
上传日期:2006-05-06 09:17:00
上 传 者dedes
说明:  用delphi连接mysql的组件,老外写的,比mysql提供的odbc快好多啊。
(connect with mysql components, the student wrote, mysql than the odbc ah lot faster.)

DirectMySQLObjects122.rel (0, 2006-03-15)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\DMysql.cfg (438, 2006-02-17)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\DMysql.dcu (1853, 2006-02-17)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\DMysql.dof (2410, 2006-02-17)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\DMysql.dpk (836, 2006-02-17)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\DMysql.res (1536, 2006-02-17)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\gpl.txt (18353, 2001-09-17)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\MysqlClient.cfg (438, 2006-03-22)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\MysqlClient.dcu (1607, 2006-03-22)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\MysqlClient.dof (2014, 2006-03-22)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\MysqlClient.dpk (547, 2006-03-22)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\MysqlClient.res (1536, 2006-03-22)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\ (479, 2002-03-23)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\MysqlStreams (0, 2006-03-15)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\MysqlStreams\MysqlStreams.cfg (438, 2006-03-22)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\MysqlStreams\MysqlStreams.dcu (1760, 2006-03-22)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\MysqlStreams\MysqlStreams.dof (2014, 2006-03-22)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\MysqlStreams\MysqlStreams.dpk (566, 2006-03-22)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\MysqlStreams\MysqlStreams.res (1536, 2006-03-22)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\MysqlStreams\Project1.cfg (444, 2006-02-17)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\MysqlStreams\Project1.dof (2212, 2006-02-17)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\MysqlStreams\Project1.dpr (235, 2004-11-29)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\MysqlStreams\Project1.drc (30817, 2006-02-28)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\MysqlStreams\ (544825, 2006-02-28)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\MysqlStreams\Project1.res (876, 2004-11-29)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\MysqlStreams\uMain.dcu (10777, 2006-02-28)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\MysqlStreams\uMain.ddp (51, 2006-02-28)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\MysqlStreams\uMain.dfm (3036, 2006-02-27)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\MysqlStreams\uMain.pas (6804, 2006-02-28)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\MysqlStreams\uMain.~ddp (51, 2006-02-28)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\MysqlStreams\uMain.~dfm (3036, 2006-02-27)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\MysqlStreams\uMain.~pas (6802, 2006-02-28)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\MysqlStreams\uMysqlStreams.dcu (2220, 2006-03-22)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\MysqlStreams\uMysqlStreams.pas (2587, 2006-03-22)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\MysqlStreams\uMysqlStreams.~pas (2587, 2006-03-22)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\uMysqlClient.dcu (48703, 2006-02-13)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\uMysqlClient.pas (92495, 2005-11-25)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\uMysqlClient.~pas (92495, 2005-11-25)
DirectMySQLObjects122.rel\uMysqlCT.dcu (5445, 2006-02-13)
... ...

Mysql-direct library -------------------- Current version: 1.2.2 ----------------====== 25-November-2005 Fixed a memory leak when disconnecting with error and reconnecting under certain circumstances. Fixed some socket handle leak. Fixed close_wait state on some windows XP/2003 machines. 02-January-2005 full 4.1.x protocol has been added. 13-December-2003 New 4.1.x password protocol is now supported. Note: 4.1.0 uses a different protocol and there is a flag (Use410Password) which needs to be set to enable it. (the library would attempt to detect it from the server version string) if pos('4.1.0', fserver_version)=1 then FUse410Password:=true 13-December-2003 Fixed large packets AV, when a packet over 16Mb would be received from the new server. 02-March-2003 Minor release fixing some minor bugs. This version fixes the: 1) slow network errors 2) memory allocation/deallocation from real_write in the net structure. 25-March-2002 New compiler directive checks, so there will be no range checking nor integer overflow errors. 23-March-2002 News: ----- - by accident pipes werent working on linux; now this is fixed - invalid resultset when a row is empty and there is just a column!! - connect now do really has a timed out! (very nice on errors). Check ConnectTimeout propertie for the value(default 30) - read has a time-out !!! very nice fature .. your app will recover nicely on network errors while reading a large dataset - new porperty NoTimeOut which disables the read-checks time-out. Will increase the speed on reliable connetions (do not enable it if you are not sure what you are doing) - the code has been rearranged in order to make it more reliable and to handle the errors better/faster - many thanks to all users of this library for sugestions on how to improve it. I'm looking forward for hear anymore sugestions. - i'm still LOOKING FOR A JOB .. so if you need someone or if you know someone who may need a delphi p/a please do not hesitate to contact me. 10-January-2002 Cristian Nicola Installation: ------------- This is not a component so do *NOT* try to install it as a component. These are objects and they do need to be created/freed in an explicit manner. Check the demo to see how to create/free them. If you want to use ssl you will need to find/build openssl and you will need to redistribute libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll with your executable. Note: - ssl has not been tested with kylix. I would appreciate if anyone has time to build mysql 4.0 on linux and try to connect to it from kylix (yes i'm still working on that laptop so it will take me like forever to install/reinstall everything in order to debug both windows and kylix - so for the moment i can *only* assume it works with kylix) - i finally got some time to comment each function/procedure so please do check the source code for comments. Licencing issues: ----------------- 10-January-2002 Cristian Nicola Note: Mysql is copyright by MySQL AB. Refer to their site ( ) for licencing issues. Zlib is copyright by Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler. Refer to their site for licencing issues. ( ) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. NOTES: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. If you are using it for a commercial software it must be open source and it must include full source code of this library in an unaltered fashion or you would need to ask for permission to use it. This library will be considered donationware which means if you want to contribute with any money or hardware you are more than welcome. 4. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. Cristian Nicola If you use the mysqldirect library in a product, i would appreciate *not* receiving lengthy legal documents to sign. The sources are provided for free but without warranty of any kind. The library has been entirely written by Cristian Nicola after libmysql of MYSQL AB.


