
上传日期:2012-03-17 11:21:19
上 传 者abcit
说明:  这个软件包实现了一个快速算法,用来解决一些线性逆问题。
(This set of MATLAB files contain an implementation of the algorithms described in the following papers: "Fast Algorithm for the Constrained Formulation of Compressive Image Reconstruction and Other Linear Inverse Problems")

SALSA_v2.0 (0, 2012-01-14)
SALSA_v2.0\utils (0, 2012-01-14)
SALSA_v2.0\src (0, 2012-01-14)
SALSA_v2.0\experiments (0, 2012-01-14)
SALSA_v2.0\demos (0, 2012-01-14)
SALSA_v2.0\experiments\Unconstrained (0, 2012-01-14)
SALSA_v2.0\experiments\Constrained (0, 2012-01-14)
SALSA_v2.0\demos\Unconstrained (0, 2012-01-14)
SALSA_v2.0\demos\Constrained (0, 2012-01-14)
SALSA_v2.0\experiments\Unconstrained\MRIrecon (0, 2012-01-14)
SALSA_v2.0\experiments\Constrained\rectanglesTV (0, 2012-01-14)
SALSA_v2.0\experiments\Constrained\MRIrecon (0, 2012-01-14)
SALSA_v2.0\experiments\Constrained\inpainting (0, 2012-01-14)
SALSA_v2.0\experiments\Constrained\deblurringTV (0, 2012-01-14)
SALSA_v2.0\experiments\Constrained\deblurringl1_redundant (0, 2012-01-14)
SALSA_v2.0\demos\Unconstrained\MRIrecon (0, 2012-01-14)
SALSA_v2.0\demos\Constrained\MRIrecon (0, 2012-01-14)
SALSA_v2.0\utils\wrapper_Atcount.m (91, 2009-10-02)
SALSA_v2.0\utils\wrapper_Acount.m (87, 2011-08-18)
SALSA_v2.0\utils\TVnorm.m (70, 2007-11-09)
SALSA_v2.0\utils\tvdenoising.m (3526, 2009-06-18)
SALSA_v2.0\utils\splitBregmanROF.dll (11264, 2009-05-21)
SALSA_v2.0\utils\SplitBregmanROF.c (12419, 2009-03-03)
SALSA_v2.0\utils\spgl1_v0.m (30890, 2009-12-09)
SALSA_v2.0\utils\sparsePWS.m (187, 2010-02-03)
SALSA_v2.0\utils\soft.m (123, 2010-12-07)
SALSA_v2.0\utils\projk.m (587, 2009-05-08)
SALSA_v2.0\utils\orig12.tif (1980, 2008-11-15)
SALSA_v2.0\utils\NESTA.m (7711, 2009-12-09)
SALSA_v2.0\utils\my_fista_l1.m (1759, 2011-08-18)
SALSA_v2.0\utils\my_fista.m (1494, 2011-06-29)
SALSA_v2.0\utils\my_deblur_fista.m (1733, 2011-08-18)
SALSA_v2.0\utils\mrdwt_TI2D.m (589, 2009-01-19)
SALSA_v2.0\utils\monotonize.m (211, 2009-09-30)
SALSA_v2.0\utils\mirdwt_TI2D.m (572, 2009-01-19)
SALSA_v2.0\utils\mex_vartotale.dll (98304, 2007-11-09)
SALSA_v2.0\utils\MakeRDSquares.m (583, 2009-11-13)
SALSA_v2.0\utils\ensure.m (1561, 2011-08-19)
SALSA_v2.0\utils\diffv.m (53, 2007-11-09)
... ...

SALSA 2.0 First release: December 12, 2009 Revised version: January 13, 2012 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (2009): Manya Afonso, José M. Bioucas-Dias, and Mário Figueiredo SALSA is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License 2.0. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice is included in all copies of any software which is or includes a copy or modification of this software and in all copies of the supporting documentation for such software. This software is being provided "as is", without any express or implied warranty. In particular, the authors do not make any representation or warranty of any kind concerning the merchantability of this software or its fitness for any particular purpose." --------------------------------------------------------------------- This set of MATLAB files contain an implementation of the algorithms described in the following papers: [1] M. Afonso, J. Bioucas-Dias, and M. Figueiredo, "Fast image recovery using variable splitting and constrained optimization," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 19, no. 9, pp. 2345-2356, September, 2010. [2] M. Afonso, J. Bioucas-Dias, and M. Figueiredo, "An Augmented Lagrangian based Method for the Constrained Formulation of Imaging Inverse Problems", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 20, no. 3, pp 681 - 695, March, 2011. SALSA solves the otimization problem min_x || y - A x ||_2^2 + lambda Phi(x) and C-SALSA solves min_x Phi(x) subject to || y - A x ||_2 <= epsilon with applications in compressed sensing, image restoration and reconstruction, sparse regression, and several other problems. The code is available at --------------------------------------------------------------------- The main files implementing the algorithms are SALSA_v2.m and CSALSA_v2.m For usage details, type "help SALSA_v2" or "help CSALSA_v2" at the MATLAB prompt. INSTALLATION: To get started, add the folders SALSA_vX\src and SALSA_vX\utils to the path. The examples included do not need the path to be set. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: This version of SALSA requires MATLAB 7.4.0 (R2007) or later. All of our testing was done on the Windows XP platform. Some demos may need the Rice wavelet toolbox to be installed. (available at ) The demos are "stand-alone", they do not need any other package (with which we compare our algorithms) installed, but the experiments require the installation of the following packages, and require them to be added to the MATLAB path: TwIST : SpaRSA: FISTA: * SPGL1: * NESTA: (the version used was v1.0) * * Modified versions of the original code (to return vectors of the CPU time at each iteration) are included in the folder utils. Some of the code for generating the demo on MRI reconstruction has been taken from l1-magic ( ). RELEASE INFORMATION: Changes in the way function handles for the least square operation are passed to the algorithm. No algorithmic changes. CONTACT INFORMATION: This code is in development stage; thus any comments or bug reports are very welcome.


