
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2006-05-19 09:06:19
上 传 者guolijuandingdawei
说明:  HOOPS 是一个协同设计软件平台,是3D零件图浏览器
(HOOPS is a software platform for collaborative design, 3D parts map browser)

mfc_simple (0, 2006-05-18)
mfc_simple\ChildFrm.cpp (1177, 2005-05-05)
mfc_simple\ChildFrm.h (764, 2005-05-05)
mfc_simple\Debug (0, 2006-05-18)
mfc_simple\HSampleHModel.cpp (370, 2005-05-05)
mfc_simple\HSampleHModel.h (386, 2005-05-05)
mfc_simple\HSampleHSelectionSet.cpp (668, 2005-05-05)
mfc_simple\HSampleHSelectionSet.h (555, 2005-05-05)
mfc_simple\HSampleHView.cpp (866, 2005-05-05)
mfc_simple\HSampleHView.h (733, 2005-06-06)
mfc_simple\MainFrm.cpp (1615, 2005-05-05)
mfc_simple\MainFrm.h (1280, 2005-05-05)
mfc_simple\makefile (851, 2005-05-05)
mfc_simple\mfc_simple.dsp (15092, 2006-03-28)
mfc_simple\mfc_simple.dsw (545, 2005-06-06)
mfc_simple\mfc_simple.mak (8114, 2005-05-05)
mfc_simple\mfc_simple.ncb (189440, 2006-04-07)
mfc_simple\mfc_simple.opt (120832, 2006-04-07)
mfc_simple\mfc_simple.plg (2139, 2006-03-29)
mfc_simple\mfc_simple.vcproj (5154, 2005-05-05)
mfc_simple\mfc_simple_vc80.vcproj (10040, 2005-05-05)
mfc_simple\Release (0, 2006-05-18)
mfc_simple\Resource.h (1311, 2005-05-05)
mfc_simple\SampleH.aps (36776, 2006-03-30)
mfc_simple\SampleH.cpp (4111, 2005-06-06)
mfc_simple\SampleH.h (894, 2005-06-06)
mfc_simple\SampleH.ico (766, 2005-05-05)
mfc_simple\SampleH.rc (15609, 2005-05-05)
mfc_simple\SampleH.rc2 (384, 2005-05-05)
mfc_simple\SampleHDoc.cpp (3962, 2005-05-05)
mfc_simple\SampleHDoc.h (1469, 2005-05-05)
mfc_simple\SampleHDoc.ico (766, 2005-05-05)
mfc_simple\SampleHView.cpp (9714, 2005-06-06)
mfc_simple\SampleHView.h (2740, 2005-05-05)
mfc_simple\StdAfx.cpp (91, 2005-05-05)
mfc_simple\StdAfx.h (500, 2005-05-05)
mfc_simple\Toolbar.bmp (1910, 2005-05-05)

======================================================================== HOOPS Application : "SampleH" Project Overview ======================================================================== HOOPS Appwizard has created this "SampleH" project for you as a starting point. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IMPORTANT NOTES: * To build this project, you need to define HOOPS_INSTALL_DIR environment variable pointing to the directory where HOOPS is installed. For example, if you have HOOPS installed in C:\hoops70 , you should define environment variable HOOPS_INSTALL_DIR = C:\hoops70 * If you are using HOOPS version 7.x or earlier, please ensure that you recompile HOOPS/MFC module using Visual Studio.NET compiler to enable your application link properly. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This is a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your project. SampleH.vcproj This is the main project file for projects generated using an Application Wizard. It contains information about the version of the product that generated the file, and information about the platforms, configurations, and project features selected with the Application Wizard. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


