
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2012-03-22 13:04:08
上 传 者Minute Mix
说明:  本网站是以网上购物功能为重点而开发的电子商务购物网站,辅以交友、聊天、广告、导购等功能。 2.1 网上导购 通过商品展示区对所展示的商品的产地、功能、价格等的详细说明,引导客户选购所需的商品。通过站内商品搜索,可以轻易的让客户找到所需的商品。 2.2 网上订购 客户在对商品有了解后,可以直接在网页中查阅价格、确定数量、选择付款形式来订购商品。本网站会按照约定的方式交付货物,收取货款。 2.3 咨询洽谈 可借助商站中的电子布告栏,聊天室或网站的电子邮件广告来了解商品,讨论问题,洽谈业务,可实现商家对商家的大宗商品交易。 3.1 意见征询 通过网站中的留言板,客户可直接地发表对网站,对商品的意见,提出更多、更实际的建议和意见。网站也可以在这得到更直接、快捷的反馈意见,更好,更快的改善 网站,为客户服务。 2.4 交易管理 用数据库管理方式对交易中的订单进行处理,打印出订购报表、价格表,统计交易次数、交易金额、打印帐单报表。
(Construction of Electronic Commerce Website Based On B/S Mode With ASP Technology Abstract This website electronic commerce management based on b/s mode utilizing new technology of Internet electronic commerce and resolve of Microsoft ASP/ADO network database. It provides client with transaction platform, issues business information and products advertisements in order that clients can conveniently order goods depending on B/S pattern, taking order advantage of electronic tools characteristic of high efficiency and low cast. Tt offers whole day,bette,more quick room of activities to realize the basis functions of transaction in Internet. the Web, according to the current design principles of business Web, gives first place to transaction function in Internet, secondly to entertainment,advertisement,leading shopping and so on, it is a synthesis electronic commerce Web. This paper expounds how to design the member community and datebase with taking resolution of ASP/ADO network database)

电子商务网站设计毕业论文.doc (59392, 2011-12-26)


