
上传日期:2012-04-14 18:39:16
上 传 者guanyufeng
说明:  将RGB图像转化为HSV图像,并分离HSV图像,输出H,S,V三通道的图像。
(RGB images into HSV image, and separation of the HSV image, the output H, S, V, three-channel of the image.)

hsv\Debug\hsv.exe (30720, 2011-10-07)
hsv\Debug\hsv.ilk (325872, 2011-10-07)
hsv\Debug\hsv.pdb (896000, 2011-10-07)
hsv\hsv\Debug\BuildLog.htm (19382, 2011-10-13)
hsv\hsv\Debug\hsv.exe.embed.manifest (663, 2011-10-07)
hsv\hsv\Debug\hsv.exe.embed.manifest.res (728, 2011-10-07)
hsv\hsv\Debug\hsv.exe.intermediate.manifest (621, 2011-10-07)
hsv\hsv\Debug\hsv.pch (4128768, 2011-10-07)
hsv\hsv\Debug\mt.dep (69, 2011-10-07)
hsv\hsv\Debug\stdafx.obj (11473, 2011-10-07)
hsv\hsv\Debug\vc90.idb (715776, 2011-10-13)
hsv\hsv\Debug\vc90.pdb (544768, 2011-10-13)
hsv\hsv\hsv.cpp (939, 2011-10-13)
hsv\hsv\hsv.vcproj (4645, 2011-10-07)
hsv\hsv\hsv.vcproj.7VH90QQSTGEMH8F.Administrator.user (1427, 2011-10-07)
hsv\hsv\hsv.vcproj.F02102A41CA44F8.Administrator.user (1427, 2012-04-14)
hsv\hsv\lena.jpg (42763, 2011-09-25)
hsv\hsv\stdafx.cpp (290, 2011-10-07)
hsv\hsv\stdafx.h (320, 2011-10-07)
hsv\hsv\targetver.h (765, 2011-10-07)
hsv\hsv.ncb (15657984, 2012-04-14)
hsv\hsv.sln (880, 2011-10-07)
hsv\hsv.suo (11264, 2012-04-14)
hsv\hsv\Debug (0, 2011-10-13)
hsv\Debug (0, 2011-10-13)
hsv\hsv (0, 2011-10-13)
hsv (0, 2011-10-13)

======================================================================== CONSOLE APPLICATION : hsv Project Overview ======================================================================== AppWizard has created this hsv application for you. This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your hsv application. hsv.vcproj This is the main project file for VC++ projects generated using an Application Wizard. It contains information about the version of Visual C++ that generated the file, and information about the platforms, configurations, and project features selected with the Application Wizard. hsv.cpp This is the main application source file. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Other standard files: StdAfx.h, StdAfx.cpp These files are used to build a precompiled header (PCH) file named hsv.pch and a precompiled types file named StdAfx.obj. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Other notes: AppWizard uses "TODO:" comments to indicate parts of the source code you should add to or customize. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


