
上传日期:2006-05-13 19:24:10
上 传 者YANDR
说明:  1.所有新留言都需要后台审核后才能在前台查看?: 2.数据库中的管理员密码已加密处理,增加安全性 3.数据库做了防下载处理,不需要改数据库文件名 4.后台记录管理员最后登陆的ip和时间 5.后台建立了管理员登陆日志查看,可以查看管理员每次登陆的ip,客户端信息及时间,成功登陆时密码不显示 6.无法删除最近7天内的管理员登陆日志 7.后台登陆后一般转向未审核留言页面,如在此登陆前有失败的登陆,系统会有提示并转向日志查看页面 8.页面都做了防注入处理,保护网站安全 9.后台记录留言者真实ip(对超级代理无用),客户端信息等内容 10.留言支持ubb代码,管理员回复时还可以发表情和图片 11.留言需要输入验证码,用来防止灌水机发垃圾广告 12.在线数据库备份功能 13.用户可以根据留言者用户名,留言内容以及回复内容进行搜索 14.页面使用了缓存技术,减轻服务器压力 15.在线人数是3分钟内的人数统计,人数显示使用了ajax技术,增加客户体验度 16.留言可以设置是否需要站长发信回复,后台如果选择了不使用smtp发信则可关闭此功能 17.后台回复时还可以修改留言人的留言内容,留言时间及是否发信给留言者,方便管理员 18.尽可能符合xhtml标准
(1. All new messages need to be vetted background in the foreground View : 2. the database administrator password encrypted and increase the security 3. defense database as a download, no change from 4 database files. background records administrator ip final landing and the time 5. background established a board administrator Lu log View, administrators can view each landing ip, client information and time, the successful landing at the password is shown 6. it can not be removed within seven days of the administrator landing log 7. after landing the general background to unaudited message pages, such as the failure of the landing before landing, system will be hints to log View pages 8. pages are so anti-implantation, to protect the security of websites 9. background recorded messages were)

Admin_DoWord.aspx (6076, 2006-03-07)
Admin_Edit.aspx (3401, 2006-03-07)
Admin_Logout.aspx (404, 2006-03-07)
Admin_ShowLog.aspx (4392, 2006-03-07)
Admin_Word.aspx (4757, 2006-03-07)
Default.aspx (3668, 2006-03-07)
FileNotFound.htm (349, 2006-04-14)
GenericErrorPage.htm (328, 2006-04-25)
Login.aspx (2088, 2006-03-07)
Main.master (1534, 2006-03-07)
Online.aspx (89, 2006-03-07)
PrecompiledApp.config (49, 2006-03-07)
Search.aspx (3737, 2006-03-07)
Vcode.aspx (138, 2006-03-07)
web.config (4132, 2006-03-08)
root.config (3058, 2006-03-08)
搜搜留言簿说明.txt (3611, 2006-03-08)
bin\App_global.asax.compiled (294, 2006-03-07)
bin\App_global.asax.dll (20480, 2006-03-08)
bin\App_Web_blgtmnny.dll (24576, 2006-03-08)
bin\App_Web_iry-deiq.dll (45056, 2006-03-08)
bin\App_Web_luxxjqnv.dll (28672, 2006-03-08)
bin\TopGuestBook.AccessTask.dll (69632, 2006-03-08)
bin\TopGuestBook.PageService.dll (45056, 2006-03-08)
bin (0, 2006-03-08)
Control\AddWord.ascx (7621, 2006-03-07)
Control\Bottom.ascx (1429, 2006-03-08)
Control\Bulletin.ascx (187, 2006-03-07)
Control\Menu.ascx (1115, 2006-03-07)
Control\Search.ascx (1305, 2006-03-07)
Control\Top.ascx (767, 2006-03-07)
Control (0, 2006-03-07)
Data\TopGuestBookDB.mdb (188416, 2006-03-06)
Data (0, 2006-03-08)
Images\bg_com.gif (156, 2006-04-01)
Images\bg_title.gif (44, 2006-03-23)
Images\bottom_bg.gif (44, 2006-03-23)
Images\bottom_down.gif (149, 2006-03-23)
Images\bottom_down_left.gif (264, 2006-03-23)
Images\bottom_down_right.gif (248, 2006-03-23)
... ...


