
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2012-03-12 16:30:07
上 传 者xiaoyvning
说明:  一个音乐播放器,纯属娱乐,不涉及底层只是对c语言sdk的一种学习和应用,也可用mfc实现
(A music player, is purely entertainment, don t involve the bottom of c language is a kind of study and the SDK application, also can use MFC realized)

mymusic\12697109778976.bmp (577618, 2011-10-21)
mymusic\Debug\Main.obj (3668, 2011-11-05)
mymusic\Debug\MainDlg.obj (17529, 2011-11-13)
mymusic\Debug\MainDlg.pch (2290100, 2011-10-01)
mymusic\Debug\MainDlg.pdb (25600, 2011-10-01)
mymusic\Debug\mymusic.exe (102455, 2011-11-20)
mymusic\Debug\mymusic.ilk (83104, 2011-11-20)
mymusic\Debug\mymusic.pch (2068128, 2011-10-01)
mymusic\Debug\mymusic.pdb (197632, 2011-11-20)
mymusic\Debug\resource.res (976, 2011-11-05)
mymusic\Debug\StdAfx.obj (59923, 2011-10-01)
mymusic\Debug\vc60.idb (148480, 2011-11-20)
mymusic\Debug\vc60.pdb (266240, 2011-11-13)
mymusic\icon1.ico (766, 2011-10-01)
mymusic\Main.cpp (486, 2011-11-04)
mymusic\MainDlg.cpp (3139, 2011-11-13)
mymusic\MainDlg.dsp (3413, 2011-10-01)
mymusic\MainDlg.dsw (537, 2011-10-01)
mymusic\MainDlg.h (327, 2011-11-05)
mymusic\MainDlg.ncb (41984, 2011-10-16)
mymusic\MainDlg.opt (48640, 2011-10-16)
mymusic\MainDlg.plg (998, 2011-10-01)
mymusic\mymusic.dsp (4425, 2011-10-21)
mymusic\mymusic.dsw (537, 2011-10-01)
mymusic\mymusic.ncb (50176, 2011-11-20)
mymusic\mymusic.opt (48640, 2011-11-20)
mymusic\mymusic.plg (860, 2011-11-20)
mymusic\parts.txt (114, 2011-11-13)
mymusic\RCa02756 (10410, 2011-11-13)
mymusic\resource.h (963, 2011-11-05)
mymusic\resource.rc (5262, 2011-11-05)
mymusic\StdAfx.cpp (294, 2011-10-01)
mymusic\StdAfx.h (897, 2011-10-01)
mymusic\Debug (0, 2012-03-12)
mymusic (0, 2012-03-12)

======================================================================== WIN32 APPLICATION : DlgBaseProject ======================================================================== 此工程向导由如鹏网(开发 如鹏网(,大学生计算机学习社区, 每周举办免费在线讲座,大量和计算机在校生相关的原创文章、视频教程等你来学! 你是喜欢计算机的在校大学生吗? 你在迷惑“这么多技术该怎么学,学什么更有前途”吗? 你在迷惑“该考什么认证毕业才好找工作”吗? 你想知道学什么技术毕业的时候才能获得企业的青睐吗? 你在迷惑计算机专业毕业后到底做什么吗? 来“如鹏网(”,这一切都可以被轻松解答! AppWizard has created this mymusic application for you. This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your mymusic application. mymusic.cpp This is the main application source file. DlgBaseProject.dsp This file (the project file) contains information at the project level and is used to build a single project or subproject. Other users can share the project (.dsp) file, but they should export the makefiles locally. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Other standard files: StdAfx.h, StdAfx.cpp These files are used to build a precompiled header (PCH) file named mymusic.pch and a precompiled types file named StdAfx.obj. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Other notes: AppWizard uses "TODO:" to indicate parts of the source code you should add to or customize. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


