
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2012-04-16 15:10:56
上 传 者yaojun2
说明:  CListCtrl列表控件和CTreeCtrl控件形成的一个SuperGridCtrl类,可以以树形式显示第一列,心报表形式显示其它列.树可以展开. 已经将bin文件和封装的类封装好,有vc6.0和vs2008工程文件.
(CListCtrl list control and CTreeCtrl control the formation of a SuperGridCtrl class in a tree form of the first column, the heart in tabular form the other columns. Tree can be expanded. Have bin file and package class encapsulates, there vc6.0 and vs2008 project file.)

CTree and CListCtrl\class\ComboInListView.cpp (3198, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\class\ComboInListView.h (1611, 1998-12-22)
CTree and CListCtrl\class\listeditctrl.cpp (3387, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\class\listeditctrl.h (1496, 1998-12-22)
CTree and CListCtrl\class\MySuperGrid.cpp (27451, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\class\MySuperGrid.h (2961, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\class\supergridctrl.cpp (63297, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\class\supergridctrl.h (16823, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\ComboInListView.cpp (3198, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\ComboInListView.h (1611, 1998-12-22)
CTree and CListCtrl\list.cpp (2050, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\list.dsp (4742, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\list.dsw (514, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\list.exe (185344, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\list.h (1302, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\list.rc (5270, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\list.sln (873, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\list.vcproj (9228, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\listDlg.cpp (4787, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\listDlg.h (1448, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\listeditctrl.cpp (3387, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\listeditctrl.h (1496, 1998-12-22)
CTree and CListCtrl\MySuperGrid.cpp (27451, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\MySuperGrid.h (2961, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\res\folders.bmp (758, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\res\list.ico (1078, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\res\list.rc2 (396, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\res\Thumbs.db (5120, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\resource.h (727, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\StdAfx.cpp (206, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\StdAfx.h (1054, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\supergridctrl.cpp (63297, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\supergridctrl.h (16823, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\class (0, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\Debug (0, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl\res (0, 2012-04-16)
CTree and CListCtrl (0, 2012-04-16)


