
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2012-04-03 15:23:22
上 传 者zy-nwu
说明:  C++与FORTRAN混编程序。考虑各向异性的克里金法及序贯高斯法。在地质,油藏建模中很有用处 Author--Jeff Boisvert and Clayton V. Deutsch
(for incorporating locally varying anisotropy in kriging or sequential Gaussian simulation is based on modifying how locations in space are related. Normally, the straight line path is used however, when nonlinear features exist the appropriate path between locations follows along the features. The Dijkstra algorithm is used to determine the shortest path/distance between locations and a conventional covariance or variogram function is used. This nonlinear path is a non-Euclidean distance metric and positive definiteness of the resulting kriging system of equations is not guaranteed. Multidimensional scaling (landmark isometric mapping) is used to ensure positive definiteness. )

SGS_lva\aniso_d.f90 (24684, 2009-11-30)
SGS_lva\chknam.for (1001, 2006-09-18)
SGS_lva\cova_1D.F90 (3883, 2009-12-01)
SGS_lva\exhaustive_srch.F90 (1821, 2009-10-26)
SGS_lva\gauinv.for (1671, 1999-11-01)
SGS_lva\getindx.for (1238, 2008-11-10)
SGS_lva\glb.f90 (2962, 2009-12-01)
SGS_lva\graph_subs.f90 (13112, 2009-12-01)
SGS_lva\grid_info.f90 (1614, 2009-12-01)
SGS_lva\kdtree3.f90 (57406, 2009-11-30)
SGS_lva\ (4415, 2009-12-01)
SGS_lva\ktsol.for (5638, 1999-11-01)
SGS_lva\quicksort.f90 (3809, 2007-04-10)
SGS_lva\random.f90 (4800, 2009-06-25)
SGS_lva\Scaling - ISOMAP_landmark.F90 (6605, 2009-12-01)
SGS_lva\sgs_lva.f90 (54856, 2009-12-01)
SGS_lva\sortem.for (6238, 2009-11-20)
SGS_lva\LAPACK (0, 2009-12-01)
SGS_lva\LAPACK\eig.f90 (1124, 2007-06-11)
SGS_lva\LAPACK\solve.f90 (711, 2007-06-11)
SGS_lva\LAPACK\BLAS (0, 2009-12-01)
SGS_lva\LAPACK\BLAS\daxpy.f (1455, 2006-04-28)
SGS_lva\LAPACK\BLAS\dcopy.f (1404, 2006-04-28)
SGS_lva\LAPACK\BLAS\ddot.f (1492, 2006-04-28)
SGS_lva\LAPACK\BLAS\dgemm.f (9662, 2006-04-28)
SGS_lva\LAPACK\BLAS\dgemv.f (7318, 2006-04-28)
SGS_lva\LAPACK\BLAS\dger.f (4263, 2006-04-28)
SGS_lva\LAPACK\BLAS\dnrm2.f (1549, 2006-04-28)
SGS_lva\LAPACK\BLAS\dscal.f (1241, 2006-04-28)
SGS_lva\LAPACK\BLAS\dswap.f (1554, 2006-04-28)
SGS_lva\LAPACK\BLAS\dsymv.f (7812, 2006-04-28)
SGS_lva\LAPACK\BLAS\dsyr2.f (7116, 2006-04-28)
SGS_lva\LAPACK\BLAS\dsyr2k.f (10867, 2006-04-28)
SGS_lva\LAPACK\BLAS\dtrmm.f (11221, 2006-04-28)
SGS_lva\LAPACK\BLAS\dtrmv.f (8619, 2006-04-28)
SGS_lva\LAPACK\BLAS\dtrsm.f (12189, 2006-04-28)
SGS_lva\LAPACK\BLAS\idamax.f (1175, 2006-04-28)
SGS_lva\LAPACK\BLAS\lsame.f (2324, 2006-11-12)
SGS_lva\LAPACK\BLAS\xerbla.f (1046, 2008-11-21)
... ...

To compile these programs you also require some LAPACK subroutines that can be downloaded from: To compile boost_dijkstra you will need the boost graphical library which can be downloaded from: All programs are FORTRAN except the boost_dijkstra wrapper which is c++


