signals And Systems》_Matlab\s1s2sc.m (1312, 2004-11-07)
《MIMO Signals And Systems》_Matlab\s2y.m (635, 2004-11-07)
《MIMO Signals And Systems》_Matlab\s2z.m (634, 2004-11-07)
《MIMO Signals And Systems》_Matlab\sn2sg.m (903, 2004-11-07)
《MIMO Signals And Systems》_Matlab\y2s.m (629, 2004-11-07)
《MIMO Signals And Systems》_Matlab\z2s.m (588, 2004-11-07)

======================== System Requirements: 1) 1 MB of HD space available. 2) MATLAB version 5.3 (or higher) installed. ======================== Installation: 1) Create a new MATLAB toolbox in the form of a directory called, e.g., "MIMO". 2) Copy all .m files from the CD into directory "MIMO". 3) Add the new directory "MIMO" to MATLAB path. 4) Execute any one of the programs by opening the MATLAB command window and entering the program name, e.g., "ex2_1" (note: omit extension .m !) ========================


