
上传日期:2012-04-14 14:07:15
上 传 者magic_yunjiao
说明:  立体图像对匹配,视差求取,立体图像相关,深度获取
(depth estimation)

conncompCorrHelper2.dll (20480, 2005-08-14)
findmatchXYhelper2.dll (20480, 2005-08-19)
getMatchRangeHelper.dll (7168, 2003-09-09)
flow.p (8319, 2005-10-13)
getMatchRange.p (1672, 2005-10-13)
shiftImageXY.p (2611, 2005-10-13)
stereoCorrespond.p (6579, 2005-10-13)
sawleft.tif (506850, 2001-11-06)
sawright.tif (504550, 2003-09-15)
car0.png (190100, 2003-02-19)
car1.png (191767, 2003-02-19)

Flow using diffuse connectivity (Matlab 7 code) Abhijit Ogale ( Computer Vision Lab, University of Maryland at College Park Research code. Not for commercial use. If you use this code for results in your papers, please cite: A roadmap to the integration of early visual modules, A. S. Ogale and Y. Aloimonos, International Journal of Computer Vision: Special Issue on Early Cognitive Vision Usage: [bestshiftsX, bestshiftsY, occlL, bestshiftsRX, bestshiftsRY, occlR] = flow(iLt, iRt, shiftrangeX, shiftrangeY, alpha) Created by: Abhijit Ogale ( Use for noncommercial research purposes only. Do not distribute. Usage: [x1, y1, o1, x2, y2, o2] = flow(i1, i2, shiftrangeX, shiftrangeY, alpha) i1 = image 1 (color or grayscale) i2 = image 2 (color or grayscale) shiftrangeX = X-flow search range (using i1 as reference), e.g. [-5:5] shiftrangeY = Y-flow search range (using i1 as reference), e.g. [-5:5] alpha = (optional) sharpening parameter (range 5 to 50), default is 20 (Note: if too many occlusions appear, try reducing alpha closer to 5 which increases smoothing) x1 = X-component of flow of image 1 y1 = Y-component of flow of image 1 o1 = occlusions in image 1 x2 = X-component of flow of image 2 y2 = Y-component of flow of image 2 o2 = occlusions in image 2 Example: (using the included images from the flower-garden sequence) i1 = imread('car1.png'); i2 = imread('car0.png'); shiftrangeX = [0:18]; shiftrangeY = [-3:0]; [x1,y1,o1,x2,y2,o2] = flow (i1, i2, shiftrangeX, shiftrangeY);


