
开发工具:Visual Basic
上传日期:2006-05-02 08:58:54
上 传 者kmlxk
说明:  用API实现的下载文件的例子,使用方便,不需要庞大的ocx.支持代理服务器
(API with the download example, easy to use and do not need huge randomly. Proxy Server support)

download下载文件,支持代理服务器 (0, 2003-05-02)
download下载文件,支持代理服务器\DataConnection.cls (54873, 2001-11-12)
download下载文件,支持代理服务器\FileDownloaderTestApp.vbw (132, 2003-07-10)
download下载文件,支持代理服务器\frmMain.frx (7490, 2003-07-10)
download下载文件,支持代理服务器\mdlDataConnection.bas (8843, 2001-11-12)
download下载文件,支持代理服务器\frmMain.frm (13528, 2003-07-10)
download下载文件,支持代理服务器\FileDownloaderTestApp.vbp (1092, 2003-07-10)

FileDownloader Class File Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The KPD-Team, November 11th, 2001 http://www.allapi.net/ Version 1.1 The same (and more) documentation can be found in the source files of the DataConnection class. Properties: ~~~~~~~~~~~ - AllowCache [Boolean][Get/Let][Default: False] Specifies whether proxies should return a cached version of the requested file if one is available. If set to False, no cached versions are allowed. - AutoRedirect [Boolean][Get/Let][Default: True] If the server returns a 301 or 302 status code (which means the requested resource has been, respectively, Permantently and Temporarily moved), the class automatically changes the URL property and restarts the download. (Do note that, if it restarts the download, the Connected and Disconnected events will not be raised) - ConnectionType [CONNECTION_TYPE][Get/Let][Default: ctHTTP] Specifies the protocol to be used to download the requested file. Currently, only ctHTTP is supported. Future versions may include ctFTP or other protocols. - DownloadLength [Long][Get][Default: -1] Returns the size of the file that is currently being downloaded, or -1 if the size is unknown (this is often the case with scripts). - DownloadType [DOWNLOAD_TYPE][Get/Let][Default: dtToFile] Specifies what should be done when data arrives: · dtToFile All incoming data is written to a file. The filename is specified by the Filename property and/or the UseTempFile property. · dtToBuffer All incoming data is written to a buffer. The client may query the contents of the buffer with the GetBuffer or GetBufferAsString function. · dtStream Whenever new data is available, the event StreamBytes is raised. One of the parameters of this event is a byte buffer with the new data. - Filename [String][Get/Let][Default: Empty String] Specifies the filename where the data should be saved to. This property is ignored when the DownloadType property is not set to dtToFile or when UseTempFile is set to True. - Hostname [String][Get/Let][Default: Empty String] Specifies the hostname or the IP address the Download Class should connect to. For instance, if you want to download the file ‘http://www.allapi.net/downloads/myfile.ext’, the Hostname property should be set to ‘www.allapi.net’. - HTTPReply [Long][Get][Default: N/A] Returns the status code of the current HTTP connection. Usually this is either ‘200’ (OK) or ‘206’ (Partial Data, when you’re resuming a file download) or ‘404’ (file not found). For a full list of possible status codes, take a look at the HTTP protocol at http://www.w3c.org. If this property returns ‘999’, the downloaded HTTP header was invalid. - ID [Long][Get/Let][Default: 0] Specifies a value that stores any extra data needed for your program. Unlike other properties, the value of the ID property isn't used by the Download Class. You can use this property to identify objects. - IsConnected [Boolean][Get][Default: N/A] Returns True if the class is connected to a server or False in the other case. - MaxDownload [Long][Get/Let][Default: -1] Specifies the maximum bytes to download. If this number is reached, the connection will be automatically closed. - PacketSize [Long][Get/Let][Default: 1024] Specifies the preferred size of retrieving new data. This value has to be positive. - Port [Long][Get/Let][Default: 80] Specifies the remote port that will be used to connect to the server. - ProxyAuthentication [PROXY_AUTHENTICATION][Get/Let][Default: paNone] Specifies the authentication scheme that should be used when connecting to a SOCKS5 proxy server. · paNone No authentication is used. · paUserPass Use user/password authentication. - ProxyHostname [String][Get/Let][Default: ‘localhost’] Specifies the hostname or IP address of the proxy server. - ProxyPassword [String][Get/Let][Default: Empty String] Specifies the password that should be used when logging in on a SOCKS5 proxy server. - ProxyPort [Long][Get/Let][Default: 80] Specifies the port where the class should connect on when it’s connecting to the proxy server. If you’re using a SOCKS proxy, this value should probably be set to 1080. - ProxyType [PROXY_TYPE][Get/Let][Default: ptNoProxy] Specifies the type of proxy to use. · ptNoProxy No proxy will be used when connecting to the hostname. · ptStandardProxy A ‘normal’ proxy will be used when connecting to the host. · ptSOCKS4Proxy A SOCKS4 proxy will be used when connecting to the host. · ptSOCKS5Proxy A SOCKS5 proxy will be used when connecting to the host. - ProxyUseRemoteDNS [Boolean][Get/Let][Default: False] Specifies whether domain names should be resolved locally or on the proxy server. If this value is set to True, domain names are resolved on the proxy server, in the other case, domain names are resolved on the local machine. (Warning: not all SOCKS4 proxy servers support Remote DNS!) - ProxyUsername [String][Get/Let][Default: Empty String] Specifies the username to be used when authenticating on a SOCKS proxy. - RealReceivedBytes [Long][Get][Default: 0] Specifies the number of received bytes from the host. - ReceivedBytes [Long][Get][Default: 0] Specifies the number of received bytes from the host. If you’re using the resume function, this value will start from the ResumeFrom value. - ResumeFrom [Long][Get/Let][Default: 0] Specifies the position in the remote file where to start downloading from. The first byte in a file is byte 0, not byte 1. Hence, if you downloaded 205 bytes from a remote file and you want to resume the download, you should set this value to ‘205’. - URL [String][Get/Let][Default: Empty String] Specifies the URL of the data to download. Note that this URL can change during the download if you enabled the AutoRedirect property. - UseResume [Boolean][Get/Let][Default: False] Specifies whether or not to resume a download. - UseTempFile [Boolean][Get/Let][Default: True] Specifies whether or not to generate a temporary file. If this option is set to True, the class will create a temporary file in the Windows temporary directory and adjust the Filename property accordingly. The client application is responsible for deleting the temporary files after downloading them. Methods: ~~~~~~~~ - Public Sub ClearBuffer() The ClearBuffer method clears the buffer that stores data when the DownloadType is set to dtToBuffer. It may be useful to clear this buffer after downloading a large file, to avoid unnecessary memory usage. Parameters: NONE Return Value: NONE - Public Sub Disconnect() Closes the socket and also closes the file handle if the DownloadType is set to dtToFile. Parameters: NONE Return Value: NONE - Public Function FailureToString(Why As DOWNLOAD_FAILURE) As String Used to convert a DOWNLOAD_FAILURE number to a String Parameters: The DOWNLOAD_FAILURE you wish to convert Return Value: String description of the failure - Public Sub FetchURL() Start downloading data from the specified URL. Parameters: NONE Return Value: NONE - Public Sub FetchURLString(ByVal sURL As String) Start downloading data from the specified URL. The URL must contain the protocol ('http://') and the hostname. Optionally, it can contain the port number. If no port is specified, the Port property will be set to the default port 80. Previous URL or Port properties settings will be ignored. When an invalid URL is specified, the DownloadFailed event will be raised with the Why parameter set to dfInvalidURL Parameters: URL to download from Return Value: NONE - Public Function GetBuffer(bBytes() As Byte) As Long Returns a byte array with the data of the buffer. This byte array starts from index 0. Parameters: Byte array that receives the data of the buffer. Return Value: Number of bytes in buffer - Public Function GetBufferAsString() As String Returns a string with the data of the buffer. Parameters: NONE Return Value: the data - Public Function GetBufferSize() As Long Returns the number of bytes in the buffer. Parameters: NONE Return Value: the number of bytes in the buffer Events: ~~~~~~~ - Event Connected(ID As Long) The Connected event is raised when a connection has been established with either the proxy or the host. - Event Disconnected(ID As Long) The Disconnected event is raised when the file has been successfully downloaded and the connection to the host or proxy has been closed. - Event DownloadFailed(Why As DOWNLOAD_FAILURE, ID As Long) The DownloadFailed event is raised when a download fails. This can be for various reasons; the Why parameter indicates the source of the problem: · dfConnectionLost The connection with the proxy or host has been closed, before downloading the entire file. · dfCancelledByUser The download has been aborted by the user. · dfCannotConnect Unable to connect to the host. · dfCannotConnectToProxy Unable to connect to the proxy or unable to send data to it. · dfCannotCreateFile Unable to create the file, specified in the Filename property. · dfCannotCreateWindow Unable to create a necessary window. · dfCannotSendData Unable to send data to the host or proxy · dfCannotStartWinSock Unable to start WinSock. This means that every call to the WinSock API will fail. · dfHTTPError The server didn’t reply with a 200 or 206 reply code. For more information about the server reply code, take a look at the HTTPReply property. · dfProxyAuthMethodNotAccepted The selected authentication method was not accepted by the (SOCKS5) proxy. · dfProxyRequestRejectedOrFailed The connection request has failed or the proxy server has rejected it. · dfUserPasswordNotAccepted The user/password combination was not accepted by the proxy. . dfInvalidURL The specified URL is invalid - Event BytesReceived(lByteCount As Long, ID As Long) The BytesReceived event is raised whenever new data has arrived. The number of arrived bytes is specified by lByteCount. - Event StreamBytes(lByteCount As Long, bBytes() As Byte, ID As Long) The StreamBytes event is only raised when the DownloadType has been set to dtStream. The byte array is the array that contains the arrived bytes and lByteCount is the number of bytes contained in this array. - Event QuerySent(ID As Long) The QuerySent event is raised when the HTTP query has been successfully sent. How to use this class in your project: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Simply add the DataConnection.cls and mdlDataConnection.mdl files to your project and you can use the DataConnection class in your program. The sample form explains how to use the class file. I provides access to most of the DataConnection functionality. Final notes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you use this class to retrieve files larger than 2.1Gb, you're bound to have problems with it. This class makes extensive use of the Long data type and therefore the maximum filesize that can be downloaded with this class is 2,147,483,***7 bytes. Before an application can use the FileDownloaded class, it *MUST* call the StartWinsock method from this module! If you don't do this, every call to the WinSock API will fail! If you find any bugs in this file or you want to suggest a new feature, don 't hesitate to contact us at KPDTeam@allapi.net We strongly suggest that you don't modify this class module. Thatway, if a new version of this file is released, you simply have to replace the classe file and/or module file with the new file(s) and you're done. If you make your own modifications, chances are you may introduce some new bugs in this file and you cannot update this file as easy as normal. Instead of adding your own methods, let us know about your request and we'll certainly consider it. Copyright Notice and disclaimer: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The FileDownloader class file is created by The KPD-Team, 2001. You're free to use this class file in your own projects, however you may not claim that you have written this class file. You must leave this copyright notice in the file if you intend to distribute the source code of your program. This class file is provided "as is", with no guarantee of completeness or accuracy and without warranty of any kind, express or implied. It is intended solely to provide general guidance on matters of interest for the personal use of the user of this program, who accepts full responsibility for its use. For more information about this, please contact us at KPDTeam@allapi.net.


